New puppy
i got a puppy yesterday but she isn't acted as i expected her to, she hasn't drank anything so far, she won't eat dry food she didn't cry though her first night and her nose is dry, IIN??
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i got a puppy yesterday but she isn't acted as i expected her to, she hasn't drank anything so far, she won't eat dry food she didn't cry though her first night and her nose is dry, IIN??
Some people should not own living things. Some people can't take care of themselves, let alone an animal.
thanks for ur help, she was 8wks and started to drink water from my hand and now from her bowl
Take her to the vet..Get her checked out..Maybe she is just missing her mom & siblings.. it's normal for a puppy to act like this but I don't know about the dry nose..You should get her checked out ASAP cause there can be something wrong with her and you would wanna get her checked before things get worse..Maybe she has worms.. or parvo...But yeah get her checked ASAP..before it gets worse.
it took my puppy like a week to fully adjust to things like all th rooms and the sounds my house made and everything when they first arrive they are clueless of whats going on
you should try feeding it purely on wet food mixed with goats milk. this worked a treat for our puppies. maybe your puppy wasnt weaned properly, and in which case, you may have to bottle feed it, or sryinge feed it. but my best advice would be to check it into a vets asap. :) goooood luck and get well soon puppy!!
Well, if he came from a Pet Store or random newpaper breeder, this is normal. Not healthy, but normal. Quite sad actually...
It's not normal for a dog, especially a puppy, to act this way. It needs to eat and drink water. Take it to a vet to see what the problem is.
When people get new animals thr animal doesnt know why it was seperated give him somr time ro adjust
Try giving your puppy wet food. It's not always the best but will help give her some moisture (you could also mixthe wetwith her dry food. It helps some dogs eat better). Depending on her age she may have been weaned too early and not ready for dry food.
Also is she still peeing and pooping? If not call the vet ASAP cause she may need fluids. If she is still going potty keep up trying to get her to eat and drink. It. Could be stress (new home/food/people) that's put her eating habits out of whack.
You should look these things up on a veterinary site. I know very little about animals, but there could be a problem; a person with more knowledge could help (also, we don't know the age or breed of your dog at the moment, which probably makes a difference).