Non-christmas observers: how do you feel about christmas?

I just wondered how those who don't celebrate Christmas feel about the holiday. I THINK I covered all the choices... :P

It's a nice idea, but it's EVERYWHERE. I'm tired of it. 6
I don't see any problems. People can celebrate what they want. 15
Honestly? I hate it and think all Christians should die. 2
I dunno, I kind of like the holiday spirit and everything. :) 11
It's obnoxious! Not everybody celebrates Christmas, you morons! 3
I have to wonder what I'm missing out on. 0
Mostly awkward when someone asks me a Christmas-related question. 2
I don't mind it, I won't stop people from celebrating it. 4
I just try to stay out of it. 4
It's in so many places, I have to wonder what I'm missing out on. 1
It gets annoying. I'll just say that. 5
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Comments ( 16 )
  • awesometodd

    Let's kill a tree for Jesus!

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  • abominus566

    i think it is an excuse to get the family together which i think is okay, but a bit of a history lesson christmas is acually the irish celtic holiday called yule, it was mad christmas when the pagans converted and they wanted to thake some of there holidays with them the church changed them a bit. the same with most of the other holidays as well

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    I'm not Christian, but I still celebrate "Christmas." My family gathers together, exchange gifts, and just enjoy dinner and each other's presence.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      Neither am I. I'm an atheist, but I grew up celebrating it, so I figure there's no reason to stop now.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I like the time off.

    I like the way people panic.

    I like the way january sales i have money.

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  • Energy

    Love it! Even though I'm more of a Buddhist.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    I don't really see what religion has to do with Christmas, at least not here in W/Europe anywhere, where hardly anyone is religious any more.
    I think it's mainly about family time, getting nice gifts, good films on TV, giving nice gifts, whatever the fuck gets you through the shit winter. I know it TECHNICALLY a religious festival but fuck that shit, it's a commercial event now.

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  • SharP

    It's stupid, mythological Christian bullshit. If they were really Christians, they wouldn't need a stupid, retail-consumer bait holiday to visit their families.

    Everyone who celebrates Christmas is only furthering the ignorance and oppression and should be shipped to their own private country so we can build a country of true intellectuals without their waste in our gene pool.

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  • Master.debater

    It is traditionally a Christian holiday but almost everyone celebrates it regardless of religion.

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    • Legion

      Originally, it wasn't a Christian holiday at all, it was a Nordic ritual to honor the coming of winter. When the catholics came in, they added the Christian overtones to the holiday and claimed it as their own, in an attempt to win over the peoples favor and convince them to convert

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      • Master.debater

        Dude it is the celebration of the birth of Christ and Catholics are not the same as Christians

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        • Legion

          firstly, Roman Catholicism IS a branch of Christianity, in fact, its one on the 2 oldest sects of Christianity, along with Eastern Orthodox Christian. I am a catholic myself.

          Second, the christian overtones, including Christs birth, were added and lumped onto the existing holiday. Biblical scholars have suggested that the actual birth, going by the clues in the story and other relevant details, suggest that Jesus would have been actually born in the spring, around April 17th.

          Now, I'm not suggesting that the holiday should be changed back or anything like that, if anything, I like it the way it is, and it bothers me that people want to force others into Not celebrating the Christian aspects of the holiday.

          If they don't like the Christian parts of it, they can ignore them personally, and leave us who do alone.

          My comment was simply meant as an interesting Historical footnote on Christmas and its origins.

          Also, the Pope and the Catholic church was the Christian group who tried the hardest to spread Christianity (and the Traditions associated with Catholicism) among the places and people who have not as of yet heard of the religious movement.

          As a Catholic and A Student of History, I feel it is very valuable information to know.

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  • dappled

    I haven't really celebrated it in past years and, I'll be honest, it's made me miserable. One year I got out and spent time walking around the city amongst other people who don't celebrate it, largely because they had no home to go to. I saw people openly shooting up in the street. It was the strangest Christmas of my life. Everyone tends to think of presents and turkey and family and doesn't pay a second thought to the people in dire situations. I'll never spend a Christmas now without thinking of them.

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    • VioletTrees

      Have you considered volunteering on Christmas? Here, there are homeless shelters and other organisations that do Christmas dinners for people in need. One year at Thanksgiving, I volunteered making and serving Thanksgiving dinner for HIV positive people who either had no family or were rejected due to their HIV. I felt really good about it. Homeless shelters often need volunteers on Christmas, and sometimes there are opportunities at hospitals and such. I'm sure there must be things like that where you live.

      I know it's not the same as being with friends and family, but it could be a way to be with people who are warm and giving on Christmas, and it might be a more positive experience than being alone. Of course, that depends on how you personally feel when doing things like that, and there's nothing wrong with spending Christmas enjoying yourself in other ways. It's just a suggestion.

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      • dappled

        I have indeed volunteered at Christmas but the last time I tried I got told I couldn't because I'd left it too late for "police checks". I was so pissed off by that reaction to me simply wanting to help that I haven't done it since.

        This year is me being entirely selfish for once. Tomorrow is not only robot day AND keyboard day but now it's new broadband day too. Tomorrow is the first day of Christmas for me. On Wednesday, I get books and DVDs (including Andrew Marr's history of the world, which was brill). On Thursday, I get computer games (lots of retro ones like old NFS and GTA titles). On Friday, I get films (and finally get to see I Heart Huckabees, amongst others). On Saturday, I get USB microscope (yay!) and then its just small things each day up until Christmas like shoes and trainers and jeans and a new suit and books about robots and a device that means I can have wi-fi in my house. On Christmas Day itself, it's the kind of food I wouldn't normally shell out for. Yay selfishness!

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        • VioletTrees

          That selfishness seems nice/healthy, honestly. I hope you have a nice Christmas. Also, I read that as "a device that means I can have windows in my house", and I was hoping you meant you were going to buy a sledgehammer or a large saw.

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