Once again is the cdc and government covering shit up

The CDC and other government agencies now working on the approval and soon a requirement to get a booster vaccine shot.

If the facts are as they say 99.9% of the new cases are unvaccinated people then there would be little justification for a third shot and especially a set time frame of eight months.

There was one story in Massachusetts the end of July that was quickly squashed saying that 74% of new cases were people who had been fully vaccinated.

I think there's more to this story. I think there are a lot more break through cases than they are saying.

Once again their lying comes back to bite them. If they were just honest instead of playing politics. That's why there is such a resistance to getting the shots.

If they had said hey get the shots they'll protect you for about six to eight months maybe a year we're not sure how long but you'll most likely need a booster down the road. We will keep working and testing to see when that is and we will let people know.
Instead they're lying and now have egg on their face by saying oh it's just a precaution even if you been vaccinated you now need to wear a mask and social distance again, oh and get a booster but it's only those that are not vaccinated that are getting it. I call BS on that.

That's why people don't believe in the science, the scientists are all on somebody's political payroll.

I'm not saying the vaccine doesn't work or being an anti vacs person. They just need to stop playing politics with the information.

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Comments ( 30 )
  • Correction

    Nobody said the vaccine would last forever. From the very beginning, they said pretty much exactly what you said they should say, almost word for word.. Here’s Fauci and the Pfizer CEO saying that protection lasts at least six months(since that’s how long testing showed it lasts) and talking about the potential need for booster shots within a year, from April: (with a Fauci quote from March) https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/dr-fauci-when-we-will-need-booster-shots-for-covid-vaccine-timeline.html

    Here’s a story about Pfizer testing booster shots in February: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/25/pfizer-biontech-are-testing-a-booster-shot-of-their-covid-vaccine-in-a-new-trial.html

    The last study I saw showed that 98.3% of cases were unvaccinated people, but it varies widely from state to state because the percentage of people who are vaccinated varies from state to state. And, obviously, the higher the vaccination rate is, the higher the percentage of breakthrough cases will be. That’s just simply math. That’s why that 74% number in one minuscule outbreak in Massachusetts didn’t have staying power, people realized it didn’t mean anything.

    The relevant numbers are the percentage of each group that gets COVID and, when it comes to the need for booster shots, when the breakthrough cases were vaccinated. Tests are now showing a higher percentage of breakthrough cases in people vaccinated in January than people vaccinated in March and April. Hence, booster shots at eight months.

    You’re right that lies are fueling vaccine hesitancy, but it’s not coming from the CDC, it’s coming from anti vaxxsrs making shit up on the internet and people spreading it faster than it can be debunked.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Are you aware that the scientific advisor for the UK government said that 40% of the people hospitalized for covid were vaccinated? At first he said 60% but said he misspoke. Either number is really high if the vaccine is effective.

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      • Correction

        Yes, what I said about total cases is also true of hospitalizations. The percentage of hospitalized people that are vaccinated is going to be completely dependent on the percentage of all people who are vaccinated. The higher the percentage of all people who are vaccinated, the higher the percentage of hospitalized people will be vaccinated. If 0% of people are vaccinated, then 0% of hospitalized people will be vaccinated. If 100% of people are vaccinated, then 100% of hospitalized people will be vaccinated. That’s just simple math. You can’t look at one number without the other. The numbers used to calculate a vaccine’s effectiveness are the percentage of unvaccinated people who end up hospitalized compared to the percentage of vaccinated people who end up hospitalized, compared to each other.

        In the UK, 90% of all adults are fully vaccinated. If 10% of the general population are 60% of the hospitalizations, I’ll spare you the math unless you want to see it but that means the vaccine is preventing 92.6% of hospitalizations. That’s pretty effective if you ask me.

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        • Boojum

          I'm sure your 90% of UK adults being fully vaccinated figure is correct, which sounds great. Somewhat less great is that only 60% of the entire population is fully vaccinated, and people who aren't yet adults are pretty good at catching and passing on the virus, even if few of them suffer serious consequences themselves.

          Statistics and percentages are bandied about by click-seeking media outlets and easily misunderstood by many people. What I find striking is looking at the long-term graphs for the pandemic for diagnosis, hospitalisations and deaths. It's clear that the virus hasn't been beaten into submission just yet, but the numbers of people hospitalised and dying over the last few weeks in the UK is much lower than what was going on during the initial outbreak and drastically lower than what happened in Jan-Feb of this year.

          No matter what the anti-vax idiots want believe, that's mainly down to a whole lot of people having been vaccinated.

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      • Boojum

        The spokesman did indeed have a brain-fart, and he should have said that 60% of patients were NOT vaccinated. And, yes, that does mean that 40% of patients _were_ vaccinated, but a significant number of them had only received one dose, and of those who had received two doses, some were diagnosed fairly quickly after their second vaccine.

        Of course, that's all much, much too complicated for fuckwits like Tucker Carlson and the massed cretins of Facebook to comprehend, so the non-story lives on.

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      • LloydAsher

        I thought that was Israel.

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      • Correction


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    • olderdude-xx

      You nailed it!

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    • CountessDouche

      You are THE BEST

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    This is how every covid debate goes

    Vaccine skeptic: **SAYS INTERESTING THINGS**

    Vaccinated person: do you have a degree in chemistry?

    Vaccine skpetic: no, do you?

    Vaccinated person: no I listen to ppl who do

    *Grid lock*

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Btw look at Indias news if you want another side of coverage on vaccines and side effects they dont have a horse in the race so they report things western media wont report.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        I read about people in India covering themselves in cow shit to protect themselves from the virus.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          i cover my garden in cow shit every spring and its never had the virus

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            It's scientific observation. Dogs roll in shit & never get it so there must be something to it.

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        • LloydAsher

          People still forget that a lot of parts of india is still a 3rd world country.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Theres also thousands of westerners who believe in flat earth

          But id be surprised if you found one Indian doctor that recommended it.

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            So who should I ask when I'll need a booster covering of shit?

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  • litelander8

    Things that are naturally occurring cannot be copy-written. COVID-19 is. The Rothschilds have owned the patent to the vaccine since 2017.

    It’s absolutely fine for y’all to trust the government. I don’t. Y’all are more than welcome to get vaccinated. But supporting removing basic human rights over a vaccine is insane.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Its almost as if the vaccine doesn't immunise you.

    Oh wait.

    It doesn't.

    It lowers the chance and significantly reduces the severity of symptoms.

    Dumdum op

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  • Vaccines are failing before the mutating virus. We had 40000+ cases of fully vaccinated people testing covid +ve.

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    • LloydAsher

      Because it's a VIRUS. I was talking about this shit when covid was still new. It's just going to be another thing that we are gonna put up with. Turing to authoritarianism will not solve it.

      Growing a pair and realizing that natural immunity and herd immunity is enough to properly have people work comfortably in jobs is worth far more than authoritarian edict.

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      • Meowypowers

        Exactly, it needs to stop being labeled a "vaccine", it is experimental genetic treatment, and shoul be treated as thus such. And could be the reason for the mutating and strengthening of the virus.https://dailyreckoning.com/are-vaccines-making-covid-worse/

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        • LloydAsher

          Viruses mutate anyway the vaccine protects but it wont protect as much in the future. Since once again viruses mutate naturally.

          Stop with this stupid vax=bad shit. Making the rest of us who are against the legislation of vaccines look crazy.

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          • Meowypowers

            Anti vaxxers were people that blamed autism on the whooping cough and polio vaccine. Those people have been proven to be wrong and anti science.

            Considering the modern "vaccines" against covid are mostly gene manipulators and arent technically vaccines, there shouldn't be a comparison to the two camps of fans of one or not.

            There is a realistic possibility that the covid-2 virus is evolving because it is dealing with an improved host. There is likely an arms race between the virus and the, "covid vacines".

            Perhaps actually treating the virus with proven remedies such as: famotidine/celecoxib, fluvoxamine, and apixaban to various anti-inflammatory steroids, Vitamin D, and zinc. And hooefully better drugs.

            As opposed to entering an arms war where we use genome treatment to try and beat a ubiquitous virus that obviously can't be stopped with isolation and an expectance of "herd immunity" anymore, with such a giant well infected global herd that is constantly evolving itself, might not be the best approach.

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  • Of course the vaccine works. If it was only 25% effective that would be 25% less chance, and using percentages would prove out to have less vaccinated people catching it than unvaccinated. As a math person I'm not a fan of percentages. They are so misused and can be manipulated to just about prove or disprove anything. As was pointed out above if your sample group was 100% unvaccinated then 100% of your cases will be the unvaccinated. What they don't tell you is the raw numbers or the sample group. Let's take the state of Florida for example. The areas with the highest covid rates prior to vaccines were Miami,Central FL, Tampa, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, hmmm all big cities with high population, stands to reason.
    The areas in Florida with the highest vaccinated rate are the same areas, more people worried about it. Again stands to reason.
    Yet the current wave of cases are again highest in those same areas.
    You would think with the number of people in those areas that have had covid (very few reaccuring cases), and the number of people vaccinated, there should be very few cases.
    What they don't tell you is a big group of those that had covid, and those that got the vaccines, are the same people. They scared all the seniors in Florida to run out and get the vaccines even if they already had covid. I've also read stories about how many of these Florida cases are visitors to Florida not residents. You don't see that information much on mainstream media. Why, it doesn't fit the narrative, they want as much dirt and problems to throw at their biggest preceived threat (Desantes) as they can get.

    With percentages if you play with the numbers you could say covid is racist and discriminating. Since most US cities are largely democrat and have high minority populations. Then do what you can to help stop covid, move out of the city, drop the democrat affiliation, and sorry can't help you with the minority thing we're just fked. Although we can move out of the cities and give up our multigenerational living situations. Take those factors out our chance of getting covid isn't much different than the elite.

    Point being percentages with out the background don't prove shit.

    Second point, yes Fauci did say boosters may be required early on but political pressure made those comments almost go away. They didn't want anyone out there saying you may need these every six months or so.
    And they're a lot of people who may not have taken the vaccine, not knowing the long term effects or of its safety if it was only good for a few months.

    The best immunity seems to be if you lucky enough to have got covid and survived. But that's a hell of a risk.

    That's missing the point though. I started this because of the lies from the WHO and CDC. Finally today I heard one major story on big media about the vaçine effectiveness seems to be dwindling. After six to eight months.

    Because of the lies, this is going to cause major problems. Unless they can jump on this with both feet. They have a lot of these vaccinated people out there that think it's a right of passage. They can go anywhere and do anything because they've been vaccinated, throw caution to the wind. And if they find out that they need to get the vaccine but still mask, social distance, not go to parties and clubs or just hang. A lot more will say F the vaccine I'll take my chances. I'd rather catch it than be a hermit for how many years.

    One last thought the numbers of how effective the vaccine is, are skewed by the number of people who had covid and got the vaccine. That alone will make the vaccine look more effective.

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  • sillygirl77

    Lemme guess you have a search engine, free time and don't have to skillsetthe perform research using any valid measures?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting it, it lowers the risk of serious symptoms like brain damage, lung and heart issues as well as death.

    However with that said, I don't think their numbers are correct when it comes to how effective they are. They're saying the Pfizer vaccine is 95% EFFECTIVE at PREVENTING COVID. That's a total lie because many people sick with covid had the Pfizer vaccine and got sick and now they're blaming Delta lol. Their vaccines were maybe 50% effective from the start at preventing covid. It doesn't remove your risk of getting it enough to be a "cure".

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    • Correction

      Preventing 95% of infections means 5% of them still happen…that’s still a lot of infections when you’re talking about 170,000,000 people. Where did you get 50% from?

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Lots of people I know got covid and they got the vaccine..and the cases are higher this year than last in many places so it's pretty obvious it's closer to 50% effective.

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        • Correction

          It’s not surprising that you know lots of people who’ve been vaccinated and got COVID, it’s a very widespread disease so even if the vaccine was 99% effective, that’s still a whole lot of people who would still get sick. And yes, the numbers are higher in some places…places that just so happen to have low vaccination rates. I did find one small sample sized study that said Pfizer may only be 53% effective against the delta variant in people who were vaccinated five or six months ago, but that’s certainly not what it started at. It’s 88% effective against the Delta variant two weeks after the second dose.

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