Nipple stimulation makes me feel nauseous
i've met a bunch of other women who are really into nipple stimulation and i don't get it at all because it makes me feel genuinely sick to my stomach. you know that feeling you get when you're just about to throw up? nausea, a cold chill, the 'oh fuck i'm about to puke' moment? that's exactly what it feels like. and it sucks because i /want/ to be into it since it'd probably make sex more enjoyable, but i'm just not.
and on top of all that, what am i meant to do if i decide to have kids? i'm very pro-breastfeeding (my older sister was the only one out of me and my siblings who wasn't breastfed and she's the only one who's constantly ill) but the thought of suction on my nipple makes me queasy.