New partner checks out other women in front of me
And when I say that's disrespectful to me when I'm your new girlfriend he says I'm insecure and that all guys check out asses and boobs in front of their partners it's just a matter of accepting it and not being insecure when he looks while he's with me. But he stares so long and none of my exes ever checked out anyone their eyes were only on me but when I said that he said I'm lying that my exes were all looking at boobs and asses too but they were always looking at me..i never once saw them look elsewhere they all said i was so beautiful and would stare at me constantly. He's flirting with waitresses staring at her butt, looking at boobs of a girl standing near us and smiling and laughing at me when I see him looking like it's a joke and I don't like it..