Normal to smell anything and everything?
When I say anything and everything, I MEAN it.
It prevents me from eating things that others "love." (example: fish, spices, bacon<--the smell makes me barf, and so on.) I'm told I have an odd obsession with scents. I have 2 dresser-tops full of cologne, perfume, deodorant, hand sanitizers, lotion, air fresheners, etc.
I even have a heightened sense of smell, meaning that I can smell things before others can (or they can't even smell it at all), and I have mixed-smell (smells that don't exist with other smells, for example when I smoke a cigarette, I can smell maple syrup or cake mix)
I think I have a problem but IDK who to talk to - are there doctors specifically for this?
I don't think it's normal, but Google is kind of telling me otherwise. What to all of you think?
P.S. any funny stories about smells/scents?