New pet ideas

I am adopting a new pet can't decide what I want.

Hamster 3
Dog 7
Bearded dragon 2
Cat 5
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Actually my third grade class had a bearded dragon as a class pet named Ben. Look them up they are a cool looking lizard. Also bestiality is gross and wrong.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    A Husky dog! Also how do you feel about birds? Pigeons and chickens make good pets.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Chickens are awesome. So are goats.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        You have a goat? I think they're really cute animals.

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        • nikkiclaire

          I used to when I was younger. They are funny as heck but get up to a lot of mischief.

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    • Sudofato

      Careful with huskys. They are cute as heck and loving, but they are bred to dig and are very well known escape artists. They climb fences, squeeze through anything, and are very difficult to train tricks (or to even come here when called) compared to many other breeds. I love huskys but they take patience.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I know. I used to own a half Husky named Blackie and she was mostly like that.

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    • I had not considered birds... I'll think about that.

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  • manwiththegreengloves

    A cute Corgi dog. And for blueivy238? A male Presa Canario trained to attack and mutilate genitals.

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  • Sudofato

    It depends on your setup (home, yard, work hours, etc) and what you are looking to get out of a pet.

    If you want a pet to take to the park and spend time with in such social situations then a dog is a great choice. Also a bearded dragon is also a great choice as they can just ride on your shoulder or head. Hamsters can do this, but tend to move constantly. It's rare to see someone just walking around with a cat regularly for fun.

    Then there is the price for each pet. I'll list a few items, but most of them are optional. A dog will need some type of cushion to sleep on, toys, flea bath/flea pills (pills are like $40-$50 but last for 3 months. Cats are the same basically. I would recommend some sort of scoop free little box that will automatically scoop the poop into a small container so you can clean it easily. Hamsters need a decent size cage with straw, bedding, and chew items to keep their teeth from getting to long. Bearded dragons might be the most expensive with the tank, heat rock, heat lamps, and food. These bad boys can eat around 100 crickets a week.

    A little research is needed for each type of pet before you pick one out. Like hamsters are nocturnal so sleep during the day and chew on stuff during the night, like hard plastic which can be noisy. Most people who want hamsters go with gerbils because they aren't nocturnal. If you are going with a cat or dog, then choosing the right breed is very important. Most people do not know that huskys are literally bred to dig.

    Because huskys are bred to pull snow sleds in cold weather, they are bred and taught to dig in the snow to keep the cold wind off of them. There are many sites that help pick the right breed, including animal planet's website that has a breed selector.

    As for bearded dragons there is a web site ( that has all the information you would need, including an in-depth article on the cost of keeping a bearded dragon.

    But again, it comes down to what you want out of the pet, and how you want to spend time with the him/her.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


    ive got a whole petshop in myall yard that ill sell yall cheap

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  • chickenshit

    Get a chicken! Nah jokes xD Huskys sounds like a good choice

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