Ok to have phobia of heights?

I'm so scared of heights I'm scared to look over my 1st floor balcony...lol. Well my parents say yadda yadda that's fine live with it but my friends are making fun of me for it. I know lots of other people have this phobia, but is it normal or just plain stupid??
(You know the answer I want ;) )
Btw i am a female

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 60 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • I think a phobia of heights is ok. In fact I'm not a great fan of them myself and I'm male.

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  • hoh3

    It is normal don't worry I am afraid of roller coasters, But i overcame my fear when I was by a group of friends. Don't worry what people think of you, Everyone has thier one phobia.

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  • awwwtiger

    got the same s***t

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  • dappled

    It's relatively common and I have it too. If it makes you feel any better, I sometimes have to turn away from the TV when they show camerawork shot from a plane or helicopter. That'd make me the crazy one, not you.

    Merry Christmas, OP.

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  • fioojioo

    Don't worry, it's so normal, because i also like you.

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  • Avant-Garde

    So do I. In London, they have a type of bus called a "Double Decker" and my fear of heights is so intense that I can even got past the middle step to get up to the top level. I can no longer get on certain rides at amusement parks, which is fine by me, and I can't get on planes unless I'm sedated. The list goes on, but ,yes, it's normal to have this phobia. As for the people who are giving you a hard time about it, I suggest that you try to ignore them.

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  • Zucchinipod

    Normal. And it will increase as you get older.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Are you really afraid of heights or are you afraid of falling

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  • m.a.s97

    Acrophobia is quite a common fear so I would say it's very normal.

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  • LynDragon

    No it's not normal go to the hospital you're insane!!!!!!!!! Omg I think it's the end of the world!!!!

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