Name 5 significant items on your desk!!
Many of you have a desk, where you may very well be sitting right now!! Name 5 items on there that are unique to your desk. It can be art, decor, useful items, a very important and unique document, your latest subpoena, a book, diplomas, whatever. Displayed or hidden. Or a bit of both.
When I say significant, I simply mean something more than an ordinary unmodified paperclip or Bic pen, and also something that you intend to keep or has some importance anyway. I don't mean it has to be something of great importance either, although it certainly CAN be!! Unique to you and your desk, put it that way.
Not really a typical is it normal question but I thought everyone might enjoy it, so just comment!!
is it normal to want to know what's on your desks?? lol!!