Normal to not mind or even kind of want gf who has acne?
Let me explain...
I’m in my mid twenties and I still have acne, I’d say it mostly fluctuates between 3/10 to 6.5/10 in severity. But to me it certainly is an insecurity of sorts. One that I’ve tried very hard to fight.
For this reason, I genuinely would not mind having a gf who also had acne, and in weird way I almost would maybe like to me, it would make me feel less abnormal and comfortable being close to her face. Weirdly, my last few GF’s over the years have all oddly enough had incredibly perfect skin, but it’s kind of intimidating in way... ya know? And it’s not like they didn’t have imperfections of their own..but Like I almost want my gf to have imperfections like me, or at least wouldn’t mind it.
It’s all very funny really, cause it’s like... there really are people who can find beauty in our imperfections, people feeling insecure about being to fat or too skinny and what not, when it’s like here I am.. a decent chap who would literally almost like the fact that you have pimples. Who knew? OR maybe I’m the exception and most people don’t feel this way?