Nothing happened when i tried to overdose

lets get straight to the point.. i was in my room one night and i was really fucking depressed so i decided to try and overdose. My intentions weren't to kill myself, i honestly dont know what my intentions were. I decided to take 21 caps of Saw Palmetto, each cap is 550mgs. 20 minutes later i got a light headache and started feeling the side effects of overdosing. I felt like shit for a good 2 hours and nothing happened.
So is it normal that i had taken 11,550mgs of drugs and not collapsed or gone into a coma? (like i said if i wanted to kill myself i would of taken 28,000mgs)

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20% Normal
Based on 5 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • NiggerNavy

    So edgy

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  • DerHaifisch

    Tried finding the MD50 value of that and couldn't find anything. Not trying to in any way to downplay whatever the benefits you get from that extract but from what I find it is rather just a herbal extract without any yet measured physical affect. So would be like trying to overdose by soaking a whole box of lipton tea and surviving it. (sidenote: you can overdose on fluids though, even plain water)

    But just a small piece of advice for those planning something similar.. Apart from the "don't kill yourself" and all that:

    !!! Read up on the effects of overdosing your meds before making an ad hoc on the spot decision to blindly swallow an exuberant amount. Lots of meds won't kill you but damage quite a lot of inner organs so you wake up incapable of ending it all and in continual misery.

    Other meds might kill you in such a way that you might consider a less painful way to end it all, like setting yourself on fire. No kidding, read up on what the last 48 to 96 hours of your life will be like.

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