No hobbies :(
Is it normal that I have no hobbies, other than reading once in a while and visiting friends?
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Is it normal that I have no hobbies, other than reading once in a while and visiting friends?
I have no hobbies. I am uncoordinated and I don't have any talents, I would be the last person picked on a team, but I still play. I just hangout with friends and try to have fun. I think it's normal for myself, yet I don't know if I'm normal.
Those sound like hobbies! If you want to try to find more hobbies, explore your bedroom for the stuff you forgot about, clean the house, (your parents would appriciate that) hang out with friends more often, learn a language or an insterment. There are many hobbies you can choose from. Try lots of different things to see what you're good at! There are endless possibilities! I hope this helps:)
Thank you, you are so right, it feels so great to have friends who draw you into their fun activities! I will start to get in touch with people who fit me. Thanks! :)
It's nomal.Maybe you have not found a thing to make you happy.Try to make more friends, believe me, they can bring a lot of funny things to you. And your life will become more and more wonderful.
people who have hobbies do them because they enjoy doing them. hobbies are a great way to fill in extra time if you aren't the type to do nothing. they are also great stress relievers. hobbies also bring a feeling of accomplishment.
some people don't have hobbies, but enjoy sports, such as bowling, tennis, fishing, etc.
you are normal, but if you find yourself feeling bored, maybe you should check out all the different hobbies out there and see if you'd like to try one of them.