Other places people dont talk much
I like to chat with strangers a bit when I am out. I'll have a quick conversation with the cashier like today I was telling the gas station lady how I'm excited because I'm gonna go drink whiskey later. Ill just have conversations with everyone about anything.
Lately I've been traveling more and I have always lived in my own small bubble in a southern state and havent seen the world. I have noticed when I go to other states up north or far west people generally look at me like I'm weird when I do this. I can tell with their eyes the way they look at me like they think I'm really odd. Sometimes I get the feeling they are even suspicious of me. Ive even had them get angry at me when I am trying to be polite (told someone Merry Christmas and helped someone move something once in new york) I didnt know that some people in my country were less talkative or maybe I am weird and ppl where I live just put up with me. I honestly dont feel like I come off as that weird though when I talk to people.