Objects seem to move only when i'm around them

I can't explain why this is happening. But objects seem to move by themselves only when I'm around them. I was just in the kitchen now making pancakes. It's 2:23am in new Zealand and everyone else is sleeping.

I had my back to the pots and pans drawer and suddenly heard a loud bang with a thud. It scared me a little, and when I turned around the cupboard was open when I knew I shut it.

Another time, I was in the shower and had my towel fully on the hook. Suddenly I looked at it and saw the towel lift up in mid-air for a second and then drop to the floor on it's own..

Thursday this week I went to a store and I wasn't even near it but a box on a shelf fell by itself and a male staff member picked it up..a security guy looked at me like I was suspicious..

I don't know what is going on but it's weird.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    The only explanation is a ghost is stalking you

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  • Whatintarnation

    Maybe it's the force. Use that power for good my young padawan. Resist the dark side.

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