Parallel universes - why me?

About 2 1/2 years ago I was going to sleep..ceiling fan above the bed on. I was almost asleep and all of a sudden I heard a dinner party or restaurant. Glasses tinkling..laughing. Needless to say kinda freaky is this real what the hell am I going crazy moment.
To make a long story shorter..these occurrences have happened pretty regularly since then. They happened even when I moved out of town. They happen whenever fans are going..window unit air conditioning on.
Until very recently I never told anyone. That sentence I HEAR VOICES AND MUSIC COMING FROM MY AIR CONDITIONER is a very intimidating one. But..I finally told -of all people - my ex- husband. He is a firm believer in parallel universes..other dimensions. I told him..he told me he has experienced the same thing with fans. Yes..we were both happy and relieved to find out we were not crazy and didn't have to be afraid of talking about it. Now then..WHY ME?

Why me? 7
Is there a particular reason or purpose? 25
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Comments ( 14 )
  • mysistersshadow

    Sounds more like schizophrenia which is real unlike parallel universes or dimensions.

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    • Moonfrog7

      The reason I joined this website to begin with is I was trying to find stories similar to mine and looks and behold there was story after story of the same thing. People hearing music and voices coming out of their fans.I think all these people felt like I did reading the stories..I am NOT crazy!! It's a wonderful feeling of relief after going more than 2 years of telling no one. It is now kind of like a magical mystery tour..have never felt threatened at all. It is a special thing to be a part of.

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      • mysistersshadow


        Unless its just the ppl in the next room or outside its not real. Lots of ppl believe things that aren't real it doesn't bother me. Enjoy.

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        • Moonfrog7

          I respect your beliefs and thank you for respecting mine. The way you put your response you seem to have the it's either black or white with no gray area in between.Is this an all encompassing belief..meaning any type of paranormal activity..UFOs..etc. or would you believe if there was proof to back it up? I'm just asking because of all the thousands stories of unexplained occurrences throughout recorded history? I mean no offense at all.

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          • mysistersshadow

            I don't believe any paranormal stuff becos there is no proof. Look up The Amazing Randi he debunked all sorts of psychics and the like. Just becos something is unexplained doesn't mean its supernatural. If you look at science through history there have been many things we didn't understand at the time but now we do. These unexplained things are just waiting for science to catch up and figure them out.

            But like religion if it gives you comfort to believe then enjoy.

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  • Cocomilktitties

    If it normally happens when you are falling asleep, there is a chance it is sleep paralysis or some other dream like state. If it bothers you, see a medical or mental health professional.

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    • It isn't only when I'm falling asleep..that was just the first time. I can be in the kitchen or watching and air conditioner running normally. Then all of a sudden I hear can happen very suddenly.
      Actually for more than 2 years it was only fans. About 3 months ago I was walking through the kitchen..all of a sudden I heard music coming from the air conditioner..Made me stop in my tracks. I took a step stopped. Stepped Took another step back..nothing. Step I was like..well THAT is new!
      I am 53 years old and until that first time had never heard voices or anything like that.I've never had any delusions or hallucinations or and mental disorder. I have always believed that we on earth are the only living beings in the entire arrogant to think we are.

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    Apparently, hearing voices in amongst other repetitive sounds is a sign of a healthy mind, it means you are alert and observant apparently. I can't remember where I heard that.

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  • The_Creep_is_here

    Eventually, aliens will arrive and give you anal probes just to be sociable.

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  • GamerVoice

    That happened when I took LSD a long time ago (with a bathroom fan) the mind is very complex. When I was young sometimes my thoughts .... literally anything I thought sounded like yelling. It went away completely when I was like 6 years old. Only happened a few times and happened les and less as I aged . Who. knows what that was about lol. Our mind is a mysterious thing .

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  • Anewbis

    Hypnogogic hallucinations,

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    ...fairly common.

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  • Moonfrog7

    I've only had sleep paralysis one time..very scary. When I asked why me..are the people who have had similar things happen chosen? Or do we just stumble into it? Things that make you go HMMM :-)

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    • dytrog

      I've ad sleep paralysis once. I woke up and couldn't move or open my eyes. I could hear and understand what people were talking about and what was on TV. It was scary. Finally I concentrated and jerked my body hard and was able to open my eyes and move.

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  • Short4Words

    Sounds like sleep paralysis to me. But I do find it interesting that you've heard glasses clinking and what not, all I've ever had were voices.

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