Paranoid of texts/messages because of ex?
So I dated someone for a few months and we both thought it would be a long term relationship but things fell apart. We saw each other in person often, but we also spent a lot of time messaging which became a problem when we argued. This person had a talent for stressing me out, and it got to the point where reading their messages would make my stomach sick. Sometimes I would get a sudden fever for hours after receiving a particularly bad message from them and not be able to eat because my stomach was so bad. For months after that I would jump / flinch or get a stab of pain/sickness/nauseousness when I got a message from anyone, especially on my phone.
Fast forward in time, out of my own action we became friends again. Things were ok but for the first few messages I would still experience this illness while texting that person, even if I messaged them first and expected the reply. I stopped talking to them because the way we got along with each other was unhealthy, but we still follow each other on social media accounts. I blocked their posts from my wall on some accounts, but on others I still see them. At first I assume it doesnt affect me but sure enough, the next text I get after seeing a post from them is accompanied by a wave of physical pain and dread. IIN? Should I suck it up or eliminate them from my life?