Opinion on criminal records

I have a criminal record but I have not been in trouble in 8 years. I got pulled over by a cop before and he said "I'm gonna let you off with a warning. Just let me go check your papers and I'll be right back." He came back and said "I changed my mind about the warning. I got 2 tickets for you." I know its because of my criminal record. It got me thinking what do other people think about those with a criminal record? I have no theft charges. My bad charges were two aggrevated assaults and then things like disorderly, criminal simulation, a shit ton of driving without a license and stuff like that. But I have not been in trouble in 8 years and when I did get in trouble all those charges were within a 3 year period (18-21).

Is there some sort of stigma you personally have against former criminals?

Yes 10
No 1
Depends (explain) 8
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Comments ( 17 )
  • jethro

    If you were repetitively a dick to the cops in your past discretions, which I imagine that you were, don't expect to receive any consideration from the constabulary. It's called karma and you got served. Expect it at every confrontation involving police.

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    • That cant be it. Im never a dick to the cops. I have a few police in my family.

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  • sweetone89

    Why don't you try to get your past criminal records expunged and destroyed? I.e. where no one can see them? If you tell me which state you live in, I could send you a link to expungement information law in your state. The process is usually so easy, too.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Just don't be a criminal.

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    • I dont break the law anymore but once you commit a crime you are always a criminal. So its not like I can stop being a criminal now, I am always gonna be one even if I solve world hunger.

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  • Tommythecaty

    He saw the “shit ton” of DRIVING offences.

    Should’ve given you a third ticket for being to dumb to realise what the specific issue was.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Unfortunately anything within the past 10 years will be still seen as a red flag to nearly anyone but even after that I think it'll still be 50/50 where in some circumstances it will be a red flag to others not so much. It also depends on exactly what those charges involved/the situation you're in.

    I had a friend a few years ago who had a criminal record but it was several years back before we met when he was 19-20 for bar fights while he was drunk. He didn't have any after that but he behaved in a scary manner sometimes. I broke off the friendship and I found out a few months later he tried to kill someone while drunk and is now in prison so those charges still give a red flag because there's a higher chance the person still does criminal things or has the potential to. I'm not saying you are still a criminal I'm just saying it's just a red flag in general because there's that higher chance of the person still engaging in criminal activity.

    I later found out the guy also assaulted his uncle while we were friends and he broke his uncle's fingers in a drunk rage and never told me/no charged were filed because his uncle was the one who raised him and didn't want anything to happen to him so yeah.

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  • darefu

    I've had the same happen in reverse, he said he was going to give me a ticket, however, he changed his mind after seeing I had a professional class C license with no previous tickets.

    Professional drivers can lose their job or at least impact their employment if they get a ticket.

    So in short yes a previous record of infringement can and most likely will change things.

    The police can see it has been 8 or 10 years but they don't know maybe you've been lucky and just not caught for the last 8 years. Make it 10 before you get another that will help.

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  • Somenormie

    Depends on the crime they've committed.

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  • Jimbo24

    Depends on what the person did. If it's theft, for example, I'd be more guarded about leaving things around him. But time also matters. If the guy's been clean for twenty years, then I think most people will be less on their guard than if he just came out of prison last year. So things will probably get better for you as time goes on.

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    • LloydAsher

      So you agree the officer giving him a ticket for the driving was warranted? I mean if you have a really shitty driving record you dont deserve warnings anymore. The warnings are for average Joe's that got caught in the net and will probably never be a repeat offender.

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      • Jimbo24

        Yeah, cops shouldn't be enforcing the law differently on people. Unfortunately, they do, especially traffic cops, who are known to go much easier on women for instance. Here, it seems the cop was trying to make him pay beyond the prison debt he'd already paid, which is messed up.

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      • I hadnt really had many tickets it was mostly driving on suspended because I got tickets at 18 that I could not afford to pay. So I drove without a license. I honestly never thought about this being because of the driving record I thought it was because of other things on my record.

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        • LloydAsher

          It was your driving record. No need to give someone a warning if they've been already ticketed. You should know better than to speed!

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          • I wasnt speeding. A light went out on a trailer I was hauling. I didnt know about it till he pulled me over. It was working when I had left.

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            • LloydAsher

              Ah well crap luck then.

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  • LloydAsher

    Like a lot of things it depends. In your case your prior convictions are enought to turn a warning into a ticket since you had prior history with driving infractions thus it gave the cop the perception of "this guy knows better" thus ticket. VS some guy with a clean record so cut him a break and hell probably wont speed anymore. Happened with me. Got a warning and now I dont exceed 5 above the speed limit.

    The higher the severity crime the more stigma you attract after your "rehabilitation" in prison. For minor crimes that result in prison it's mostly a pass for me. Since you did your time. For higher grade crimes I use it against you as a reason why I dont do X with you.

    I'm not in any position to hire anyone but criminal histories is something i would use judgement on within hiring someone.

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