Opinions about fame

Fame is weird, is like a bunch of people know your name and some talk and do stuff in your homage. Some of then forgot you are a person, some harass and others are sweet, but any of then know who you are as a person, and you also know any of those people.

This is extra weird when they recognize you in the streets, I mean I understand that they are happy, but some people scream, which drive others attention.
A lot of people are really sweet but it fells weird and changes your life a lot, Anonymity never felt so good in the internet.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    Fame sounds pretty terrible tbh. I'd rather just be filthy rich and unknown.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    wouldnt want any parta that shit

    i hate when people from the post office or auto parts store recognize me at the grocery

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I never understood why people famboy over celebrities like theyre false gods or something. Asking for someone's autograph is just as cringy to me.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'd rather just have the money.

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  • Tinybird

    are you famous?! WHO ARE YOU?!!!!

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  • Grunewald

    I experienced something of the weirdness of that a long time ago. It's lonely, and you realise how selfish, fickle and superficial people can be in their love.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm an introvert so I guess I dont get fame. You are still going to be forgotten eventually, may as well accept it when you are alive and have fun.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    I would want recognition rather than fame. I don't 'get' celebrities who constantly beef about the 'pressures' of fame and don't like being recognised by their public. They chose that way of life and they are quick enough to take the perks of fame and quicker still to take the money.

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  • JustAHuman

    So, you're famous?

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  • Somenormie

    Fame is kinda overrated tbh, all you are known is to the public and gets harassed by people.

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  • LornaMae

    I had a TV actor boyfriend who was stopped by some people to say how much they loved this evil character he played in a Brazilian novela and take selfies. Not too many times, though, he was never the leading man in his shows or films either but it happened and he didn't love it.

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    • Meatballsandwich

      How often are you stopped on the streets if I may ask? I don't know if I would even dare to go outside in public in your situation. The amount of attention everywhere would drive me nuts!

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      • LornaMae

        In his case for not being a major star he was approached few times - but at least once or twice whenever we were out in Rio, at restaurants, bars, the beach, etc. Since a ton of famous actors live there it's not uncommon to see them around and for people not to go too crazy because they're used to it.

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        • Meatballsandwich

          Ok, makes sense. Weird because I've heard that, supposedly, some celebs move away from LA to NYC, because people there supposedly don't care as much for some reason, are far less likely to " freak-out ", etc. Dunno if it's true. Weird since there are far more of them on the west coast.

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          • LornaMae

            I'm trying to figure out why without googling but I've come up with nada so far hahaha

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            • Meatballsandwich

              Dunno tbh. If I ever were to move to the U.S, I wouldn't pick either of those places since I'm too stressed-out by urban life. I mean, just the city I live in, which has a population of 1 million, drives me nuts.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I get excited if I randomly see someone who acts on my favorite show or in a movie I love but I don't get the fangirl/boy obsession. It's definitely weird because they're just people. Imagine if there were no celebrities? Just people we treated as people doing a job in entertainment? Imagine if we just treated them like everyone else? The same as Bob in accounting or your neighbor Greg?

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