Not rlly an is it normal but

This isnt an is it normal question, sorry lol, but this is the best site i know for asking questions- (ill take any other question asking sites recommendations)
But, ever since i was a kid, i watched like fairly dark, disturbing and sad things, thst were very gory. Something a kid *probably* shouldnt have watched, but thats not the point. The point is is that i cant stop thinking about what i watched. I dont hate anything that i watched, i think of them fondly- some were gameplays of my favorite video games, such as Fran Bow or FNaF or Sally Face or Little Misfortune, but like i always think about them and they give me suxh a feeling of dread and despair now (despite them making me feel very happy when i was younger). Id like to be able to look back on those games i loved with the same feeling, not with this newfound feeling of eeriness. Could i have any tips at all for getting rid of this feeling? Please

And sorry of this is a stupid question ahaha

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Comments ( 15 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Is it possible that you just didn’t understand how creepy they were when you were younger?

    Its not a video game but I recently re-watched Girl Interrupted and found it much more disturbing than I remembered it. When I was younger I viewed the mental hospital as a sort of boarding school setting but now I realise it’s effectively a prison.

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    • LloydAsher

      Scales from a strict boarding school to a prison. Depends how funded/what philosophy of care they utilize.

      Granted there are cases where the mentally ill do need medical prisons but I digress.

      Generally mental institutions is places you should avoid. Unless being kinda normal is out of your control. The bar for kinda normal ain't that high.

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    • I mean, ive rewatched the gameplays and i havent been rlly affected by them. Theyre as i remembered mainly, when i was a kid i knew and understood nearly everything

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  • dude_Jones

    It sounds like these eerie feelings are from your mind fixing itself. It is normal and healthy to feel empathy for people. You’re just developing it late, and your memory is conflicting with your more mature personality.

    Try to think kind thoughts and be helpful to people. It may take a few years to slowly get over this.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yeah, you play some weird games, to get rid of the feeling of eeriness is to stop consuming weird/strange things, and yourself should just be normal, that's my answer, the ordinary, usual, traditional, orthodox, as against the novel, deviant, unexpected and heterodox. 🙂

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    • Ill keep it in mind, thanks!
      Although i dont believe i can eevr truly part from my beloved horror games, i can attempt it 😔

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      • normal-rebellious

        It sounds fine to me, it's okay to make horror, like a horror movie or horror game, these things are very strange as it's made that way deliberately. But getting out of your rut you can try an Onet 3D game or Ristar Sega game instead, it still leads to the game world, these are just suggestions.

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  • Tommythecaty

    If you think of it fondly then you wouldn’t want to get rid of the feeling I n the first place.

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    • Its a mixed feeling- i love the games but now im older i feel a sad sort of nostalgia in regards to them, which sucks because those games are basically always on my mind

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  • Anonnet

    Mainly agreed with everyone else, but it was different for me. I got over that kind of thing with more exposure rather than less. I would suggest going back and actually playing those games yourself now rather than just watching them.

    It also sounds to me like you don't know exactly where that feeling of dread is stemming from, and revisiting the genre may help unveil that.

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  • LloydAsher

    All kids have a morbid curiosity. Poking that dead squirrel with a stick that was pancaked on the road.

    Children really do not develop the understanding of the concept of death until 7 years. Takes longer for them to apply the "death = all = you too one day".

    You could just like macabre topics as a younger kid, and now its catching up on you with the "what was I doing" foresight.

    As long as you weren't killing animals and skinning em alive as a child you are a normal person.

    As for it not being IIN. Dont worry iin isnt just for iin topics. It's a cheap cathartic therapy for some. To me it's like Facebook but picking people's brains rather than cat photos. #references

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  • Tinybird

    Lol when I was a kid I watched South park, Happy tree friends, and Salad fingers and I had a crush on Salad fingers when I was about 11 or 12. Now I re-watched it again at 25, and I have a crush on him all over again. It's a sort of eerie, unsettling uneasiness, mixed with familiarity, nostalgia, comfort, and also a resonance, like I relate to him and feel empathy towards him. I guess this is part of the reason. Salad fingers gives me the same feeling as liminal spaces and the Spongebob outro song (which I am also in love with), a feeling which I am addicted to.

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    • YO I WATCHED ALL OF THOSE TOP w taste fr

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  • Do you mind if i ask why before i say?

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  • Ohh, the other games i mentioned had dead bodies and stuff and lots of blood-- hard to explain in detail lmao

    But yeah, ill try to watch scary stuff less often lol, ty!

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