Opinions on my art?

My art style is kind of wierd and I don't the chance to get a lot of feedback. So I'd appreciate any that you guys could give me. All of art is on my tumblr http://grimlock2020.tumblr.com/ so feel free to have a look!

Awful 17
Good 15
Okay 23
I'm blind 12
Different 1
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Comments ( 23 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    Sorry. I couldn't stop staring at the LSD thing.

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    • Energy

      ME TOO!!!!!!! I stared at it for like 30 minutes, lmao.

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  • Shrunk

    i looked at the first couple pages, it made me smile, it's funny/cute... keep practicing tho :] I guess it kinda depends how old you are too

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    If someone was blind I do not think they could read "Your blind" posted on the computer.

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  • coolio75650932

    thats pretty good...can you draw a picture of me :3 (look at my profile pic and plz dedicate it to me plz il thank you if you do)

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  • MsArtistick

    I have to disagree with MrPanic...drawing IS art. :)

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  • I really liked the cartoon where the guys face trips out.

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  • MisterPanic

    I'd start painting. Drawing isn't really considered art. It's very creative IMO, but you should take more time to make really beautiful things. Buy some paint and a couple of canvases and just start painting. That's what I always do. I stopped studying economy this year (it was my first year) because I want to study art, and I paint every day for a couple of hours. I actually make money doing so occasionally. Many of my friends like my art and some of them buy paintings (if I want to sell it :)), or ask me to paint something for them.

    It's a really fun and rewarding thing to do IMO, so keep it up.

    E: http://instagram.com/thomasxi, there's some paintings I posted on instagram, if you're interested. (http://instagram.com/p/QTCZK_mRpa/ this is one of the few sketches I've made in the past months)

    Oh btw, it's a good idea to buy books on how to paint and how to draw, they can help immensely. Just like someone else said, you are very creative but seem to lack skill. That's not a problem because painting/drawing is something you can learn. The most important thing is to have your own style.

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    • Ijustknowimweird

      I agree. Drawing is how i got started with paintings and other stuff. I do think drawing is art when done with technique

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I wish i could see it.

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  • i like yr self portrait

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  • Darkoil

    There are some good ideas but you are lacking the technical side of drawing. I know a lot of people who are the other way around eg, I know a shit ton of graphic designers who have learnt the technical side at uni but they have no artistic flair so their work sucks dick. I think if you were to improve your drawing skills then there would be some very good potential there. It's kind of like someone who is good at writing songs but they can't sing very well.

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    • Grimlock2020

      Thanks for the honesty, the ideas are what make me want to draw.

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  • Grimlock2020

    Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately I'm 22 haha. Drawing isn't my strong point but I've always loved doing it.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      All it takes to be good is repetition, gotta hone those drawing muscles. :P I don't even consider myself to be that good by professional standards, I can't do super realistic really or any of those fancy complex digital paintings but I'm pretty good at weird, fantasy stylized shit and anthro characters, all traditional media.

      I pretty much got good by drawing constantly, ever since I was young. Push yourself to draw something every day. Try different experiments to hone your style; drawing with your non dominant hand is really fun. Try more challenging subjects just to push yourself and refine. I'd say it'd be cool to see some color but that really depends what style you're going for, I've been doing a lot of painting and my prof is out there when it comes to themes and color use. XD

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      • Grimlock2020

        Thanks for all the advice! I've tried doing more challenging things in the past but it aggrivates me sometimes lol. I'm also very terrible at anything realistic. Do you post your art anywhere?

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Yeah, though I don't have a lot of my newer stuff posted yet. www.furaffinity.net/user/ileavebitemarks has a lot of my older work, though I didn't post everything there since it's more a site for anthro specific art.

          I just made this recently, that's some of my shit from fall 2 years ago, I'm getting ready to update it with all my new stuff though.

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          • Grimlock2020

            You have a very vibrant art style. I'm curious to see how it's evolved if that's from two years ago.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I love the sense of humor, nice style too though I would like to maybe see some color and backgrounds. It's not necessary, but the style at the moment is very minimalistic. I'd say just keep working at it and developing it, your art will grow and change as you do. :)

    How old are you anyway?

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  • Shroot

    If there was a Shamefull option

    I would have voted for that.

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    • Grimlock2020

      Also learn to spell "Shameful"

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      • Shroot

        There should be a comma after "Also"

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    • Grimlock2020

      I'll keep that in mind for next time.

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