Overly nice people scare me

people that act extremely nice scare/creep me out. i don't know why. there is just something strange to me about a person who is always smiling/acting friendly and nice. it's like they're being really nice to hide something or trying to trick you. i really don't know why they scare me. some people are just too god damn friendly

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Lol so you're suspicious of their motives! In my experience, really overtly nice people are being that way because:

    A. They're at work and they have to be (like with a cashier or waitress)

    B. They're in a good mood and they're showing it, or they're not feeling as peppy as they're acting, but they're TRYING to be nice and friendly anyway.

    I think it's very rare that people are acting nice to trick you. People just try and put on a friendly demeanor to be pleasant regardless of what they might be going through.

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  • Crusades|

    I know the type you're talking about. I had to deal with some of them myself. Whenever they were in their friendly mood, I would always answer back by being even more friendlier than they were to me. That scared the living hell out of them.

    The best way to teach them a lesson is beating them at their own game.

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  • TitsMcGee007

    I agree . Overly positive / nice people piss me right off.

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  • green_boogers

    Sort of like the first ten minutes of a horror show. Something is wrong but you don't know what it is.

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  • Dad

    :) What a nice post :)

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    These people are hiding something. Diarrhea on their car windshield and bring out their true self.

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  • NobodyKnows

    Today I had to leave work from a panic attack, due to a "nice" manager who is so creepy that he literally makes my skin crawl. He smiles nonstop like a Ventriloquist dummy, and hovers over me nonstop. He denied watching me when I confronted him about it, he denied watching me. I'm so scared to go back tomorrow. I can't work with this "nice" freak anymore.

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  • regisphilbin

    maybe you check out your head.

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    • NobodyKnows

      Why, because he hates fake/crazy people?

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  • 55588

    i just say they're annoying

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  • Heureux

    Well, I hope these people you refer to are being insincere in some way because there is a difference between good people who engage others and those who are being over the top and fake.

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  • Unimportant

    This is a wonderful post. You must be a great person!

    You have yourself a beautiful day, now.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Ive come across this but IM one of those nice people.
    Most people are selfish and mean so I guess were the minority.
    Believe it or not some of us are just nice because were made that way or because it makes us happy.
    However the older I get the less nice I am because most people suck and Im not wasting my rainbow stardust on them anymore.

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    • NobodyKnows

      Most people are honest. Try that, instead of being "nice" for a while. You may be surprised where it takes you.

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  • OtherSide

    It's a trap! Odds are they're trying to help you find Jesus.

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  • JD777

    Normal. Watch their eyes. People who are truly being nice will have more "transparent" eyes - wider open with more dilated pupils. People being devious will have eyes less open and with more constricted pupils.

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