No food is bad for you

You’re just a fat fucking slob who can’t control yourself, or eat in moderation. So you (and the media) have to blame factors outside of yourself as the devil: fast food, sugar, alcohol, fat, saturated fat, GMO, gluten, whole milk, chemicals, fried food, et cetera.

Nope, it’s just fucking YOU. Grow a pair and admit it. And for the women, who are fat, you look ESPECIALLY disgusting, and nice way to kill all of your femininity. Keep encouraging each other that big is beautiful and looking like shit.

Agree 15
Disagree 16
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Comments ( 53 )
  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    OP should try to subsist on a diet of 2000 calories of nothing but seaweed every day to test this theory that all food is equal in terms of nutritional value, so long as it's eaten in moderation

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  • Tommythecaty

    Op not a nutritionist, or capable of rational thought.

    Completely normal for an op on iin.

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    • dirtybirdy

      Right on, kitten!

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      • Tommythecaty

        What up birdy 😁

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  • bbrown95

    While I agree with the fact that you don't necessarily have to eliminate entire food groups or foods (barring allergies or certain health conditions), there are definitely foods that are much worse for your body than others. Eating them in moderation is totally fine, but with some foods, that would mean eating very little of them or eating them very rarely. All foods are definitely not created equal.

    The problem with a lot of these foods, as Ligeia mentioned, is that they are very addictive and many people do have trouble with moderating them due to this. Many people also have trouble self-governing in general, so having the discipline to control their portions or make an indulgent comfort food an occasional treat rather than a regular thing is a big issue.

    I also think many of the "convenience" foods and fast foods that are loaded with sodium and/or sugar do not help matters any re: obesity. Will one of these every once in awhile make you blow up like a balloon or instantly create health issues in an otherwise healthy individual? No, but it's hard to moderate sodium and/or sugar while eating these (unless it is a once in a while treat, but is still an overload for the day and makes you feel like crap), as they normally have a large amount in the first place. It isn't uncommon for one fast food meal to have more than the recommended amount of sodium for the entire day.

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    • Gambler

      I can’t think of any food like that. You could eat ice cream and fried chicken everyday as long as you’re exercising as well as you’re eating.

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      • bbrown95

        You can, but that doesn't make it necessarily healthy, and definitely not as much so as eating healthier foods on the regular and saving the ones you mentioned for occasional treats. Fried chicken and ice cream simply don't have the same nutritional value as healthier foods.

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  • ospry

    I've got a feeling OP is one of those "slim-obese" people who weighs 260 pounds but because they can still barely squeeze themselves into a 2XL shirt they insist that they're in shape. The "ESPECIALLY disgusting" women OP is referring to are most likely women who have any semblance of a belly when bending over or sitting down

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    • Gambler

      BMI of 20, eat fast food everyday and never cared more than the pretty basic principle of “let’s not go a couple thousand calories over the recommended today”.

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      • normal-rebellious

        I think you should live on 1,300 calories, not two thousand, I'm not making this up, my calorie app says that's approximately the aim of my diet, although it gives the exact calories. There's already 60 calories in a teaspoon of sugar, that's a lot of calories, it's not as "lite" as people think, they think if it's just 60 calories it's low calorie, not if it's a teaspoon of sugar, you don't need that many calories unless you're on a 2,700 calorie diet.

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        • ospry

          I did that once. I capped myself at a maximum of 1500 calories a day for about a year. I lost like 40 pounds but damn, I never want to do that again. All day every day the thought of how much longer I had to wait until my next meal was always in the back of mind. Food occupied like 70% of all my thoughts

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          • normal-rebellious

            What don't you wanna do again, drop 40 pounds? That's understandable. Since I'm the kind of man who's like the kind who types on Word app on my mobile phone, I need a healthy lunch of brown rice and quinoa with tuna, plus I need a cupful of real coffee, problem is my phone's power keeps reducing and it's not charging properly. Nothing exists, less can't possibly exist, I'm a man of more.

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          • LloydAsher

            I managed to acomplish that calorie threshold mainly by restricting eating to one meal a day. And also to not to squirrel away food in my truck. (Water and mio were exceptions) sometimes I got unlucky and I had no food that day due to not being parked at a place with food. Which may or may not have been constructive but regardless I've been slowly losing weight.

            It's both a hindrance and a boon to be trapped in your truck for a week at a time. Obvious downside is that you have to buy overpriced foods at truck stops. Benefit I cant impulse buy food. Except kwiktrip, which is the bane to my willpower.

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            • Clunk42

              I've been eating one meal a day ever since the start of Covid, because of at-home stuff (if you've got to be on your computer all day, why bother even getting up to eat?). The one meal a day habit has since stuck, and it certainly does result in a loss of weight.

              So, ironically, while many can claim that they did so little during Covid that they gained weight, I can say that I did so little during Covid that I lost weight.

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      • ospry

        That's a totally valid point and I agree with you on that. I guess I got hung up on the title of the post, because what you just said is a far cry from claiming that no food is bad for you. I also didn't actually think you're an overly judgmental obese dude, I was just adding absurdity to what I found to be an absurd post

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    People with celiac disease literally can't eat gluten but thank you Dr. RandomPersonOnInternet

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  • Ligeia

    Some of those foods you mentioned are literally manufactured to be addictive. Food addiction exists. That can be a cause — NOT an excuse — for obesity. And yes we should be encouraging people to eliminate certain types of food from the diet if those are the foods contributing to that individual's overeating

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    • olderdude-xx

      I found I was addicted to food in college when I ran out of money to buy it.

      I also found the food addiction is normal - you need to eat food to stay alive.

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      • Ligeia

        Yeah, but it becomes a problem in modern times when any food you want is immediately available causing overeating.

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        • olderdude-xx

          Availability is not the issue - and by itself does not cause overeating. Otherwise virtually all people in the modern world would be noticeably overweight (regardless of country).

          Lack of self control and appropriate physical exercise is what causes overeating.

          I could buy and eat Hostess Twinkies and all kinds of other high calorie scant nutritious "food". But I don't and have never done so. It's readily available and I have had the money to buy it most of my life. All it takes is some self discipline.

          Of course, eating a properly nutritious diet that actually fills you up and gives you energy is a huge plus. You don't crave "junk food."

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          • Ligeia

            Nah, it's true that availability creates an obesity problem (on a societal, not necessarily individual level). That being said, the pros of food availability outweigh the cons

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    • Gambler

      Food addiction. Please.

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      • Ligeia

        LOL the Chik fil A eater is behind this post?!
        Food addiction is a thing. Your skinnyfat ass is probably reliant on sugar or carbs to some capacity. Cut to 5% bodyfat and then come back and tell me food addiction/psychological dependence on food isn't real.

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        • Gambler

          Of course there’s gonna be “food addiction/psychological dependence” if I starve myself. People who are overeating shouldn’t have this problem, stupid.

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          • Ligeia

            OK? You can say that to the neurologists who have documented food addiction in obese people.
            You are right in a sense — all obese people need to do to lose weight is to stop overeating. But that begs the obvious question, stop overeating WHAT? What is the problem? Well duh, what about the food that promotes overeating — food that is unsatisfying and causes blood sugar to spike.
            But you couldn't even think that far because you have some weird superiority complex about being slightly less fat than the average amerifat, which is why you made this thinly veiled post mocking obese people. You don't really care about presenting solutions that would help their condition.
            It's pathetic. No one finds an untoned BMI 20 body "OmG GoAlZ." Work on yourself.

            Edit: 5% bodyfat I meant eating an adequate amount and converting it to muscle not anorexia..

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            • Gambler

              I am presenting a solution. People have created the narrative that weight loss requires great discipline, reading every ingredient label, running marathons, spending half your paycheck on healthy alternatives, et cetera. This narrative and the coddling cocksucking science of food addiction makes it look like weight loss is unattainable. Which it isn’t. I’m making it pretty clear that it’s easy and simple. That’s more than you or any social scientist has ever done.

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  • Tinybird

    Well maybe I don't find fat MEN attractive

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  • dirtybirdy


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  • Holzman_67

    What other people eat and how they manage their self image is nothing to do with me, I can’t get onboard with the outrage, disgust or contempt towards that

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  • olderdude-xx

    The problem is that much of what is considered food these days is in reality a "food like substance" that contains all kinds of gunk not in real food.

    People where much healthier when they started with meat, vegetables, various fats with a few spices and prepared their meals at home or in a restaurant.

    Of course, such food does not keep well and is not suitable for packing and distributing to stores such that its actually consumed a month or more after it being prepared.

    You want to eat healthy. 1st thing is to virtually eliminate all the modern food-like items (or modified foods) sold in the grocery store. Just buy basic commodities and cook from scratch.

    Also Ice Cream consist of real dairy milk/cream/butter, sugar (or maple syrup) and may have salt and a flavoring (real vanilla is an example). Everything else is a cheaper substitute that rarely is healthy for you. You can find real ice cream - but its expensive compared to the food-like version with 6-15 different non-food ingredients in them. Note there is no natural corn syrup. Corn syrup is a totally man-made substance that the body does not handle well.

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  • Somenormie

    Yes, some food are bad for you.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Saturated fat is very good for you. If you quit listening to the "experts" and cut out all carbs you'll be shocked by how much weight you lose even if you eat the same calories. People are fat because they eat so much carbs like bread and cokes and even fruits. Carbs break down in the body just like sugar and sugar is also converted into LDL cholesterol.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    According to some of my nosy coworkers everything is bad for you. If You're eating in the breakroom, they'll plop next to you and blabber on about how what you're eating is bad and what substitute you can eat instead. A cheeseburger? Bad. Eat a veggie burger. Chocolate milk? Bad. Drink rice milk instead. Chocolate pudding? Bad. Eat oats instead.
    Damn, I hate them all. I don't even eat in the breakroom half the time anymore.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      pull out some pork rinds and twinkies and eat em while starin them fuckers down

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        A porkrind Twinkie sandwich sounds funny. XD

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  • Wow3986

    So basically, you're a hateful prejudiced fatphobe?

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    Agreed; it's probably perfectly fine to drink or even heavily consume so-called, oh-so-dangerous "chemicals" (just a fake synonym for "snack" that the government and fat people made up to keep us away from the good shit). They took the word from "chemistry" in the 1500s and we all know chemistry is really just a form of black magic, the _worst_ kind of magic.

    We should both start drinking bleach. I bet it just kills harmful parasites, if any fucking thing. Do your own research, sheeple.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Who hurt you?

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  • Voray

    This is why I eat nothing but shrooms all day. Mushrooms are food after all.

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  • LloydAsher

    I mean hes right. No food unless inedible is completely bad.

    Moderation that's what peoples problem are.

    I've taken steps to decrease my gluttony. Got those boxes with single servings of chips. I dont trust myself to open a big bag of chips to not eat the entire thing.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I agree, it's not the food, it's you, you can eat junk food if you want, but you should also eat healthy food, not to lose weight but to live longer, besides that my stomach's small, I can't fit that much food in it, my stomach would burst then I would have to go to the hospital, this never happened but the insides burst in people, the outside doesn't burst, what do you think happens when a goose overeats? It will hurt in the long run.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Is this Hansberger?

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    • Gambler


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  • litelander8

    Lol. I’m definitely telling people the devil made fat from now on.

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  • darefu

    If you have a few extra pounds they may think they are being helpful, (surprise, people you're not helping).

    Perfect answer for people like that. Just tell them what you eat doesn't matter, because as soon as you're done eating you are going in the bathroom, stick your finger down your throat and throw it all back up anyway. So FO!

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