Old friends becoming bitter and resentful towards me
For what it's worth, I'm 25.
A handful of my old friends, ranging from people I hadn't seen in forever and tried to be nice to and reconnect with, to people who have been in my life for upwards of two decades, seem to be becoming bitter and resentful towards me ever since I began gaining confidence and making positive changes to my life. Instead of being happy for me, they become irrationally angry any time they see me happy about something, try to downplay my successes (which, by the way, I NEVER rub in their faces or act superior to them for), and overall just can't stand the fact that I'm doing better than I was before (things were pretty bad for me in high school and still pretty rocky in my early 20's). It's actually pretty upsetting, since I've always tried to be supportive of them and what makes them happy, and I've even tried to help them on several occasions.
It seems that a lot of them have become very unhappy since we left high school. Of course, they are always trying to convince everyone they are the best and happiest people ever, as well as being well above everyone else, but it's clear to see it's a facade by how easily upset they are towards other people's successes and happiness and how they feel the need to try to ruin other people's happiness.
I just don't get it. Rather than trying to destroy any sign of happiness you see in other people or getting upset by it, especially if they are as "happy" with their choices as they scream about being all over their Facebook pages, why don't they just do things that will make them happier? Why is 25 such a shit, insecure, stuck-in-high-school, teen bully age for so many people? Why is everything a competition and a reason to hate someone over, and why is everyone so miserable and stuck in the past? High school is over, time to ditch the catty-ass behavior and start being responsible for your own life and happiness.