Not rebellious?
Not rebellious? My whole 20-something persona is rebellious, the whole idea of normal is about being cool.
Is it not cool to be a somewhat conventional hippie acting Australian rebelling against listening to your mother, and being a disobedient ascetic?
I can do what I like, I earned that licence, and like there's no tomorrow people are always telling me what to do.
My idea of normal is about living the dream, a hectic lifestyle, an ascetic, and a hermit's vegetarian diet.
People don't like it that all the vegetarians won't eat meat, they don't take confidence in quirky diets like vegetarian, lemonade diet, and especially veganism, because vegetarian in any way, not just a diet, is trying to transition other people's diets, it doesn't allow a choice even with other vegetarians, and that makes me mad.
It gets worse, the things that stress you out are very conventional, and when I was ascetic in my twenties I wasn't non-conformist before, I wasn't born unique, it's fucked up by individualism because of the individualist philosophies and religions, I'm naturally and artificially an exact copy, I'm not naturally weird or eccentric, and this is a rebellion against individuals who want me to stop being normal, fuck em, I'm not weird like you and I didn't normalise for you!