Nothing really makes my heart angry except little problems with technology

Im generally not an angry person at all, but my heart fills with hate sometimes when dealing with technology.

For example today on my overpriced iPhone x i wanted to save a picture from the web.but it turns out they have this new 3d touch bs that makes it fucking stupidly impossible to save a photo.

I googled how to change this,read through its obnoxiously lengthy article complete with introductions and overviews, then navigated my way through my phone to turn the setting off to where now I can save a photo by simply clicking on it, you know like its always been?

idk why but tiny little things like this seem to get me angry. i was in bit of a hurry to get this photo out so that could be part of it.

i know we are in the future,first world problem if there ever was one, I'm very thankful for the technology and all that, but sometimes its like... if it is not broken do not fix it, i guess I just hate what feel to be stupid changes to tech that make it more difficult rather than easier.

I swear to god every one of my friends who has a "home theater" have like 5 remote controls... sure theses are little things but regression non the less i'd say.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the even more annoyin thang is the supposedly easy fixes & patches

    like why not straighten that shit out in the first place whether its a phone or a fuckin 737

    also i dont need my fuckin tv or toaster or toilet on the fuckin internet slingin drm and chargin me 10 bucks a flush while tryinta sign me up for the platinum flush & toast club

    and dont get me goin on the supposed automation revolution or self drivin cars or the daily life incompetencea theys cheerleaders

    jesus fuck what a joke

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    • RoseIsabella

      Fuck that self driving car bullshit!

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      • megadriver

        Why is this thumbed down? I'm against self driving cars too, because if they do get advanced enough, governments will try to outlaw driving, to "protect us from ourselves", or some other BS.

        But if driving is outlawed, what's the point to buying car, if your car is just gonna be a glorified taxi that sometimes drives you around?!

        If people are too stupid and lazy to drive, they can stick to public transport!

        Also a big no on electric cars. Hydrogen is the future of eco-cars! Electric cars are even dirtier than regular cars.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I dunno, but I don't want to have no control over my vehicle.

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