Nc piss in the right toilet law

So what does everyone think abooot this NC law, if you haven't heard the law is whatever sex is on your birth certificate that's what toilet you gotta use.

What was the Law before???

if I say I'm gay can I piss in the ladies toilet? 2
Support law 13
Appose law 15
so in other states you can use any toilet 0
who cares law won't be policed 6
I don't won't Butch Dykes useing the mens 1
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Comments ( 6 )
  • mysistersshadow

    It will be interesting to see how enforcing it works out. I've seen some pretty butch women and some pretty effeminate men someone is sure going to be embarrassed when they stop them and they are the correct gender for the restroom. And what does it mean anyway are you going to have to carry your birth certificate in NC now just to use a restroom?

    I think the whole binary gender restroom thing is headed towards a blow up in the next 5-10 years any way becos the idea of separate restrooms just doesn't make any sense. Whats the point? So a guy can't try to ogle me in a stall? Ok fine so what about lesbians? Is it ok for them to do it but not straight guys? How is this double standard not hypocritical? The only real viable solution I can see is to make all restrooms single occupancy and thats not going to work at many venues.

    Oh well I'll leave this battle to some one that actually cares. If I end up in NC and get arrested for using the ladies room I'll have a good time suing who ever is responsible for false arrest.

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  • Cheet0

    Please learn to spell..? OPPOSE...

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    • Cheet0

      As well, what about shitting? You are aware that females have a digestive tract too...

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  • VirgilManly

    I say we should abolish public restrooms.

    Just shit in the street.

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  • The_Creep_is_here

    If we all eventually shit and piss in one giant room of toilets, we will all eventually get naked together in the same showers. I see no problem.

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  • Paigiepoo

    -1% of the population being used for the compassionate vote, the seed of compassion being planted for future tax paying fools

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