Parents don't support my job?

I had a 9-5, worked 6 days a week, only got 5 vacation days a year so all I did was work..and I hated my job, I hated the environment, I hated the people. I quit and found myself. I started my own online business, promoted it on social media, started making more money. Now earn more than I did at my 9-5.

At my 9-5 I got 38k a year but now working for myself I get 81k a year.. I also only work 4 days a week and I get vacations! I'm able to afford things, I'm able to travel the world and work from my laptop but my family don't support it. Even though they know I'm earning a lot more, they say it's not a real job because it's an online store.

They do this every time we talk and it drives me insane. Why can't I just travel the world and work my own business? Is it normal parents do this? They keep pushing me to work at an office as an editor but that's not something I would want ever again

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Boojum

    I'm in my sixties, and I find it depressing how many people of my generation - and even those much younger - are completely clueless about how it's possible to do what you do, and how it is just as much a "real" job as any other structured activity that earns you money. I don't find their attitude totally surprising though. Lots of people get stuck in believing that what they knew growing up and when they were in their young-adult prime is what the "normal" world should be like. That mental rigidity wasn't such a terrible thing up until, say, 150 years ago, but refusing to acknowledge the constantly accelerating pace of change and making no effort to try to keep abreast of the real, current world is pretty stupid.

    As a parent, I also have huge problems with parents whose main concern isn't that their children are contented and feel fulfilled in whatever they choose to do in order to make a living. The way they appear to believe that a very specific job is the one you should be doing suggests that they're trying to live their lives vicariously through you, and I've always found parents who do that really creepy and messed-up.

    It seems that your parents are incapable of understanding what you do now and unwilling to accept that you're much happier now than you were when you were slaving away in what they consider to be a "real" job. Since I doubt if they're going to change, the only options open to you are to either refuse to have any contact with them, or learn how to let their ill-informed babbling flow by.

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    • dude_Jones

      Amen, my brother. Visionaries like the OP make me feel good that the technology, I worked so hard on twenty years ago, is evolving to make the future a better place thru creative application by young entrepreneurial small businesses for the global economy.

      And, things are just getting started. New AI that facilitates "swarm intelligence" will make the last half of the 21st century unimaginably cool.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think that it's time for you to set boundaries with your parents about all of this business. I feel like they're probably kinda ignorant, and don't understand what you're doing. There's also a distinct possibility that they might be jealous of you, and what you're doing.

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  • wigz

    Some people are just stuck in their mindsets. My parents are similar. They think you have to get up early as fuck, work all day, and go to bed early or else you're lazy. It's stupid, they're stupid, they don't realize how the world works anymore.

    I'm 42 so it's been a long time since I lived with my parents but way back then, I worked as a stripper. I worked at night at something they didn't consider a "real job", double whammy! They purposely made my life more difficult for it, and made stupid remarks constantly, but they didn't have a problem taking my money (I paid them rent and bought all the groceries).

    Jokes on them though, I've worked for myself 99% of my adult life, I own my house free and clear, I have money in the bank and I effectively retired a few years ago. I do whatever the fuck I want all day, every day. They're 65 and they just now retired. Fuck working! I hate the attitude that working hard for somebody else is important, or any of that work culture bullshit.

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  • SwickDinging

    I'm a parent and I have noticed that some people are very concerned with image and keeping up with the Jones's, and the most effective way for them to prove they are the best is by having "successful" children.

    They probably liked telling people that you worked for X company doing Y in a nice office building somewhere, and were slowly climbing the corporate ladder. Telling people that you run an online store doesn't carry the same weight in conversation between middle aged parents.

    Just ignore them. They're being idiots. Well done for doing something that makes you happy. Don't let them deter you.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Parents are often misguided and don't understand modern work concepts. A lot of times they prefer their children play it safe and not take big risks that can result in big rewards.

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  • olderdude-xx

    The unsuccessful in life always pull down the successful if they can.

    Treat your parents kindly; just tell them that you are a successful entrapaneaur and earning X times as much money with more time off than when you had a job.

    Here's another truism: A job exists only to make a company more successful - and you are never paid what you are worth if you are an employee (the company is making money off of you).

    By working for yourself you get paid what you are worth.

    I wish you the best, and keep up the good work.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I cant understand why they would be upset unless you're selling sex toys or nazi shirts or something lol. I dont see the big deal.

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    • litelander8

      What’s wrong with sex toys?

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      you mean you dont wanna buy the all new swastika dildo® ?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Take off that nazi eurofag shit and put a kkk on it and im sold

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        • litelander8

          Ew. What? You don’t mean that..

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            **BIG EVIL GRIN**

            I ammmm grandwizard mannn
            (Booorn leader of the klu klux klaaan)

            Biiiig sheets and pointy hat
            (Chasing n*****s round w baseball bat)

            But no I am not racist

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            • litelander8

              You’re just a lover. So you just can’t help but love the KKK as well. 😂😂

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    • Lol definitely not selling anything inappropriate

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Parents probably just dont understand how the internet works and thinks its temporary and you should have a stable career in order. Dont forget to start putting money in a 401k and shit.

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