Obsession with wolves
To start out with, this is serious.
I've been wanting to tell someone or something this for years, so now I will. I'm obsessed with wolves. Period. Not in a "I think they're cool, so I'll study them a bit." No. I mean, full blown, everything. I dream only about them, I dream about being one, I pretty much only read books about them, everything I have is customized with a wolf in any way (Computer, phone, etc. Hell, just look at my username and profile picture!) , other than work, my only use of the internet is wolf related things, and so on and so forth. 24/7, I think about wolves, but if your wondering, I do work and eat to stay alive. Another thing is, whenever someone else (Friend or stranger, I don't care) talks about wolves, I usually hate it because I have this odd feeling they don't deserve to talk about them, and for some reason when I'm in or at a place that does not have any trace of anything involving a wolf, I feel almost sad. Also, no, I'm not a furry, and no, I don't think they're "Sexy". I know for sure this is NOT just a "Phase" I'm going through, because this has been going on for years. Oh, and just so you know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my brain, me, or anyone else in my family. So, if anyone knows what's going on, please feel free to tell me!