Once conservative, now liberal atheist

I come from a family of fervent conservative christians and rabid republicans. I used to be one myself and all that went with it: homophobic, racist, xenophobic, etc. I was a religous zealot to rival most religious zealots, constantly bumping into things around the house I was so often closing my eyes or zoning out for brief little prayers. I was loud and stupid and mean and inconsiderate. I was the worst kind of fool.

Then I started changing. Slowly at first, then rapidly.

One question nagged at me the worst: Did I believe what I did because I wanted to believe it or because it was the most logical wordview based on the life I'd lived. I only wanted to believe it. I'd never seen God in my life, for sure not a Republican God. I also came to terms with my sexuality which I'd been trying so hard to deny and supress. I changed completely.

I'm now, just a relatively short time later, a proud liberal, atheist, bisexual; pro-choice, against the death penalty, for legalizing prostitution, drugs, and so on...

I'm not aware of many people maturing as quickly as I did over such a short period of time. I hate that I ever was who I was, believing the terrible things I did. I don't think it's normal.

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81% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • randomjelly

    I'm proud of you for growing up and becoming your own person. Way to go!!!

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  • AJMJ

    Very normal. I used to be very conservative, but I've become a Libertarian through the same sort of soul-searching you did. Everyone has an ideology that fits them best. =)

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  • Koda

    I honestly believe people are only conservative when they're surrounded by it from a young age and constantly exposed to it. Anyone that looks at the worldly logically and ethically is thinking liberally.

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  • Arktos

    I think the way you developed only shows how much you are able to think for yourself. Reflecting your standpoints is always a good thing. It means your convictions are based on thorough consideration, not mere adoption from authority figures. So be proud of it.

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  • coolio75650932

    im proud man im proud want to share a bag of meth? no ok then more for me *sniff sniff* *throws my only son out of window* finaly i opened the window :D

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  • coolio75650932

    im athiest to man i dont believe in god cuz of all the pics of space earth clouds and you dont see a guy standing there do you?

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  • piman

    cuz all christians are homophobic and racist. (sarcastic if you didnt catch it)

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  • howaminotmyself

    You had an epiphany. Congratulations! Now please don't stop asking questions.

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  • lrdrskillz

    I was the same way.. I was a Jehovah Witness when was younger then as I got older I wondered about soooo many controversial topics in the bible: Elisha and the she-bears, Moses and the Midianites, slavery, treating women as slavery and many others but i digress...
    I, like you slowly started changing, but these ideas and questions in my head only led to more, and a more questioning attitude which changed me rapidly just like you. Its like PoisonFlowers said, once the first questions have been asked, only more will follow in a vicious, but liberating cycle. And that's perfectly normal, especially in this generation.
    I'm glad the way Ive changed. I was judgmental of others actions and beliefs, not because it caused any harm to me or society, but because it didn't fit what the bible said. I was a pro-life, homophobic, bigot. Now I'm pro-choice, and pro gay marriage all cause im atheist. You see being an atheist i found my self a new and better philosophy to live by than a 2000 year old book; live and let live, so long as it promotes welfare and happiness while minimizing unnecessary harm.

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  • Brooser

    People change. Just as you went from conservative to liberal and all the other things you listed, I'm sure plenty of people go the other way as well. Sounds like you just figured out who YOU were. :)

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  • RegReg

    well hurrah and huzzah, you grew up

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Sure it's normal. Once you start to question how things are, you can change fairly quickly. The first questions are like the crack from which everything else that you'd believed in falls apart. The process gains momentum from the very moment that you choose to go along with it because the cracks were always there. It's not destruction though - it's just you figuring out things for yourself instead of relying on everyone else's judgement. You open your eyes and everything comes flooding in.

    I wasn't as extreme as you were, but my family is pretty much conservative and christian too. I grew up quite confused. Haha I thought that I had to be cured of my fucked up sexuality. I thought that I was sick. See, I've always had a liberal streak that set me apart from my parents. I still remember my little brother telling me what my mum had told him and me saying "nah, not necessarily. Don't believe all the stuff you hear." Sorry mum, but it was crapola.

    Don't hate that you were who you were in the past. Maybe you'd hate that person if you were to meet them now, but it's quite nice that you can be so many people throughout your lifetime. You can see things from more points of view. I find it facinating that people can change so much.

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    • SamuraiPeeper

      Thank you. It was exactly like you say.

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