New us airforce standards

Just saw on the airforce facebook page they are changing US airforce qualifying tests. You no longer are required to jog. You can now walk. The old qualifying jog was only 1.5 miles.... You are no longer required to do a pushup. You can do pushups on your knees. Cant do sit up? No problem as long as you can do a plank for 10 seconds that good enough. Cant do any of the above? No problem you have a vast selection of tests to choose from.

The one thing the USA still had going for it is we have the baddest military on the planet bar none. But the military is lowering its standards across the board. This is not a good thing in my eyes because it wont stop. The airforce lady on facebook also said "maybe in 2030 we will find we no longer need physical fitness tests. If you have an active lifestyle perhaps that will be enough!"

Earlier this year the army has a new rule they can no longer yell at recruits. I am worried the US military is going too soft.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Yeah if this keeps up we are soooo fucked. The Chinese have got to be having a good laugh.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Its fake news... There has been a timed walking alternative for decades, along with measurements of heart rate and other things at the end - and you have to be in really good shape to pass it. See my posts below - or better yet go to the Airforce Facebook page - find the post - and read the comments about it.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Fake News Alert: The article the OP references is fake news.

    The Air Force did indeed change it standards by eliminating waist measurments and pull ups.

    A good number of Push Ups, Situps, and running 1.5 miles are still required. They also changed the requirements to pass to 5 year age rages from the previous 10 year age range charts.

    Here is the link to the new standards.

    Here is a link to the previous standards that they were using - and the push up, sit up, and running standards have not changed in any substantial way.

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    • This is from the air forces facebook page they clearly said you do not have to jog you can walk. The video below goes over it. I am having trouble finding the non reaction video but this video is of a US marine breaking down that video. You can clearly hear airforce officers in the interview in this video they clearly stated you can walk.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Have you actually read the Facebook page in question and the comments.

        Then you would know that while there is a walk alternative that has existed since at least 1989; and its not so easy to pass. They have to complete the walk in a set amount of time and their heart rate must be elevated.

        Here's a post that explains it well:

        "Each new component has been developed to be an equivalent measure of fitness regardless of methodology. For example, the 1-mile walk alternative is a scientifically-valid estimation of the member’s aerobic capacity (also referred to as VO2 max), which measures fitness and aerobic power. Test scores incorporate time to complete the 1-mile test along with the member’s age, weight, and heart rate at the time of walk completion. Based on the rigorous scoring to pass this test based on age, weight, speed, and heart rate, there is no significant difference of scores between the walk and run tests.

        So the 1 mile walk isn't new... and has given people serious leg issues because of the pace and form required to pass. So has the times changed to make it less destructive on members legs?"

        I've found no information that they have lowered the standards on the walk alternative - and if you are not really in great shape... you will fail it.

        Fake news folks...

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    All this bullshit just makes me want us to go to war so we can get our ass kicked so reality can knock some sense into us.

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    • Hard times create strong men.
      Strong men create good times.

      Good times create weak men.
      Weak men create bad times.

      Its a loop that has gone on for thousands of years.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Well they don’t exactly need to run miles to fly drones, soldiers are close to being a thing of the past....

      Just ask Sarah Connor

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    • LloydAsher

      Thankfully for us our opposition is just as incompetent for standards as we are. Hell even more so in chinas case. Dispite having a man power advantage, the average chinese citizen has very few reasons to actually fight in war.

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