Need help with gun purchase

Need advice on purchasing the following:
- hand gun for large hands, minimum 9mm
- basic hunting rifle with wood stock

Also need help dealing with dudes in the gun store. I dunno what to ask, I dunno what I'm doing when I'm holding the rifle up to try it out. The older guy's an asshole, first he was asking if my passport was updated and I said I think so, and he replied "You think so, or you know so?" I wasn't even buying a gun, just looking. Secondly, when I raised the hunting rifle he yelled at me for pointing it at one of his employees and told me to get the fuck out of his store. I dunno how I'm supposed to test the rifle without a target. Anyway it's a really hard shopping experience cause you have to ask for specific guns then they watch and judge you.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • KholatKhult

    Go to a gun safety class, you have no clue what you’re doing

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  • Tommythecaty

    To be fair they do have the right to question people they think are idiots, they’re selling firearms.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Ooh yeah I used to work at a gun store we were reminded many times if someone makes you uncomfortable show them the door and write down their information. If you wouldn't trust them at the range next to you do not sell them a gun

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      • Tommythecaty

        Exactly, they think that everyone just gets sold a gun.

        The truth is that whackos get hold of guns through the gun show loophole. It requires shit all to purchase one, including any sort of checks. That’s how the columbine idiots got them.

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        • Lusty-Argonian

          Thats not a real thing. Gun shows require background checks just like the stores do.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Maybe present day, history begs to differ.

            Many whack jobs bought them there with nothing more than Id to prove they’re of age.

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  • techpc

    You can find a nice Nerf gun at Walmart, because that's all you should be allowed to touch.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Even tho I think youre a troll ill give you a little advice incase you really are that dumb with firearms. You never allow a guns barrel to point at anyone no matter if its unloaded or broken. This is because negligent discharges can happen but if you always have good muzzle discipline you wont kill anyone if it does.

    Also just go to a new gun store. Dont deal with gun snobs. They're a cancer for the gun community and make new gun owners feel like criminals. And idk whats up with the passport thing you have to be a US citizen to buy a gun so I dont know why he would ask for a passport. Maybe thats some stupid shit they came up with in california idk.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Your adorable. Let me guess you beilive in the gunshow loophole? Like khult said go take a safety class.

    See there's many types of gun out their. For your handgun requires listed one could easily reccomend over 100 handguns without even trying. So do some research. Take a safety class so you don't injure anyone then go to a range that rents guns ask for one tell them you are new to guns and they'll help you out

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