Non-americans. would you consider moving to america?
Would you ever consider moving to the United States?
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Would you ever consider moving to the United States?
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Nah | 19 |
I loved the states and years ago would have jumped at the chance, and I agree it's better than a lot of other countries.
However I see things too divided in the US now and I really believe there is a major change coming. I think the USA as we have known it, has just about run its course.
With the censorship and current stuff going on, along with the number of people especially under 30 that believe a socialist government or country is better, I just think there's another 20 years of chaos to ride out.
I'll stay where things may not be as great as the US was, but at least we are no longer trying to destroy ourselves from with in.
I couldn’t agree more with the way the US is headed. I’m scared to put my kids in public schools.
I wish I had learned to speak Spanish. I took a college Spanish course back in the Spring of 2017, but I didn't do that well. The textbook was online, and a lot of the homework as well. It's kind of embarrassing, but I had a hard time following it, and I even ended up buying an actual book online, but by the time I recieved my book I had already fallen behind. Honestly, I think it's easier to learn a foriegn language when one is younger. 😔
I took two years of German in high school, and had a much easier time, but I probably should have studied harder to try to make better grades then.
I think it would be great if kids here in the United States would learn Spanish at a very basic level in elementary school, and then just continue throughout middle, and high school. Then have an option to study another foriegn language as they got older. I would probably want to study German again though. I honestly wish I could speak both Spanish, and German.
Sorry about the momentary rant about my lack of education.
It is easier imo to learn other languages when you are young. Having German, Scottish, and USA, roots, and travels living in different countries helps a lot.
I do find that if you don't use them you lose a lot of if fairly quick. You really have to think and half the time it comes out somewhat mixed between languages.
Spanish is almost kind of a second for me I was raised in a household that dad thought English was the way of the world and didn't want us using any other unless it was for school. Mom thought we should learn to speak any and all languages we could especially if you live there or it's was part of our family heritage.
I'm completely horrified, but sadly not as surprised as I used to be upon hearing of such things. I will say, however, that I thought you were perhaps in Germany, or France. I don't think people whose religion, and culture is incompatible with Western religion, and culture should come to the West!
I suspect the rapists SaddleGoose refers to were gangs of Muslim men - mostly Pakistani - who groomed and then raped primarily white school girls (some as young as eleven) over a lengthy period from at least the 1990s. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile trials in a number of UK cities and quite a few men have been convicted and given lengthy prison sentences.
When all this finally came to light, it was discovered that the police and social services had been aware of reports of this happening for some time, but nothing much was done. It is true that one of the excuses for their inaction used by the police and child protection was that they were afraid of being accused of racism; I'm willing to believe there may have been an element of that. But I'm convinced that the lack of action was more due to the fact that the girls themselves were very reluctant to talk about what was going on, and the police simply didn't consider the alleged sexual offences to be all that serious. Probably the most significant factor was that the girls virtually all came from impoverished communities where many people lived on benefits. There was an attitude in the police that this was just the normal sort of thing that girls from that social class got up to, and there wasn't much anyone could do about it.
British nationalists, racists, Islamophobes and neo-fascists have seized on the fact that dark-skinned Muslim men got away with raping under-aged white girls for years as proof that Britain is turning into a dystopian nightmare where "real" Brits (i.e. white Christians whose families have lived here for generations) are victimised and being overrun by those from recently-immigrated communities with the support of an oppressive, politically-correct government.
It's simply not true, but as in the USA, the political right in the UK cherishes the belief that they're victims.
As for freedom of speech in the UK, it is true that the Public Order Act of 1986 makes it an offence for a person to use “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour that causes, or is likely to cause, another person harassment, alarm or distress”. This law has been revised over the years to include language that is deemed to incite “racial and religious hatred”, as well as “hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation” and language that “encourages terrorism”.
So, yeah, it's possible that SaddleGoose might be arrested if he and a gang of his skinhead buddies went to a Pride march and started waving fake Molotov cocktails and chanting that queers should all be burned alive, or they stood outside a mosque waving placards that said all Muslim men are child rapists. But that doesn't mean he's going to be arrested if he says that Islam is evil, or all gay people are mentally ill.
Basically, what the restrictions on freedom of speech in the UK means is that Westboro Baptist Church wouldn't be able to get away with their hateful, obnoxious, deliberately provocative public protests in this country.
Personally, I don't find that a huge loss.
I disagree with boojum, in my travels and all over the news that has been allowed to escape censorship. Police and federal authorities have either refused or been told to stand down and not to interfere in numerous incidents mainly because of racial or religious grounds.
Many countries leave communities alone where sharia law is practiced. Especially in the UK, even if it violates the states or national laws.
In the USA police are leaving and retiring in droves because of being told to stand down or they are afraid to enforce laws in a racial situations. Some have refused to respond to racial domestic situations. Afraid if things escalated and they had to pull a weapon, they will be the ones on the chopping block.
This is not new but when allowed to get out of hand and rule of law is given too much backing by one side, or no backing (selective enforcement) by one side then you end up with what the USA went through in the 1950s and 60s as well as what Spain went through in the 1970s and 80s.
We currently have neighborhoods where at least one member of the responding police force must be of the same race or ethnicity.
The policia allow minor crimes or violations to go unenforced if the person is of a certain minority. Even if the law is violated right in front of them.
Boojum speaks of freedom of speech like it's okay to limit it as long as you agree with the limits. One day, the shoe will be on the other foot and it will be something you feel strongly about that will be considered insulting and cause distress that will be illegal. Maybe speaking out against religion, or conservatives, name calling like skinheads or neo-fascists. Being a conservativephobe.
When rule of law is curupt the country is sure to follow.
I see what you're saying, so perhaps the U.K. has very serious problem not with racism, but with classism. Honestly, I'm infinitely more concerned with the safety, and wellbeing of vulnerable, and impoverished young girls in Britain, and all over the world than whether, or not the sort of disgusting, and evil men who would seek to prey upon those girls ever feel that they've been discriminated against, or faced any sort of bigotry, or racism regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, or religion. The fact of the matter is that some cultures, and religions devalue, and oppress women of all ages! It wouldn't be a bad thing in my book if the men who took advantage of those poor, impoverished girls ended up on the wrong side of some kinda Mississippi style vigilante justice. I honestly wouldn't have a problem if I woke tomorrow, and ever single solitary rapist, and child molester were dead!!! I don't care about whether predators are White, Black, Hispanic, Native American, South Asian, East Asian, or whatever as long as justice is served against them, because all the victims deserve justice. The welfare of women around the world will always be more important to me than whether or not predators feel, or actually are discriminated against. Those men should be in prison, and preferably in a prison that does not segregate their sex offenders from the general population if you catch my drift. 😎
Maybe the so called "dystopian nightmare", is real if these guys had been getting away with child rape for years! I'm sorry, but the safety of children is infinitely more important than whether, or not predators feel discriminated against, or even whether, or not they are ever actually discriminated against. If all predators had to face torture, and humiliation it would be worth it to save children, and young women a thousand times over from now until the end of time!
I don't know why you are calling that other person a skinhead, because neither of us know whether, or not he, or she is a skinhead. I usually appreciate your comments, but one has me disappointed.
Fuck the Westboro Baptist Church! I personally like the way some folks in Mississippi handled them when they showed up to protest the funeral of someone who died in the war.
Maybe? I like the US, I like the idea of having a big house and maybe a pool and higher trim V8 cars for less money, but it's too far away from home... My parents ain't getting any younger and I want to be there for them and help them.
Very hard to do when I live 2000km away in Germany, impossible if I lived in the States. They are one of the main reasons I'm moving back to Bulgaria by the end of next year hopefully.
My mom and dad actually wanted to flee Bulgaria before I was born, back when Bulgaria was communist and move to the US, but they didn't do it cause my mom couldn't let go of her parents.
But if my parents weren't an issue - why not... I have thought about it. I can speak the language, I have a degree, getting a visa shouldn't be too difficult. But I probably won't.
I'm unsure.
Funnily enough, we actually will probably have the opportunity to move there in a few years. My husband will be able to get a very high paying job that would afford us a high standard of living.
There are loads of Americans on this site - can any of you advise? Where is good to live? My husband lived there for a little bit back in the 90s and loved it. I'm guessing it's changed a lot.
I've never been so I'd be going in blind.
I would love to one day, P.S. I love American people and I love learning about American culture and slang!
No, I used to want to but moving to another country is too much fuss, especially when it’s no better than Western Europe