Normal for me to go to church?

My sister, brother-in-law, & nephew go to a church that doesn't believe in gay marriage. I want to go to church with them but I'm not against gay marriage. Would it be normal for me to go that church?

I feel conflicted

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79% Normal
Based on 43 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Vauael

    You can totally go to church with your family. Many churches are against gay marriage, allthough it is almost never brought up in a church setting. I dont think the topic will arise but if it does, simply keep your views to yourself. "When in Rome....."

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  • SmokeEverything

    Are you gay?

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    • No

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  • xxLucifer

    I'm an atheist and went to church a couple times with friends. You don't have to believe in anything that church is saying to go to that church. If them not believing in gay marriage is the only thing you have a problem with then it shouldn't be a big deal.

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    • The issue is not what the church people think of me it's about not supporting an organization that believes something immoral

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      • Ellenna

        Just don't support that church by putting any $ in the collection plate ....... assuming they still do that? I haven't been in a church for decades except for a couple of funerals

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      • xxLucifer

        At the end of the day though you aren't supporting that church's view by going there, you are supporting your family that goes to that church and there is nothing immoral about that.

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        • StudWithoutU

          I hate church, but I think supporting family THAT YOU CARE ABOUT is good (don't support the ones that you don't care about, wasted effort.)

          Like, my mom doesn't "believe" in being gay and all that, but I'm bisexual. We don't talk about it, but if I introduced a girlfriend, she would mind her tongue because she cares more about me (nowadasy) than her beliefs.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You can go, or not go to any church you want. You don't have to go to the same church as your family.

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    • I feel no obligation to go to their church or any church in general. I specified, I want to go to their church because I like my family. I do in general want to go to church as well, and I suppose I could go to a different church since my family's church's values conflict with my beliefs

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      • RoseIsabella

        I honestly tend to prefer to go to church alone.

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