Optimists are delusional

They're delusional. Not only are they delusional, they're ignorant. They never want to face reality, cry whenever they don't get their way, and then when somebody is being realistic for ONCE, they whine and complain and tell you that you're being negative. And then when you point out their ignorance they're like "eww negative person" "omg you're so fucking negative you're killing my positive vibes!" and waaaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaaaah. They also appear to be naive. very naive. Also, let's not forget how they tell themselves "I'm going to be rich" "I'm going to own a huge company" and all this other bullshit they don't know if they're actually going to accomplish, which is kind of narcissistic. It's stupid as well. For whatever reason, people are mistaking narcissism as positivity. They're unrealistic as fuck. More unrealistic than the pessimists people complain about. Optimists are unrealistic, stupid, ignorant, and delusional. This is why I don't understand why these people are treated as if they're something divine.

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Comments ( 71 )
  • CountessDouche

    Let me tell you about Optimists.Prime job of
    Decepto-con-ing themselves.

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    • You get it another like.

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      • CountessDouche

        Gotcha, dumbass. Likes are for optimists!

        As the optimists say, at the end of every face smooch is a puppy. At the end of every puppy is a poopy. From every poopy a poppy blossom blooms! Life is a beautiful circle.

        Actually I don't think anyone ever said that. I probably read it on here and these people all fuck dogs and want to kill themselves and each other. Definitely take their opinions on brotherhood and positive life fee fees to heart.

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        • I think likes are for everyone as long as you aren't ignorant.

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          • CountessDouche

            For EVERYONE!? what if they're like, yeah the earth is an oblate spheriod. I've read Dostoyevsky and optimists are a no go...but darn do I love rapin' kids.

            I think "everyone" is a bit...ehem...optimistic

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            • dude_Jones

              Well if it helps to make you feel better, I'm optimistic that Planet Earth will experience a nuclear holocaust sometime in the next 500 years. The soul crushing reality of the problem is easier to swallow if you focus on the nuanced mathematics of the prediction process. *Sigh*. I guess you and I and all the others will just have to muddle through.

              Of course, the post-apocalyptic barbarianism will most certainly include "IIN - The Board Game". That should shut up those mindlessly happy optimists with their fucking mind numbing lack of critical thinking. Like, tell us why autodarwination is socially responsible, you twerk brains.

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            • Yeah, I take that back. They definitely aren't for everyone, douche.

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    • LloydAsher

      You get a like for that

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I highly doubt that's the typical optimist. An optimist is someone who says things like "Well it could've been worse, at least ______ didn't happen" or "I'm so lucky, most people in the world would kill for what I have, and there's still even opportunity to improve my situation if I put my mind to it", rather than just someone living in delusion. They're usually much better at handling difficult situations then too because they don't just break down at the first sign of hardship.

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    • Lies. Typical optimists are like this. And these beliefs they have are just as stupid as the other ones.

      "Well it could've been worse, at least ______ didn't happen".

      Once again, they're deceiving themselves into believing something they don't even know for sure. This bad outcome they got could've been their worse outcome. And why always feel the need to treat something "bad" as if it's something "good".

      "I'm so lucky, most people in the world would kill for what I have, and there's still even opportunity to improve my situation if I put my mind to it".

      If they're soooo lucky, then why would they feel the need to improve their situation? And as if they know if they would improve their situation.

      I'm not saying to break down when you get hardship, but i'm also not gonna say you should treat it as if it's something good. A hardship is a hardship, why treat it as if it's something great?

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        I'm not saying to treat it like it's good, that would be delusional alright. But optimists try to put it into perspective and realise that it's not that bad considering. They also make sure to appreciate whenever something good happens, and remember all the good things that has happened to them, rather than to just dismiss them and focus on the bad.

        It's all a matter of perspective. Pessimists and optimists are both correct in how they view the world, neither of them are delusional. But optimists are usually happier and healthier for the way they look at things.

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        • I'm not saying to dismiss all your oh so good memories, but to dismiss your hardships is dumb. No, i'm sorry, but optimists are in fact delusional. But it's alright, a belief is a belief, and if you believe their ignorance is good, then that's on you.

          Also, pessimists and realists appreciate whenever something good happens to them too. Optimists are not special because they show appreciation whenever something good happens to them. You are expected to show appreciation anyways. Ad does this all really hide their stupidity and blindness, as well as their self-deception?

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          • JellyBeanBandit

            Optimists don't dismiss their hardships, they just don't fixate on them and instead focus on how they can improve things.

            Yeah but pessimists are quick to forget those good things that have happened to them, and to focus once again on what they don't have. I think people in general are prone to doing this though. On the one hand that is a good thing, since they'll move onto solving the next challenge quicker that way and will improve their situation more effectively, but still it can lead to some people having a distorted bleak view of their lives. So that's why it can benefit us to periodically consciously recall all the fortunate things that have happened to us recently, and that's one thing optimists do.

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            • Weird that you assume all pessimists even had anything good happen to them. Lots of pessimists are the way they are because their life is shit. Not every single pessimist has a happy life, you know. But that's besides the point.

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  • LloydAsher

    My pessimism helps me prepare for a future. My optimism gives me hope for a future.

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    • Boojum

      I think there's a lot of good sense in the old adage, "Hope for the best, but plan for the worst."

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      • I think having a "Maybe it will go wrong, maybe it won't" attitude is better.

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    • Yeah, and that optimism will make you narcissistic and very deluded. Careful there.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Lol do you not see the flaws in this logic? If not its because your emotion has clouded your judgement.

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        • Of course you'll see my logic having flaws, considering your stupidity has clouded your judgement. And very funny coming from you because most of you optimists are not logical at all. Sorry, but it's the truth.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            The fact that you say "being optimistic will make you narcissistic" says alot. You put yourself on a moral highground to try to explain how your way is actually superior. Its a cope. You know deep down theres something wrong with you. We all have our own issues though I certainly do.

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            • Sorry, but you're wrong. I know for a fact, my way is not superior, kind of weird that you assume I think it is superior. Try not to assume things next time. And no, I don't think there is deep down something wrong with me. If being not so ignorant means there is something wrong with me, then I rather have something wrong with me, than to be some idiot who only knows ignorance.

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          • LloydAsher

            Being pessimistic isnt being logical. Its seeing the worst of the circumstances. Which when constantly done will sap any motivation to continue to work for a future.

            Why do work when you will die anyway.

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            • It's a little more rational than thinking every thing that happens in your life is going to have a good outcome. Realism and pessimism has always been more realistic than optimism. But of course, i'm not saying you need to be pessimistic.

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  • Yaidin

    An optimist wouldn't cry and whine at every bad thing in their life or your eye-roll-inducing comments. That's the very point of being optimistic.

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    • Your ignorance is eye-roll-inducing. You're wrong there. Optimists DO cry and whine at most bad things in their life, because they are always expecting things to have the good outcome they want, so when the opposite happens, they whine and cry. Once again, you are wrong there. Optimists always want things to go their way.

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  • Hubbard

    Pessimists even more so

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    • Not really, no.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Even if theyre delusional it only helps them and being gloom and doom hurts you.

    One thing I have noticed in life if you talk to people who are very successful they are very optimistic in their abilites like this. Not everyone like that is successful but pretty much all successful ppl who made their own way are like this. I have noticed I have not seen many successful ppl who have a victim mentality that borders on "I wont succeed". You could say Trump has a victim mentality and he does in ways but hes almost delusional in his confidence like you say. His mindset is "im gonna build the most beautiful building anyone has ever seen. Its gonna be unlike any other building." this crazy mindset actually made him quite a successful developer.

    I have noticed every person that has a victim mentalty that blames the world for all their failures are always broke unless they got money from mommy and daddy. And I think alot of times getting money from mommy and daddy made them like this.

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    • "Even if they're delusional it only helps them and being gloom and doom hurts you".

      No it doesn't. Being ignorant and delusional is NOTHING to be proud of. Neither is being narcissistic anything to be proud of. And actually, being delusional does hurt you. The deluded optimists wound up getting hurt in the end. Worse.

      "One thing I have noticed in life if you talk to people who are very successful they are very optimistic in their abilites like this. Not everyone like that is successful but pretty much all successful ppl who made their own way are like this. I have noticed I have not seen many successful ppl who have a victim mentality that borders on "I wont succeed". You could say Trump has a victim mentality and he does in ways but hes almost delusional in his confidence like you say. His mindset is "im gonna build the most beautiful building anyone has ever seen. Its gonna be unlike any other building." this crazy mindset actually made him quite a successful developer".

      There have been many times where i've told myself "i'm not gonna succeed" and guess what? I succeeded. So there Mister, you are wrong. And their success doesn't hide their stupidity and success. Just like when a psychopath succeeds, it doesn't hide the fact they're a psychopath. They're PITIFUL, and success doesn't hide that. Very sad they needed their delusion and narcissism to get where they're at.

      "I have noticed every person that has a victim mentalty that blames the world for all their failures are always broke unless they got money from mommy and daddy. And I think alot of times getting money from mommy and daddy made them like this".

      For god sake, not every negative person blames the world for their problems. Some do, but not all. And there are different things that can cause someone to be "negative". And at least "negative" people are more rational unlike the ignorant irrational optimists.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        But you're miserable though. I can feel the anger through the text. You even write angry with the capital letters and all. Being optimistic helps me at the least because I am not a miserable person. I look forward to tomorrow. If you always talk like this you wont have any friends. Im sure you'll say you have loads of them or something. But you seem like a terrible person for normal ppl to be around. And I'm not even saying that to try to tear you down but you need to hear it.

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        • Miserable? Of what? And no, I don't have any friends, but that's because I don't bother seeking any out. And yeah, I know I won't get any friends if I "always talk like this" because most people cannot deal with reality. They rather deal with someone who is unrealistic and dishonest because it makes them feel better. So yeah, I know i'm a "terrible person" for "normal" people to because these "normal" people are out of reality, just like you are. I really couldn't care less. And sorry, but caps aren't always used when angry. And no, i'm sorry, but being lost in lala land is a very miserable way to be living life, whether you agree or not. I feel bad for you. I hope one day you'll lose the ignorance and be more into reality. Have a good day.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Misery loves company. Thats why you want others to think like you. But other people are too busy being happy and looking forward to tomorrow.

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            • This applies more to you, than it does me. Living as an ignorant and deluded person is very miserable, which is why you feel like my way of seeing things is wrong and why you are encouraging ignorance. You want people to be just as idiotic as you are. But right now, i'm too busy being not full of retardation.

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  • APainInYerAss

    Stawp eatin magic brownies, dude!

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    • I think you're the one here who is eating "magic" brownies.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    "Optimists are unrealistic, stupid, ignorant, and delusional."

    See the world as you want to see it. No one will be able to stop you from doing that anyway. But if you're talking about people you don't know, and you can't know all of them or most of the optimists, then just keep your mouth shut.

    Optimism, realism, pessimism are just worldviews. Of course, not only optimists built the world, but optimists are the ones who are more easily inspired to do such tasks.
    If you only know the "stupid" and naive "narcissistic" ones, then you are obviously hanging out with the wrong people.

    I myself am a pessirealist and know only a few optimists personally, but many through online services. Among them are medical students, artists and architects, nutritionists, lawyers, police trainees and many others. None of them think they are better or special. They are all modest and educated people who do not carry the problems of the world around with them on the outside, but who are well aware of them. They are empathetic towards people who suffer from these problems, they help when they can, because they believe that any problem can be solved. They are not blind. They just don't let them drag them down, which is what pessimists can tend to do.
    I find these people inspiring.The world can be grey, you know what shit is out there waiting for you and you're not at full strength to sort it all out. The glass does contain half oxygen and half water. Then comes an optimist, but half is drinkable. You can handle it. If you don't try, you've already lost anyway. So you do what you should do anyway and you do it with a nice tailwind. It almost goes wrong, but you manage it because you believe in your success and don't let yourself be distracted by any eternal inner dialogues in which you calculate. Optimists boost other people. In my opinion, that is their function in this world.

    Just because you don't feel this effect, because you don't know what they think and feel, are they stupid, naive and narcissistic? I actually thought you were talking about yourself.

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    • "See the world as you want to see it. No one will be able to stop you from doing that anyway. But if you're talking about people you don't know, and you can't know all of them or most of the optimists, then just keep your mouth shut".

      No thank you. I may not know every single optimist, but I know how they act and their behaviors. Just like you don't need to know every single sociopath, but you know how they act. I think the one who needs to shut their mouth, is you. Also, sorry, didn't know I struck a nerve their.

      "Optimism, realism, pessimism are just worldviews. Of course, not only optimists built the world, but optimists are the ones who are more easily inspired to do such tasks".

      So what? I've already explained this, it does not hide their ignorance and stupidity.

      "If you only know the "stupid" and naive "narcissistic" ones, then you are obviously hanging out with the wrong people".

      Again, not people I personally know, but I know how optimists act, regardless.

      "I myself am a pessirealist and know only a few optimists personally, but many through online services. Among them are medical students, artists and architects, nutritionists, lawyers, police trainees and many others. None of them think they are better or special. They are all modest and educated people who do not carry the problems of the world around with them on the outside, but who are well aware of them. They are empathetic towards people who suffer from these problems, they help when they can, because they believe that any problem can be solved. They are not blind. They just don't let them drag them down, which is what pessimists can tend to do".

      "they help when they can, because they believe that any problem can be solved". Exactly! You just proved their ignorance. And for the 100th time, this does not cover up how self-deceiving, delusional, and dumb they truly are. It is the truth. It doesn't matter they have empathy, are successful, or help when they can because it doesn't hide their stupidity. And yes, they are blind, but whatever you say. This is deception.

      "I find these people inspiring.The world can be grey, you know what shit is out there waiting for you and you're not at full strength to sort it all out. The glass does contain half oxygen and half water. Then comes an optimist, but half is drinkable. You can handle it. If you don't try, you've already lost anyway. So you do what you should do anyway and you do it with a nice tailwind. It almost goes wrong, but you manage it because you believe in your success and don't let yourself be distracted by any eternal inner dialogues in which you calculate. Optimists boost other people. In my opinion, that is their function in this world".

      I pity you. And their only function in this world is being naive and self-deceiving. Unrealistic as well.

      "Just because you don't feel this effect, because you don't know what they think and feel, are they stupid, naive and narcissistic? I actually thought you were talking about yourself".

      I don't feel this effect because I don't deceive myself into believing these delusional optimists are the greatest people to ever exist. And based upon how they act, yes! my description is correct. And nope, not talking about myself. Sorry!

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      • SmokesTheScrapper

        "No thank you. I may not know every single optimist, but I know how they act and their behaviors. Just like you don't need to know every single sociopath, but you know how they act. I think the one who needs to shut their mouth, is you. Also, sorry, didn't know I struck a nerve their."

        Sorry to break it to you but you didn't stroke a nerve, your statements are just bollocks and I'm bored rn.

        "So what? I've already explained this, it does not hide their ignorance and stupidity."

        Then you talk to stupid and ignorant people. Them being optimists doesn't matter in that case.

        "Again, not people I personally know, but I know how optimists act, regardless."

        You know, when you hold on to something for no really good reason, that's called delusional. You don't know people, but you know how to judge them and you don't even think about what you say. Delusional.

        "Exactly! You just proved their ignorance. And for the 100th time, this does not cover up how self-deceiving, delusional, and dumb they truly are. It is the truth. It doesn't matter they have empathy, are successful, or help when they can because it doesn't hide their stupidity. And yes, they are blind, but whatever you say. This is deception."

        So, if I help someone because I want to try and believe in the certain likelihood of my success in helping someone simply to help them and not to look good doing it, that is deception? I mean, it would make sense if they were only doing it to look good and boast about their success, but your "example" doesn't make sense to me at the moment. Care to explain?

        "I pity you. And their only function in this world is being naive and self-deceiving. Unrealistic as well."

        Aw, c'mon! Is that all you got? Pity yourself. I don't need yours. You just keep on repeating stuff. That doesn't make this true lol

        "I don't feel this effect because I don't deceive myself into believing these delusional optimists are the greatest people to ever exist. And based upon how they act, yes! my description is correct. And nope, not talking about myself. Sorry!"

        I don't think they are the greatest people in the world. They can also be quite annoying, but that's not because of their optimism, but because of their personality. Just avoid the person, problem solved. You don't need to apologise.

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        • "Sorry to break it to you but you didn't stroke a nerve, your statements are just bollocks and I'm bored rn".

          It sure seemed like it.

          "Then you talk to stupid and ignorant people. Them being optimists doesn't matter in that case".

          Which is what optimists are.

          "You know, when you hold on to something for no really good reason, that's called delusional. You don't know people, but you know how to judge them and you don't even think about what you say. Delusional".

          You call that delusional? Again, I know how they act and the way they think.

          "So, if I help someone because I want to try and believe in the certain likelihood of my success in helping someone simply to help them and not to look good doing it, that is deception? I mean, it would make sense if they were only doing it to look good and boast about their success, but your "example" doesn't make sense to me at the moment. Care to explain?".

          Gladly. I wasn't saying that was self-deception. Weird that you assume I was saying optimists deceive themselves by doing that.

          "Aw, c'mon! Is that all you got? Pity yourself. I don't need yours. You just keep on repeating stuff. That doesn't make this true lol".

          I'll still feel sorry for you.

          "I don't think they are the greatest people in the world. They can also be quite annoying, but that's not because of their optimism, but because of their personality. Just avoid the person, problem solved. You don't need to apologise".

          Their optimism is actually what tends to make them really irritating people. But whatever say.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Optimist are the people who:

    Build new buildings

    Create new products

    Create new programs

    Create new services

    Create new jobs

    Work on building a better future... even if they don't achieve their full dreams.

    Create new friends

    Make life better for everyone.

    Please tell me what pessimists do other than complain and tear things down?

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    • They're more realistic and a bit less ignorant than optimists are along with the realists. Optimism is a delusion, pessimism and realism is not. And wow, you only agree that optimists are so good because they do things that benefit YOU and everyone else? Well that's something. And like i've already stated, that does not hide their ignorance or their delusions. And like I said, stop acting like all pessimists do is complain and tear you down, when that is not the case?

      I don't expect you to understand, though. You are one of these people, so I don't really expect you to get it.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Yes, there are some optimistic dreams and goals that never come to pass... and not all of them benefit anybody much less society in general; which is why they don't work out.

        The reason you aren't running around naked in the woods somewhere with uncut hair eating plants, roots you can dig up with your hands, grubs, etc is because some optimist invented the use of clubs and clothing.

        Then they invented the use of shelter... and so it goes.

        The reason you are employed, or on some government or private program (or both) is because some optimist felt that your job overall benefited the company or society; or that the program benefited people if not society in general.

        There are no realist. There are only optimist, and pessimist.

        You have yet to post any benefits to mankind or even a pessimistic person about being a pessimist. I've personally watched hundreds of pessimist turn down better jobs or other opportunities in life that would have improved their condition.

        I personally believe that many people in the world can improve their situation and society in general... and you have to be optimistic to believe so... and then to do so.

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        • "The reason you aren't running around naked in the woods somewhere with uncut hair eating plants, roots you can dig up with your hands, grubs, etc is because some optimist invented the use of clubs and clothing".

          Once again, you are proving you only care for optimists because according to you, everything we have is because of optimists. I'm not surprised.

          "The reason you are employed, or on some government or private program (or both) is because some optimist felt that your job overall benefited the company or society; or that the program benefited people if not society in general".

          So? I can still judge them if I want. Doing all these great things does not mean I can't point out their naivety and how stupid they truly are. And weird that you think all of this is just because of optimists. Quit with lies. Not all of this is because of the out of reality optimists. Even
          if what you were saying were to be true, it doesn't matter because it does not mean I can't call them out on their delusions.

          'There are no realist. There are only optimist, and pessimist".

          You're just as idiotic as I thought. Realists do exist. It isn't just optimism and pessimism.

          "You have yet to post any benefits to mankind or even a pessimistic person about being a pessimist. I've personally watched hundreds of pessimist turn down better jobs or other opportunities in life that would have improved their condition".

          And guess what? Neither have you. What an hypocrite.

          "I personally believe that many people in the world can improve their situation and society in general... and you have to be optimistic to believe so... and then to do so".

          I agree. Because this belief itself is..ignorant.

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          • olderdude-xx

            If you read all the various post in this thread there is a common pattern of people rejecting your view on this.

            Why is that?

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            • Because the majority of people are out of reality. That's why.

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  • Meowypowers

    The problem is BLIND optemists, or blind negativists. There is nothing wrong with having a positive perspective, in fact it should be encouraged. A positive thinker that is willing to grind in whatever is their passion is the ideal. Blind optemism's biggest problem is being ignorant, not hope.

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    • Optimists ARE blind. It should not be something that is encouraged because you would just be encouraging ignorance and I don't think ignorance is very ideal. And to have a positive perspective on every goddamn thing is not something good.

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      • Meowypowers

        I disagree, optimism and pessimism are perspectives to seeing every situation. If you are blind or aware is seperate.

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        • Then we can most definitely disagree.

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  • techpc

    I feel like you are just talking to immature people. Maybe there is some correlation between being optimistic and immature, but I'm not sure.

    I know some optimistic people, and the way you describe it is not how they act(at least from what I've seen of them).

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    • Most of the time, they do act like how I described or ignorant in some way. You just haven't seen it. And I currently do not personally know optimistic people, but I sure do know how they act.

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