No homo but
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Gays emmit microscopoc happy hormones known as fabulons from their skin which help attract other gay men. This phenomenon is known as "gaydar".
Sometimes when these fabulons come into contact with a straight man or woman's body, they cause a feeling of relief, ecstacy, and joy and sometimes even hallucinations. This occurence has prompted a new and controversial drug epidemic where young boys and girls will hug and or even kiss on the cheek a young gay man to get high from their fabulons. This drug use is called "pink fuzz" or "smoking a fag" and was first popularized by young high school girls although it is now believed that this act was first discovered in biblical times where homosexual ussage was so bad, that god prompted an immediate wolrdwide ban of homosexuals. But usage of homosexuals is still greater among young school girls and can be seen in Justin Beiber concerts where hundreds of yound addicts scream and shout just to get a fix. A true oddity, Justin Beiber's homosexual little prepubecent body emmits three times the normal amounts of fabulons causing young addicts everywhere to go crazy.
In five states homosexual ussage is illegal and possesion of a homosexual may be punishable by up to five years in prison.
It is now known, however that when a homosexual man finds a permanent mate their bodies stop emmiting fabulons having no more need to attact more partners. It is this action that has caused an outrage over gay marriage. Many religeous groups, especially Christians, use homosexuals in religeous practices and for spiritual quests. They are strictly opposed to gay marriage for fear that if gays marry, than the available fabulons will greatly diminish leading to higher prices of homosexuals and homosexual contraband.
The memmoirs of an ellicit user of homosexuals can be read in the best seller, A Million Little Fabulons.
How did it make your day? Did certain body parts get effected by this hug?
Maybe you were just happy to see a nice, happy person for once. Nothing wrong with that. It sounds like a nice change from everyones constant whining.
Wait... did he 'hug' or 'huge' you? cuz if a gay guy huges you, well, i dont even know what that is.
A homeless man hugged me also, we later met up in the ally and he started screaming at me for some dope. It did not make my day, never hug homeless people or they will get you.
Maybe you're bisexual like me. That's perfectly fine. Maybe you're glad that you have the support of your friends.
It doesn't matter if he is gay or not-just accept the love. It's a wonderful thing to be loved no matter who it comes from!!!!!
That's perfectly fine who cares about their sexual orientation everybody loves a good loving warm hug
It's just the concept of being hugged. It has nothing to do with the sexuality of the hugger/huggee. In my rather large circle of friends, we hug each other a lot, no matter who it is, and there's everything from straight to gay/lesbian to bisexual to asexual... you name it.
Some days I wish people would hug me, and when they do it cheers me up so much!
mabie you liked it because huggs transfer warmth and love like friendship
Of course that's not gay. Do you think it's sexual to hug women? Sometimes, yes, but usually, it's quite acceptable.
I think it's sweet that you are open enough to be happy to get a hug from someone, even if they are gay. :)
Haha, maybe he's a good hugger? ;]
I wouldn't ponder it too much. You could get this worry about being gay instilled in your head and that could really mess up your me..
Awwww, hahahaha thats the cutest thing i eva heard.
it also made me laugh so hard when i first read it lol.
Depends if you like guys, or not.. if some one hugs me, it doesnt matter, if i know them, itll still cheer me up.
Hugs are just a sign of affection. Hugs are enjoyable, that's why you liked it.
awwww hun, you just needed a hug from someone, no matter guy or girl! ;)
Idk why but when I read that I pictured Scott pilgrim's face when he hugs envy.
There's a bisexual guy at my school, and he did this same thing to me. I really hate it when people make fun of him, though, because he's really nice. So yeah.
yea its normal gay people are awesome to be friends with but for me its awkward to be around lesbians because im a girl if i ever got hit on by a girl id freak out
cool, i like chicks and some straight chicks come and hug me out of... please to see you, or friendship i guess. i'm like, ok. but nothing there. even gay chicks hug me too sometimes, and it's the same thing.
"I wouldn't ponder it too much. You could get this worry about being gay instilled in your head and that could really mess up your me.."
True that.
everybody loves hugs but lil kids r spoiled wit love thats y they always happy and annoying.
so....u a guy too?
then maybe, ur starting to like guys too!
lol. welcome to the gay world.
i'm not gay though, coz imma girl.
if u really that ur not a homo,so maybe its the feeling of being comfortable
and peace..
Yes dude! Hugs are the shizzzzzz! Hahaha I love hugs. I think in American society we refrain from touching. Nothing cheers me up more than a hug!
If you consider him as your friend, and your friend gives you a hug when you need one, then obviously it will make your day. So yes, I think its normal.. it doesn't even matter if he was gay or not. IMO.
If a gay guy told me I was attractive, it would be just as much of a compliment as if a girl told me I was attractive. I actually am quite repulsed by the idea of homosexuality, but is a valid orientation with valid views and is certainly worthy of recognition as such.
I think it is completely normal! I'm glad your comfortable with gays because I know far too many people who think we all live in the middle-ages or something.
Liking a hug does not mean your sexually attracted to the person you hugged. Or else a lot of people are in trouble ;) You probably just like the feeling of being appreciated!
Also, this IIN post made my day :D
All the way normal cuz hunny i b feel n da same way plus gay guys r like my bfs so i would have been the same way.
*gay guys rule*
You got huged!?! I wish I could get huged. How big did you get, exactly? And how exactly did he "huge" you? I wouldn't mind growing a few extra feet, I'm pretty short for me age.
Dude, I lol'd for real. I don't see how that's weird, whether you're gay or not. I like getting hugs from anyone just like most people do, hugs from girls, guys, family whatever. Especially if they're a close friend or family member and you've had a bad day, it's especially reasuring and comforting.
its likely just a uplifting "im appreiciated" hug. I hug other guys all the time. one of my friends is petrified people will think hes gay and wont let me.
Trust me, its just good to know somebody appreciates you, same as being hugged by a girl who isnt your GF
***this bits just gossip*
one of... well hes a tag along says hes gay but clearly knows nothing about homosexuality as he thinks any man contact is gay.
Spread to word, hes "dating" somebody 4 years older, meaning they're on the other end of the peadophilia line, and the other guy is clearly a peado or as he managed to convince my tagalong to say, an "open relationship"
LOL, hes using him for sex =)
Well, enjoying a hug is normal, and even being bi-curious is normal. Your typing however....
You probably just needed a hug, I hug straight guys all the time and none of them care. They all know that I'm just being a friendly person and I like to give hugs.
They are so affectionate and happy! It's hard to not be happy when a gay guy hugs you :)
Maybe it wasn't they gay guy that made ur day maybe it was just the warm hug that made u feel good?
Please go pee in a bush and not on someones leg! WHY WOULD NO ONE SAY FLARP IN A COMMENT OF CLOCK!
you are gay little fucking prick, just kiss the fucken guy already dont deny you're a homo you are one.
This world is getting disastrous gay men??