Partying vs. staying at home

Lately I have been feeling like an outcast. Everyone around me Loves drinking and partying, whereas I like to stay at home, relax, and do simpler things. I recently moved to a new town and I'm having the hardest time making friends because I don't like Drinking ( It seems like everyones favourite pass time is drinking! ). So I stay at home, alone. Every weekend I make up new excuses why I cant go out with people, when really its because I dont want to drink. No one accepts me when I dont drink, They tell me its awkward. Ive actually lost a lot of friends due to not wanting to party. Im accepting of them, why cant they accept my sober lifestyle? Is there something wrong with me?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Jen118584

    Volunteer to be DD, that's what I do :) Hangovers are just not worth it to me...feeling like crap for the whole next day is just not my cuppa tea.

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    no mabey the people you thought are freinds really arent your freinds go find some sober freinds

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  • jumpingjack

    I quit drinking 1 year ago may 28. I don't hang around the friends that drink as much. It's not that they make me feel like an outcast it's just that it's boring. I would rather work in the garden or watch a movie. Don't worry about it you'll find those people out there who appriciate a sober lifestyle. Try looking for events in your new town that are non alcohol based
    Good Luck

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  • heartbrokenbutterfly

    i feel your pain! i am a recovering alcoholic. that is sad if you feel like an outcast because you choose to be responsible. that is admirable. good for you, always stand up for what you believe in. people make fun of me for not drinking (i work in a club) and it really pisses me off. the only people that do that are the ones that are insecure about themselves.

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  • DD's OK - but drinking is usually about getting drunk.

    If you want to do other things with other people you are going to need to pursue other interests that you can do with people.

    Hobbies, sports, outings, arts, etc. There must be things some of these friends do other than drink that you can do together. That & you can reach out to new people/groups/clubs/organizations.

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    • needadvice

      I know I should be trying to find other people, except i'm really really shy and quiet. So it's hard for me to meet new people :( I try t be outgoing and i'm really friendly but I just get so anxious about it.

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  • purplemonkeys


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  • sharpievivid

    real friends, depending on how understanding they are, wont tell you to drink but support you and some will even respect you. I don't drink and my real friends don't care.... it's my prerogative what I do with my body.

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  • Duane

    At the beginning of any friend relationship, we are all an open book with empty pages. Staying at home doesn't necessarily mean you don't like to party. Since you are in a new town and you want to make new friends, don't allow your past defiinition of what partying is hold you back from redefining with any new friends what to party means wih you. If they are mature enough to accept you do not drink and still have you around them as a friend, your life, and theirs, will be fuller for it.

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  • shiftysplit

    Same thing has happened with me. I am so tired of people always needing to drink to have fun! It's ridiculous! I'm from Utah and here there is this stereotype that if you don't like to drink and party you must be Mormon. Well I'm not, but I still prefer not drinking. I'd rather do some other sort of activity where I'm actually getting to know the other person, not just the image the person is trying to portray.

    I think it's so important to find people who are like you to hang out with. Find people who will respect you for not wanting to drink. I now have a couple friends who are like me who I feel so much more comfortable around them, than any of my partying friends. I don't feel like they hold me to this stereotypical obligation that to have fun you need to be intoxicated.

    As for your drinker friends, be direct and honest with them. Don't put them down for wanting to drink, just make sure they know where you stand and be confident about your decision. Make it seem like you could careless what they think about you for not wanting to drink. Laugh it off and have fun with them while being sober. (:

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    • needadvice

      Thanks! It's nice to know others feel the same way about drinking. I just don't understand the mentality that you need to drink to have fun.

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  • oquenbe

    i like to stay home too! althought i also like to weigh out my options sometimes plus if you wanted to you could go out dance, have fun and not drink

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  • Geneva5

    Have you tried smoking crack ?

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  • riddermarknomad

    all you have to do is keep whatever is holding the beer/liquor throughout the event and pretend you are drinking might want to take a few sips though...parties in general are boring if you are sober

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    • heartbrokenbutterfly

      great advice, tell someone to hide who they are so they look cool?

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