Normal to notice alcohol make people ruder?

Alcohol makes people more arrogant, rude, and inconsiderate. It also makes the truth come out of people, whether it's bad or good. A drunk woman is more likely to tell an attractive guy straight out that she really wants him, and a drunk woman is more likely to tell an ugly guy directly how she totally does not want him. Alcohol kills politeness and manners. And how many times does someone really let someone have it while drunk, and how when they're drunk is when they suddenly reveal some unpleasant thoughts on what they really think of someone that they'd considerately withheld from them while sober. Intoxication kills politeness and brings out the hard cold truth. Y'all check normal if you agree with I'm saying, not normal if you disagree.

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92% Normal
Based on 26 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Handyman

    It only shows your true personality.

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  • CozmoWank

    My own keen senses of observation have given me the ability to detect that drunk people often have difficulty with balance and motor coordination often accompanied with slurred speech, and vomit or urine on their shoes.

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  • flavoured-queen

    I’m actually very truthful when it comes to being drunk. I once kissed my best friend not because I was in love with him but because alcohol fucks with your head lol, however the following week I told him I didn’t like him like that and he cried hahahah

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  • cipro

    I'm a happy drunk.

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  • I think it only reveals who you are. It can't make you rude or inconsiderate, that's an inner trait. When my dad drinks he is a piece of shit, but he always was that way. When I drink I am funny and horny and I am always that way.

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  • lordofopinions

    Alcohol lowers your inhibitions so you say or do things you wouldn't if you were sober.

    Why do you think they refer to alcohol as "panties remover"? :)

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  • jack_shephard

    Yeah it does make them arrogant,rude & inconsiderate,coz that's what most people are(including me).

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  • RoseIsabella

    Drunk people often act like jackasses, but the truth serum effect is worthwhile.

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    I get the feeling that a drunk woman turned you down and this rant is the result of that.

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    • I've had both, drunk women that have told me straight out "I want to fuck you, come home with me!", and drunk woman saying straight out "you are too ugly to have the nerve to try talking to me!". While sober, neither women would've had the balls to be so direct. But all it all is is people who's normal feelings of being attracted to that person but not that other person, which is normal. But while drunk, people just let out an exaggerated edge of their real normal feelings which are otherwise masked by politeness and consideration the rest of the time.

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