Part timer or full timer? and why
Just wondering as far as you prefer your work hours—Do you prefer part time hours? Or Full Time Hours?
Full Time Job | 14 | |
Part Time | 10 |
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Just wondering as far as you prefer your work hours—Do you prefer part time hours? Or Full Time Hours?
Full Time Job | 14 | |
Part Time | 10 |
I go 77 hours a week. But that's just until my dad dies of old age so I can just hang myself so this shit can be over with
I'm at about 45-50 hours at one job, give or take depending on the quantity of stuff we need to produce, and anywhere from 8 to 14 hours at my other job. So that 53 to 74 hours a week. If I still had my 3rd job, I'd be at around 90 to 120 or more if all the jobs reopened. Unfortunately, bills and rent don't pay themselves. What rubbish!
massive overtime for a few months to reload the bank account and then monthsa fuckin off at home
2 part-time contracts worked for me the best (no stereotype). I'm designer, so it's doable, but for developers or some other profession full-time job should work better.
Full time work gets the full time salary.
45 hours per week plus a bit on the weekend coz shit needs to get done.
45-55 hours a week. I dont need to work that much to get by but I'm trying to build my savings up and get into realistate. I want to buy a new house sometime soon and rent my current house out and eventually aquire more houses and when they are paid off by the rent money I will sell them and it will be like an investment that paid for itself. The rent will pay for the mortgage + profit and then when its paid off time to sell.
Right now Im unemployed, starting part time in september. I would love to work 30hrs and still make enough to pay the bills, but that isnt feasible...
Right now just part time. My bills are cheap and the house I stay in is paid for. Plus there just isn't much I even want.
Not sure how long this arrangement will last.
I don't even have the energy nor patience to put up with full time.
Both! I'd say I work around 45-55 hours a week. My regular 9 to 5 is at the dealership, my second job is driving a bus on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays.
But my phone is always by my side, cause I do have my own cleaning and gardening business. So every day from 8AM to 8PM, people can call me to book our services. I gotta manage appointments and forward them to my employees via whatsapp (Don't laugh, it's a very efficient way of doing it)
So in a way my job is an 8AM to 8PM every day. But I wouldn't have it any other way, cause if I keep going pedal to the metal I'll get to the point where I can move back to Bulgaria, invest and focus on other businesses and live life the way I want to.
I said goodbye to full time employment towards the end 2017, been freelancing ever since.
I only work part time but I’d rather work full time once I’ve got my law degree and won’t be going shitty minimum wage jobs.
I'm currently at 38 over 4 days, down from 40 over 4. That's what I bill them for, anyway. I usually end up working half to an hour longer a day.
I've done 50-60hr weeks in the past. Never again. I also prefer to have the work over 4 days rather than 5.
Currently, my set up is 3x 10.5hr long days and one "half" day which is actually 6.5hrs.
Full time. A 40 hour week is the goal for me. As much as I like to fuck around in my free time my life cant be all free time since my dreams require money.
I've heard of people who do thirty hours at two jobs, but I like to work as much as I can at one job
Right now my goal is 55 per week. I think the most I've worked in a week is 70 or 80 hours. And the longest I've worked was two days off in one month
I work 40-50 hours a week. Any less and I'd feel inadequate since I've got bills to pay and things I want. XD