Normal to think god is completely fallible
I am not sure which religion to believe in yet, not do I like organization of religion. That said, I do have my own personal idea about God and what it is to me. I think it is a fallible entity that creates based on chaos. You throw it out there and what sticks is what lives, something like evolution and science and god all in one. However if this is ture sometimes I get the feeling it doesn't really have a plan or know much of anything except how to create and destroy. Like a true entity it has no emotions and is far less exciting when you realize what it really is. Like finally landing on the moon and its made of rock and not much else.. it's amazing in it's simplicity. I still have respect for God, as I would call it, but I don't think making us was such a good thing. I doubt we will stick long and also I don't think there is heaven or hell. Something along the lines of a continual loop of energy that makes up everything. We die and become expendable energy that will eventually become something else. The more we find out the more it seems like we know hardly anything so who knows, maybe science and religion have a common ground. Maybe we just don't have the means to know it yet. I come from a family with an atheist and a christian as the heads of the household. Maybe that's why I have trouble drawing concrete lines? Anyhow, is this normal... at all....?