Nightmares from injury?
I recently have been having stress dreams and because I've had my leg sliced open from a yard work accident (a piece of rusted tin tangled in a branch got me.i didn't feel it or even know I was bleeding until I started walking and my gash was jiggling and the blood was cold feeling running down my leg.)I got stuck by a tetanus vaccine and something to numb me while I got twenty two stiches,now I'm not fat but I'm low-key surprised the tin didn't get to any muscle or bone but when it was open (this part trumatized me)the insides of people's body's all bloody look like ground beef and seeing the doctor stick a few needles in there with my leg tingling and feeling him stitch it up makes me never want to clean my yard again.ever since I'll occasionally get a nightmare about this but it's usually a paralysis dream with he doctor looking scary as shit.anyone ever had something similar happen to them?