Obsession with wolves

To start out with, this is serious.
I've been wanting to tell someone or something this for years, so now I will. I'm obsessed with wolves. Period. Not in a "I think they're cool, so I'll study them a bit." No. I mean, full blown, everything. I dream only about them, I dream about being one, I pretty much only read books about them, everything I have is customized with a wolf in any way (Computer, phone, etc. Hell, just look at my username and profile picture!) , other than work, my only use of the internet is wolf related things, and so on and so forth. 24/7, I think about wolves, but if your wondering, I do work and eat to stay alive. Another thing is, whenever someone else (Friend or stranger, I don't care) talks about wolves, I usually hate it because I have this odd feeling they don't deserve to talk about them, and for some reason when I'm in or at a place that does not have any trace of anything involving a wolf, I feel almost sad. Also, no, I'm not a furry, and no, I don't think they're "Sexy". I know for sure this is NOT just a "Phase" I'm going through, because this has been going on for years. Oh, and just so you know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my brain, me, or anyone else in my family. So, if anyone knows what's going on, please feel free to tell me!

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Comments ( 38 )
  • DannyKanes

    So, Team Jacob hey?

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    • PerfectlyInsane7

      I dont think that is what he meant in any way.

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  • wolffreak5064

    I know what you mean. I've been obsessed with wolves since I was 3, I'm 18 now. It got so bad when I was 12 that my mom thretened to take me to a therapist. I think thats completely normal,though. I have wolf everything too. I get mad when people talk about wolves too. I get jelous for no reason at all and I feel like they are unworthy. I personally feel that God made a mistake about us. We are wolves, but HE put us in a human body. I've believed it from the time I was old enough to understand them. I personally would rather be a wolf than a human. Have you ever read the "Wolves Of Mercy Falls" trilogy? There great books about werewolf love. But anyways, enjoy your obsession. WE WOLVES IN HUMAN BODIES MUST UNITE!!!!

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    • marsbat

      OMW YOU ARE AMAZING!!! FTW!! w for wolf if you didnt get it

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    • wolveirine

      Being that you said God I sussuspect that you are Christian. I wanted to let everyone here who might read this that it is A SIN to be obsessed with wolves. Don't believe me, research it.

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  • 62704

    Omg you remind me of myself! At home I'm always crawling on all fours and I bark and growl and whenever I pull sleds or wagons I pretend I'm a wolf. I love to howl and I've been doing this since I was a toddler (now I'm 18). I don't tell people about the crawling thing, because of course it's so weird!

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  • Shouting_Wolf

    Hey, you "Christians". Stop it. Don't use shove him down people's throats, and don't tell someone they're going to hell for something that is totally normal. If you would open your mind just a teensy bit, you might realize there is more to God than damning everyone to hell. Jesus weeps when someone pulls crap like that.
    "Wolves": I understand your plight. Have you ever considered hypnosis? There are residual parts of souls that are scooped into everyone to help guide us and keep us same, and also help those parts of the souls that didn't quite get everything they were supposed to have in their own times. I myself have a wolf part, her name is Blaine. I channel Blaine when I go for a run, she helps with my physical stability and stamina. Highly territorial, and fiercely loyal, we get our hearts broken by many people who seek to be intimate and then leave. It's not weird, it's not a curse, it's a part of you. Embrace it, in a healthy way, while remembering the you right now is human physically, and it's good to guard yourself from those who wouldn't understand. You aren't alone, go find a true "pack". Once you tap into your wolf, you'll be able to experience a WHOLE new world of energy's, sounds, smells, tastes, adrenaline and even the moon will be different. Be yourself, and don't ever let haters have any say in your feelings. And since you haven't gotten it from other Christians on this site, JESUS loves you for who you are. Always. ❤

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  • D34th533k

    I am obsessed too. But I keep it a secret. I always daydream and play games wolf related. Prettu much it.

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  • SnarlingWolf

    I'm so glad I found this post... I can totally relate to the majority of these comments. Even though I don't consider myself a furry or anything.. I guess I could refer to myself as an Iberian wolf "therianthrope." :) I've always loved wolves and canines since I was around 3 and saw one for the first time.. And I think they're my main reason of living nowadays. Glad there are others like me that wouldn't think I'm freakish. I definitely a wolf in the human body... I'd rather die on paws than live on feet.. ^^

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  • galexywolf4eva

    i love wolves too!!! i don't really show it on the outside but inside im THAT obsessed... i dream about them aswell and also with my religion.. i believe in spirit guardians and reincarnation. i think this 'obsession' you have is normal. maybe you have a strong bond with wolves because your guardian is one!!! mine is a grey wolf very gentle and always gives me advice on how to handle things... he understands me and helps me choose the correct path in life.. i think you should maybe meditate for a while and get in tune with your spirit guardian, it might help

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  • RoseIsabella

    I was more into werewolves but I really love wolves and I used to use the handle LycanthropiaChic online. Wolves are awesome! Whenever I watch a documentary about dogs and they talk about that heart of a wolf that beats in every dog I get goose bumps and chills; I kinda tear up but I hide it when other people are around.

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  • AlphaWolfGirl

    Ok I am really like that to about wolves. If you saw my bedroom you would freak out its all wolf. Have any of you ever herd of monkeys forming into humans? Well I got this idea if it's true but i'm not sure, if humans could change into other forms to! I think we would really have to take risks though. This does mean going to find a den and if you can smell good hunt prey. I know its crazy but this could really work. Why did this happen to us and why are we trapped in these bodies (Idk why really) I would give my human soul and body up to be a wolf. I'm trapped and I know this. I must find a way to make my friends believe me because they don't. In elementary I went and could scratch someone once very lightly and make them bleed. I felt bad and sadly I still do this today so I really have to be careful because when I try to make them not sharp they get sharper. This is why we must have are wolf bodies or we could really hurt someone. If you agree and post after me say I agree and then post whatever or not sure. My idea could work you never know...

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  • marsbat

    i am going to explode into wolf joy to kbow that so many people love wolves, i hate shows that make wolves look weak or dumb, i even wrote about wolves in TWO books for school

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  • VegetarianWolf

    I'm totally obsessed with wolves too! I feel exactly like you do.
    People ask me why I love them, I get stumped. I love everything about them. The way the look, how their family orientated, and how they are such a vital part of the health of an eco-system.
    My room is covered with pictures of wolves, I too have wolves on everything I own. Stickers, wallpapers, usernames. I refuse to wear a shirt that doesn't have a wolf on it. I have a wolf blanket, movies about wolves..
    I'm getting a job at a wolf preservation. And yeah, I feel like you. "They don't deserve to talk about them."

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    • PerfectlyInsane7

      Totally get you. Thumbs up.

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  • wolfofthenight

    Look up wolf therians on the web.

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  • TheW1fey

    LoL @ team Jacob! Leave it to you Danny! In a sense, yea I guess I would have to go for "team Jacob"! :)

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  • Bubblegum_Ninja

    You like wolves? That's cool.

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    • wolveirine

      Finally, someone who doesn't have some long story about their wolf obsession (*cough*cough sin)Finally someone who simply just thinks they're cool.THANK YOU, Bubblegum_Ninja,THANK YOU

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  • TheW1fey

    Well I say normal. I myself am a wolf freak! My entire living room is decorated in them, blankets, figurines, pictures, clock... The list goes on. I find them extremely fascinating and misunderstood animals. As a kid living in Alaska I would get so excited when I saw one in the wild. First thing I do when we go to the zoo is march straight to the wolf exhibit. I have loved them since I was a kid and it hasn't stopped. I too have dreams about them and imagine what life would he like if I was one, but I know where to draw the line with fantasy and reality. Everyone has something they fancy! I say its normal, just like people who live for coins, or shells, or other things. Glad I'm not the only one obsessed with wolves!! :)

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    • PerfectlyInsane7


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  • Wolflover369

    I'm 13 years old and pretty much all I think about is wolves whether I'm doing school work at school, reading about wolves and there history and even when I sleep I dream about them I think it's not normal but when you think about it normal is impossible normal is this amagineary reality where people are perfect but who cares I am who I am I can love everything about wolves if I want to and if you don't like it then you don't have to listen.

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  • TheAlphaWolf

    I completely understand what your saying!
    I absolutely love wolves but not like kids love puppies,I respect them and think of them as majestic creatures.
    All my accounts name have something to do with wolves and my room is pretty much wolf themed.
    Ive always felt part wolf and Im so glad I found this and see what so many people are like that too!

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  • Murun

    Wolverhampton Wanderers? I think it's fairly normal. My brother's similarly obsessed with West Ham.

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  • forestwolf

    Yeah, same here. I have Aspergers syndrome though, so I've had many previous obsessions too. (horses, movies, books). My whole room is decorated with wolf pillows, posters, stuffed animals, blankets, toys in a special order (if someone replaces them I get very upset).These obsessions are very VERY intense. They are the only things I think about, talk about and read about. So I don't really know if it's normal or not but normal is boring through my eyes :P

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  • naturefortheworld

    i thaught i was the only one. i am obsessed with all nature not only wolves. but wolves are my favorite animal. i do whatever i can to protect them and their homes.

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  • wolveirine

    (Im a Christian) It is a sin to be obsessed with wolves, and u people ARE obsessed. Im not saying that u cant like the way wolves look or u cant have a wolf screensaver or a wallpaper. Im not saying a wolf cant be your favorite animal either, but by the way u people said how u had wolf theme everything, now thats what u need to stop because thats what will be the cause of u going to hell

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  • PerfectlyInsane7

    Yes, i believe it is normal. I actually have the same experience! I am only thirteen, and I saw this post and felt it to be essential to respond to this, and ive got to tell you, same everything for me. I love wolves, I have some amazing experiences that are related to them. I think you'd like the anime show called "Wolf's Rain" Look up on youtube "Wolf's Rain English Dub" You can watch the series there, its quite amazing.

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  • Samisrunningwiththewolves

    I am totally obsessed with wolves too, it is apparent in every aspect of my life. Visit my blog and read the series I am writing about wolves with me as the main character (and yes, I am a wolf).




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  • im just like you i even have a wolf hat, werewolf mask, a wolf tail, and i sharpen my nails and i got fangs but my fangs are really uncomfortable anyone know wer i can get new ones oh and *TEAM JACOB ALL THE WAY :")*

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  • I have a friend named Tyler he has an obsession with wolves and like you had it for years. You should find him on facebook you would probably get along.

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  • PinkSneakersProductions

    We're currently casting for a new documentary series about teens who have stories like yours. If you're a teen obsessed, and want to share your story for TV, please check out our profile and get in contact with us. We'd love to hear from you!

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  • Jen118584

    Do you have a wolf decal in your read window? Wolves howling at the moon? Please say yes. I think I saw you once, are you from Ohio?

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  • squirrelgirl

    I used to be very passionate about wolves when I was a child. My favorite movie was Balto and I had a wall covered in wolf pictures.

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    • ilovewolves

      I love balto <3 i got all 3 of them.
      I love wolves more then anything on earth and i just want the best for them. :')

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  • chrissa114

    I understand, there's nothing wrong with that. Wolves are your passion.
    There's a place in California where you can visit wolves, it's a sanctuary where the wolves can't return to the wild, so they are kept in captivity ( I don't agree with keeping animals in captivity, but for these reasons I understand). I have been several times and have formed friendships with some of the wolves there. It's the most peaceful, amazing feeling being with them.
    Its funny how you said you hate when others talk about the wolves? That's how I feel at the sanctuary. I'll be petting a wolf, feeding one, or whatever and someone will come by wanting a pic or something. Just annoys me! Lol!!
    Follow your dreams, not sure what they are, but I know their wolf related. I have a passion for animals, especially wolves and have wanted to work with them. For now just going to the sanctuary and seeing what a wonderful, caring and loving place it is makes me happy.

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    • PerfectlyInsane7

      I went to a wolf sanctuary in Colorado. I love it there. It is so serene.

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  • timebobbu

    you are ftwolf

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