No one should hate any religion if it doesnt harm others

I see all kinds of folks saying they hate Christians and other religions. Don't blame the religion, it's the people who practice it that are to blame. More people misinterpret religious traditions and twist it to fit their POLITICAL beliefs. Its all about power, greed, and control. Any religion that enforces these tactics are not religions they are a smoke and mirror cover for politics.

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57% Normal
Based on 14 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • deepdankstickygoo

    I just hate it when non religious people or atheists completely berate and harass people who practice religion. I am not religious what so ever but i think a lot of atheists are just as pompous and preachy as some of the most hardcore christians. It is fucking annoying and they just come off as close minded assholes who feel the need to always be right, even if it alienates them and hurts other people in the process. No different than preachy christians. Both are assholes. #lordxenu #richardgere #yolo

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    • HentaiNat

      You probably see nihilists.

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  • Steve2.00

    Most religions DO harm others, that's the problem! Fools who blindly follow a set of absurd fantasies and are completely ignorant to fact have caused more destruction that WW1 and WW2, the Nazis, the Soviets and every natural disaster in human history combined!

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  • HentaiNat

    There are people called "nihilists", I, myself am one, a nihilist is someone who thinks religion has no worth, in my case I am someone who likes to fight linguistically, and add the fact that religion is somewhat funny.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Religion is the greatest sin of mankind. It harms the believers by allowing them to exist without taking responsibility for their actions, and it harms nonbelievers by excluding them from the good will of those who believe. It has been used and still is the most extensive form of bigotry and prejudice in human history.
    Every religion seeks to conscript nonbelievers because they believe theirs is the only true path to enlightenment.
    The very idea of religion is the purest form of evil in existence today.

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