Non sexual intimacy

I was wondering how many men value or even prefer non sexual intimacy. I am an asexual but sex-positive woman who is not against having sex eventually with a good patient partner but I enjoy non sexual intimacy. How common is it for men to be happy with this ? How do you know which type of men are happy with this when dating ? Is it best to go for calm and shy guys or can other types of men be not so sexual too ? I'm just basing it on my male friends which are introverts like me and calm because they dont value sex so highly but other types of men I dated (like very driven etc ones) has had high sex drive. I want to know if there is any way to tell so I can aim for a different type of men or if its very random and impossible to know or if it can show at all in their personality how important sex is to them and no other types of intimacy. Thanks

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    Ask them.
    Also, there are 12 forms of intimacy, worth googling

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    • Hookerfall

      U hooker

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  • Tinybird

    Asexual people do not desire sex or experience attraction

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The biggesr thing is let them know right away that you dont like sex because the vast majority of men are gonna want sex and A sexual type girls usually like to leave that fact out for a while and then get upset when the men leave once they learn shes not into sex. Youd be better off being upfr9nt.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Most non-asexual men think sex is very important in a relationship, I think your best bet would be to look for an asexual man.

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  • kinkkink

    If you mean rolling over after sex then I'm for it.

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  • Hookerfall

    Its 21st century what do u think?
    Date women they're way better in bed anyway not dick thinker men 😤

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    • Ive thought about it but its much harder to find a woman

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