One strand of hair always grows pure white?

I'm in my 30s most would say well you're older that's why but I've had this every few years since I was 18 AND my mom and dad noticed the first grey in their mid 40s not at all in their 30s.

It's one strand on the left side of my head it just keeps growing white only the one it's annoying because I have brown black hair so it's so obvious and I don't like it.

Is it normal? What causes one only? Why?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • olderdude-xx

    An indication of wisdom... Great!

    Note I've had a select few white hairs most of my life. Now I have many more of them...

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  • bbrown95

    I think it's normal for people get these at different ages. I'm a reddish brunette and I remember finding what appeared to be a white/silver hair at around 15, though I'm not sure if it's still there, as I have a lot of hair and haven't really looked for it in a long time (and it seemed to be a really fine hair that was hard to notice if you weren't looking). I was oddly pretty excited about it at the time! 🤣

    Come to think of it, my friend was messing with my hair the other day and said he noticed a white/gray hair, though I haven't seen it yet myself (forgot about it until now and haven't really looked, and there wasn't a mirror around when he pointed it out). I'm currently 26. Same friend who found mine has had a couple of white hairs in the same spot for at least a few years and is also 26. I think it is something that just happens to some of us earlier than others.

    I also knew a girl in high school who had a random patch of at least 4-5 very coarse and noticeable white hairs in her otherwise jet black hair that she said she'd had since birth, and she always got lots of compliments on it.

    If it bothers you, I believe they have a sort of touch-up hair dye/colored spray meant for roots that you could use on it.

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  • Pluck it out or shoot it.

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  • Hookerfall

    I have blonde hair and used to find one jet black strand... the body is an odd thing

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    • That's really strange too

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      • Hookerfall


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  • RoseIsabella

    Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress, and Father time, he ain't no friend of mine!

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