Obsessed with a fictional character.

I've been obsessed with a fictional character for 3 years. I fantazise constantly about him (not romantically, just imagining cool stories and adventures with other fictional characters but not me included which I think is weird) no matter where I am. It's not like I'm love with him, I think I just admire him so much that i can't stop thinking about that character. This didn't bothered me until now.

Is it that i'm in love with him and don't realize it? Are you in the same situation? Is it normal? Thanks.

(I'm sorry if my redaction is bad, english is not my first language!)

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81% Normal
Based on 26 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • arialuvsfalloutboyz

    Oh my god! Join fandoms! There are people just like you on tumblr that can help with this kind of stuff. And yeah, I haven't met anyone that doesn't have a favorite obsession.

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  • answerme

    Haha I relate to this soooo much! I used to be obsessed with naruto and Pokemon a long time ago and wish I could be in their world as them. I used to be so pathetic

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  • MR.mr


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  • icant_

    That's the Tumblr Fandom Style.

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  • sandraasiilva

    You should write a book :b

    I think it's normal to a certain point. Obsession is not good, though. But I'd say it's normal.

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