Normal brain mri results
Guys can anyone find such a thing? Where ever I check there r no normal results, just strokes, tumors, Ms etc. Help a brother out ppl! Plz. It's totally an emergency.
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Guys can anyone find such a thing? Where ever I check there r no normal results, just strokes, tumors, Ms etc. Help a brother out ppl! Plz. It's totally an emergency.
A normal brain scan, should have no markings on it. If I got to keep a copy of mine, I would've uploaded it for reference.
You mean that your doctor never talked over the results and the forms of treatment you could take? That's not right. I went to a neurologist and I was told that if anything was found on the scan, that I would get a call to come back and she would talk it out with me. What type of shoddy practice is your neurologist running? If I were you, I would take the scans to another neurologist.