Normal for coworker to say humans are like fungi?

My coworker identifies as non binary says she's not male or female but she's female. I don't understand it, I never will because there are only two genders but anyway when asking her about it she said it's the same thing as fungi. Fungi don't have any gender they're not male or female and I'm thinking okay that's good for fungi makes sense but aren't we humans?

Am I missing something here?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Sanara

    Some equate gender to what you physically are, some equate it to what you feel or behave like. There is no point discussing the number of genders if you cant even agree on the base definition so you aren't even discussing the same thing. I do not feel specifically either male or female either, but physically I'm a woman and accept that's just what the world will see me as because of my body. Either way people give it way too much focus compared to how big the problem actually is.

    I dont think the fungi comparison is good

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Yeah even if someone believes they're not female the fungi comparison makes little sense since we're humans.

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  • Runaud

    sure? just sounds like non binary stuff to me, just avoid the subject if it bothers you imo

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  • KholatKhult

    I had a coworker who was obsessed or OCD about carrying little sticks in the shape of a Y everywhere. It always looked like the same stick but he had like 80 of them in a drawer and he just picked one to carry each day.

    Nobody said anything cause dude carried a gun
    Tell your coworker to carry a gun

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  • Tommythecaty

    It’s her brain that’s turned to fungi.

    Cat out.

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  • megadriver

    Well, I identify as an AC-130! Boom-boom madafaka XD

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  • Somenormie

    Never heard of this lol.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    when im drinkin everyone tells me im a fun guy

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    • darefu

      What do they tell/call you when your not drinking?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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  • LloydAsher

    It's closer than comparing humans to plants.

    Humans tend to do the opposite of what fungi do. Fungi breaks dead material into base resources. We turn base resources into more complex resources.

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