Not doing santa claus with my kid

My parents are mad because I refuse to teach my kids to believe in santa claus. I dont like the lessons it teaches a kid. You are teaching a kid that as long as they are good a fat man will climb down your chimney and give you a bunch of free handouts. This is bad to teach on so many levels. I think its better for them to understand the real world, that everything under that tree I worked hard for and then a chinaman put it together in a sweat shop. Shouldnt we raise kids to one day be adults and raise them for the real world? We dont live in a fantasy land utopia where you get free shit for doing what you were supposed to do anyway.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    I disagree. It doesn't do any harm for kids to have a bit of fantasy and magic in their lives for a few short years, I look back on those years very fondly. Plus it doesn't mean you can't also teach them real-world lessons.

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    • LloydAsher

      Honestly my parents gave us the illusion of santa until we all knew it wasnt santa. We still had them tagged as from santa though.

      Nothing wrong with giving kids some whimsical fantasy in their early days. Allows for the childhood experience to be a lot sweeter.

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      • JellyBeanBandit


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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Damn you're strict.

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    • Nah if you met us you wouldnt say we were strict parents

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  • jodi1955

    Raised my children that Santa claus was based on st nick a man who gave presents to children. And that their mother an I love them an buy them the toys. It never did away with the excitement of the season. Never taught Easter bunny either but did teach God, reason if you teach all and cant see all and then they realize santa and Easter bunny is a myth what will they think about God!

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    • GaelicPotato


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    • That was my first question when I found out santa wasnt real. I asked my mom is god also fake.

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  • MonkThousandWords

    my parent's never told me anything about santa, i just found out that santa is thing from the internet. did it affect me whatsoever?. absolutely not.

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  • noid

    My parents didn’t tell me and my sister that Santa was real. And I appreciated not being lied to. Life has enough disappointments as you grow up.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I thought one of the main reasons parents did Santa was to encourage good behaviour or “Santa won’t visit”.

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    • LloydAsher

      One missed Christmas and you can guarentee good behaviour for a couple years

      Just dont do the wrong thing of giving Christmas even if your kids are shitty.

      Christmas gifts are optional. They are a reward, not an expectation.

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    • Yes, I will replace that with "you wont have a good christmas if..." the child knows I am buying the presents it doesnt change anything besides believing its magic thats creating all his toys in a magic factory. Hes taught how things actually work at a young age.

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  • darefu

    So I guess teaching the real meaning of Christmas is out of the question.

    Exchanging gifts to celebrate Jesus Birthday, and the wonderful story of st Nicholas.

    If it's just to reward or encourage kids behavior then adults should do away with it by age 15 or 20. And, why bring a tree into your house if there is no story behind it. If it is just about mom and dad and grandparents buying the kids stuff why not do it when they really want it or to reward behavior monthly or quarterly.

    There is a lot more to teach about Christmas than the fat guy bringing presents. However, for the very young it is a good excuse and story, until they can comprehend more of the real meanings.

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  • olderdude-xx

    But, you can teach the spirit of giving and of enjoying friends and family time.

    Teach them about the good acts of St. Nicholas (the person) and the good acts of King Wenceslas (there is a real story behind the song - and he did exist; although he was not a very good king in managing his small empire, which shows that you don't have to be skilled or talented to be able to do good things for people).

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  • kikilizzo

    Isn't the whole point of santa for kids to behave well?
    Either way most kids don't believe in santa for many years so it doesn't matter what you do. It's just part of the christmas magic for children. Logic is good but I believe in letting kids be kids. They're still learning something because telling them santa is real means they'll associate good behaviour with rewards, kind of like how you train animals I guess lol. I don't even remember believeing in santa because I did so for such a short time, I know I did at one point though. Eventually it becomes obvious that the person behind the mask is a relative.
    I think christmases as a kid would've been pretty boring without that innocent christmas magic of santa and all that. Christmas is not the same as an adult, it's just a nice day after all the stress leading up to it. When you're a child though it's all magical... Wouldn't want to have missed out on that, personally.

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  • litelander8

    Lol. This is a dramatic over analyzation. What a silly looking word.

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    • Analyzation would be a good name for a porno.

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  • Somenormie

    Kids will snap out of it when they're older.

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  • GaelicPotato

    How about you let kids have a little magic and fantasy in their lives?

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  • bigbudchonger

    You know what, fair enough. You explained that well.

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