Not touching my laptop again
Hey everyone , 4 days ago i was in the kitchen cooking somth . Then suddenly i notice a big fly entering from the window (it wasn't ur average housefly) it was pretty big and i think they're called filth flies not too sure . Flies gather up usually on our neighbours dog's poop Later that night i was chilling in my room and just as i was going to watch a film on my laptop in my dark room . The light of my screen apparently attracted that fly to it and it came straight to my screen, Loudly buzzing and moving on the laptop a lot . I managed to get rid of it . But i read later that these flies transmit parasitic eggs (large worms that live and eat you from the inside) and now im afraid to touch it again. I tried cleaning it with hand sanitizer but i've read these eggs are killable only by fire or boiling water . Is it normal for me to avoid using the pc ? What should i do ?