Nine of my students in my elementary class came out as non binary and

Nine of my students in my elementary class came out as non binary all at once. I don't believe in people having no gender but I don't know what to do here.

They signed a paper and handed it to me asking me to kindly refer to them as non binary they/them or it. They're 6th graders.

What do you think I should do? I don't believe in people having no gender.

In our school the students already signed a petition to have a third bathroom for non binaries and that's being discussed and I thought it would stop there but almost half my class is non binary and I'm a little confused on what to do.

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Comments ( 67 )
  • Tommythecaty

    This is the shit that gender politics has caused, totally fucking up kids brains. It’s become a fad to change genders, not a genuine thing at all.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Meanwhile China is actually doing masculinity classes for boys in grade school. We are gicing our boys estrogen and theyre teaching their boys to be strong. We are screwed.

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      • Tommythecaty

        😏 yeah terrifying....

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          People are so used to the USA being the leaders of the freeworld they forget that one day we might not be and china could be the one with all the influence. They arent gonna rule as friendly as the USA.

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          • Tommythecaty

            I wouldn’t worry too much, we all dealt with the nazis, we can deal with them.

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              The nazis didnt control all our manufacturing and make our medicines. They truly got us by our balls.

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    • 12345678912

      This Is really weak trolling . Even an imaginary school teacher should be able to do better;)

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      • Tommythecaty

        Trolling is funny.

        I see nothing funny about my statement.

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  • Asstastics

    If I were in sixth grade, I would sign on as non-binary so I could go in the third bathroom and smoke a joint.

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's a lot for one class, they're probably doing it, because they think it's cool.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Hand them a signed paper requesting that you be referred to as "Your Royal Highness".

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  • KholatKhult

    They’re kids, they’re probably going to do 5 more petitions that involve getting a dragon as a class pet and Icecream Sunday’s on Mondays. 3 more are going to identify as Spider-Man

    Just let them figure things out, it ain’t harming anyone

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Just call them they/them. Even if you don’t understand being non-binary using they/them is hardly a Herculean task and if you don’t like the idea of a gender neutral bathroom just don’t use it. Take a breath and ask yourself if this harmless stuff is really worth getting enraged over because personally I really don’t think it is.

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    • People not nudging back on this nonsense is exactly why the nonsense of the OP has happened.

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      • The nonsense of having gender neutral bathrooms and inclusive pronouns? What's next - you're going to have to get a life and find something else to complain about?

        PS - the shit in op's post probably didn't even happen, and if it did, it probably didn't happen the way they say it did.

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        • Yes, absolutely. You got a problem with that then you can suck a throbbing cock. If you like the idea of children being groomed then that's on you but the rest of us would prefer piece of shit groomers like you to be thrown into the wood chipper.

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          • SkullsNRoses

            Who said anything about children being groomed? How is using a child’s preferred pronouns in any way enabling child sexual abuse?

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            • Who do you think brainwashed them into thinking that's normal? By adults, adults grooming children into identities purely to validate their ideological world view at the expense of those children.

              Grooming doesnt have to be sexual. They're child groomers.

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        • 12345678912

          The troll (or their imaginary students) made a mistake by saying "they/them or it" , not even an imaginary 6th grade non-binary student would see 'it' as a preferred pronoun

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      • 12345678912

        The troll (or their imaginary students) made a mistake by saying "they/them or it" , not even an imaginary 6th grade non-binary student would see 'it' as a preferred pronoun

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I find it hard to believe all these children all over the country suddenly are having a gender crisis at the same time. This has been pushed onto them by popular trends and celebrities.
      In 30 years they're gonna be running this country and if the boys cant even handle being called sir we are in big trouble.

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    • 12345678912


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  • allialli

    heres your solution: leave them the fuck alone and mind your own business.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      They kinda made it his business when they handed him the paper with their request.

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      • allialli

        no, they didn’t make it anyone’s business. all they did is say “hey, can you respect me?”
        if that bothers you then maybe they’re not the problem.

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          Yeah they pretty much made it his business. You can live in denial all you want along with they/them.

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          • allialli

            no. it is NOT HARD to respect someones wishes and address them how they want to be addressed. it’s not his business because it’s not his body, and he has ZERO input in what pronouns they can use, and neither do you. like i said before, mind your own fucking business.

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  • bigbudchonger

    That's fucked up, man. Welcome to the new world.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Just call them they/them, what does it matter? I don't believe they are all non-binary tbh, most of them are probably just doing it to fit in with the others, but so what? It isn't harming them. They'll figure it all out when they're older.

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  • jrbsportz

    Bunch of shit!!! How in the hell that a six grader worry about what fucking gender they are?? Either you a boy or girl. boys go to boys bathroom and girls go to a girl's bathroom that's it. There's no fucking way 6th graders know any difference unless they have gay parents!!!, just saying from hard rock dude

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    • charli.m

      Why are you getting hard thinking about children going to the bathroom?

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Its his signature.

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        • charli.m

          I know, but he managed to knock it off for a while...then chooses to revive it on a post about children.

          So he deserves to be shat on. More than usual, that is.

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          • Curiouskitten444

            Yeah poor choice of post to use the signature but i like usually like the signature, gives me a good laugh so i was sad when he stopped.

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            • charli.m

              Fair enough.

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      • jrbsportz

        Well IT?? get your head out your ass for thinking like that you freaking idiot!

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        • charli.m

          You're the moronic pervert, genius.

          You chose to write that. If you can't handle the consequences, that's a you problem.

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          • jrbsportz

            What the heck you talking about dude get your mine out the gutter ain't no pervert you idiot I like hard rock music you fucking asshole!!! You get it now shit head!!!!

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            • charli.m

              You realise people can see your other comments, right?

              Do you legitimately have brain damage?

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    • chiisana_izumi

      you need to get a grip and come to terms with the fact that things have changed over time.

      also when's the last time you've talked to a sixth grader? don't underestimate kids just because you didn't know shit when you were a kid.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    When I was growing up there was only 2 gay dudes in my highschool and 0 transkids. My sister is a teacher and she said theres like 15 trans kids in that same school today. I think they're putting frogs in the water that make the kids gay or whatever

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    • Easy access to instant value through gender identity.
      Youths trying to find their identity to be valued.
      = This obvious bullshit.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        It can be like a cult. Some of them I'm sure are legit and would have been cross dressers or something if the trend never came. But when you talk to some of these trans people you can tell instantly that there's some mental issues going on and they found companionship in their LGBT club. If they didnt join the club they'd just be the nerdy kids in class that no one spoke too. It seems like its a good outlet for a damaged kid like that to join the trans club and become popular and celebrated

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    I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for 500.

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  • darefu

    Just learn to call them by their name, I wouldn't play their game. If their parents are aware they're probably just waiting on a reason to get the media and some lawyer involved.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Its common for sexual maturity to start by the 6th grade - and sexual identity is not a dot on the sexual identity map - its an area (often with lobes or fingers). Some experimentation with the boundaries of a person's area are normal.

    I'd say what it means is that these growing/maturing children are at the stage where they are unsure... and identifying themselves as "non-binary" is a safe place for them to be while they figure it out.

    As far as what are they really and your belief's. The psychologist have known for decades that there are people in between. When my wife and I was going through marriage sexuality counseling we got introduced to the following chart (which is a simplistic 2 dimensional view looking at a globe of human sexuality). I'm going to dry to draw this here and hope it works: Vertical and Horizontal axis - I need to add dots to make it work.


    (This app squished this horizontally - it should be a square)

    Some people are clearly heterosexual and other homosexual (and there are actually measurable brain differences between the extremes). But, a fair amount of people actually are towards the middle of that - and clearly at least experiment before settling on what they want.

    At the same time: Some people are solid hard wired Monogamist, who cannot conceive of having more than one sexual partner (and to force it would cause mental distress if not harm). Others are clearly Polygamist who need to live with multiple partners to function best. Again, there are a fair amount of people towards the middle of this (I'm personally hard heterosexual and just past the polygamish towards polygamist - where I naturally think in plurals and function best with multiple partners; but, don't need to live with them).

    This chart explained to both me and my wife our "difficulties" as our area blobs of personal sexuality comfort are centered in different places on this chart (with an overlap between the two areas). Knowing who we each are sexually allowed us to adjust and live with the other (instead of getting a divorce).

    Most people's sexuality area is an oblong blob squished circle(with bulges) that covers circular area about 1/4 of the height and width of a square version of this chart (just squish a circle into an oblong and add a few extended blob fingers). A few people have smaller areas than that, a few larger.

    The sex therapist, and the literature I read at the major research universities on human sexuality all indicate that while Hetrosexulity is far more common than Homosexuality. That most "Monagamist" beliefs are in fact culturally taught and people who grow up without that culture tend to naturally fall between the Monagamish and Polygamish lines. Yes there are some pure Monagamist, and there are some pure Polyagamist. But, that's not where most people naturally go if not taught religious beliefs about what is so called "right."

    I hope this chart and the personal sexual interest area concept helps you understand the most common types of human sexuality.

    Note: I understand that chart is at least several decades old.

    Edited to add (after fixing the chart): A persons personal belief about sexuality does not change the facts about what the researchers have found about natural sexuality.

    You are also free in believing that gravity does not exist and walk off a tall building.

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    • Clunk42

      "Non-binary" is considered a gender, not a sexuality, so your chart is kind of irrelevant. There are transgenders, who believe they are a gender that they aren't, and then there are non-binaries, who believe they are a gender that doesn't exist.

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      • olderdude-xx

        You are correct. I misinterpreted the question (I'm not the best today). Although part of my answer about how younger people of this age may be sorting things out is true.

        However, there is a similar chart related to genders... I don't have it handy because it did not apply to me or my wife. I do recall seeing it (for 6 months my wife and I read a lot of information on both genders and sexuality - most on sexuality), most of it from research papers or books on the subject by many decade long experts in the field.

        Anytime someone tells me that they believe that there are only 2 genders... I shiver. In the mid 1960's I was taught about hermaphrodites at I believe the 7th grade level; and that there was a range between pure male and pure female. That was standard science information in Jr high level textbooks back then.

        Why don't people realize it now?

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        • Clunk42

          Hermaphrodites still have one gender, though. They have extra chromosomes, so by that definition they might not, but they still resemble and function as one gender more than they do the other, resulting in them being considered to be one of the genders (whichever is more applicable). Also, trans people are not hermaphrodites, and non-binary has nothing to do with hermaphrodites either.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Stay away from those kids. They will always be unhappy and find some grievance or another to complain about.

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  • Rocketrain

    Kids influence by their surrounding. And adults have the responsibility to make a better environment. Who to blame?. Us ofc. If we happened to grow up ok, our adults have the credits. Because they created a healthy atmosphere for us, if kids are talking, acting and doing stuff that we are confuse of now days, it's our own failure. We have created a shitty world.
    Go to discord if you have. See how men is proud to to be called sissies in those chanels. And that's just a one. Two years of pandemic and digital society. What else we can expect.

    It's not their fault. We need to be aware what kinda environment they are living in, we have to take actions.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Theres no way in hell id ever let my elementary age child get involved in that gender pronoun bullshit If he brought that bullshit home id take him out of that school that day and move to a different school zone or put him in private school. You gotta really be involved in your kids schooling now you dont want to have some trendy teachers explaining to them they might feel like the other gender and indoctrinate them into pointless bullshit that is just gonna hurt them in life.

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  • thepuppet

    idk sounds like you should bring it to the upper level authorities

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  • thepuppet

    idk sounds like you should bring it to the upper level authorities

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  • raisinbran

    Were they all girls? Kids that age are very group-oriented and will mimic the others. I would add some critical thinking lessons to your curriculum.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Especially the kids that dont fit in and get bullied. Then they realize they can join a cult and if they become trans theyre celebrated as being brave and awesome by the whole group.

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  • Yup. Who'd of thought that when you make something as fuckin' useless and unimportant as your gender an easy means to instant value that kids trying to find their identity would opt to that method of instant value to gain an easy to obtain sense of importance?

    Nothing you can do about it, bud. I'd anonymously inform their parents. Dont refer to them by their pronouns at all, simply refer to them by their names.

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  • BleedingPain

    Kids need to explore themselves. Maybe allowing a child to have gender changing surgery is a bit much, but letting them figure out who they Identify as as a person is important for their growth. Tweens and teens typically follow trends like the weather, so I wouldnt be too concerned right now.

    That being said, the school probably has protocol for this and you should inquire the proper channels before anything else.

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  • RoyyRogers

    You really want to bw fired dont you? Just call the children Them. Its likw asking to bw called terry and not terrisa

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  • allialli

    no, it’s not messed up at all. it’s just a couple of kids figuring things out and experimenting with different identities, it isn’t harming you, OP, or anyone at all. YOU get a clue, and educate yourself. be better.

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