
Well, the truth is that I am a pedophile. I fantasize about girls from 5 on up. I'm not exclusive in this attraction, as I also find adult women and teenagers to be attractive (in fact, more so in most cases). Now, I've never done anything to a child sexually, but I find that I am hated just for what I feel attracted to.

You know, I can't help what I like. It's just a fact of life. Now, I'm probably considered more reprehensible because of my opinions on the topic. You see, I don't believe sex to be inherently harmful to children. I think that sex, as long as it is not doing physical harm and the child is willing (which, I think they are capable of being)to engage in it is not damaging and hence okay. Of course, given the fact that it is illegal and that I will never encounter the ideal situation I would require in order to do such a thing, it is highly improbable that I will ever have sex with a child

Now before you start your hate fest against me, let me point something out: I'm not some sort of heartless monster. I really do care about children, I don't just see them as some sort of "sexual object" (whatever the hell that word that the feminists made up is supposed to mean. They act as if thinking about a person sexually makes you dehumanize them, which is a retarded idea, but whatever). I know they are people, and I don't wish to bring them harm. Sadly, I am overgeneralized with the small percentage of pedophiles that actually do harm children (the John Coueys of the world).

So, given what I have said above, what do you think of me as a person? In essence, what do you think of the sexual attraction to children that I have?

you're sick, and you need help. 37
thoughts are horrible, and you should die for them. 7
thoughts are okay, actions (whether harmful or not) aren't. 59
Don't know, and have no opinion. 12
thoughts and actions are fine, as long as you don't harm a child 61
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Comments ( 88 )
  • sograceful

    Children can't consent. They don't have the sexual or mental or moral capacity to understand sex or the consequences of their actions. In addition, due to their ages and lack of life experience, they can be easily tricked.

    This is sick.

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    • TerryVie

      i agree with sograceful again. I assume the other post is also OP's...

      you can read my basic ideas there:

      however: while i agree that children being "exposed" to sexual things does not automatically cause them damage, the important thing is the context.
      If you life in a third-world country in a single-room "hut" (ya, cliche, sue me) with parents+children+siblings, it's pretty normal to realize your parents have sex first hand. Same was true about 100 years ago in europe.

      But in todays context, adults are supposedly asexual towards children, and the pure fact that somethings "different" from how it is with all their friends will be a critical factor that they cannot necessarily understand.

      Also, despite what you believe, children below a certain age, as sograceful says, CANNOT consent. A 6 year-old CANNOT understand sexuality on a level that would represent informed consent. While Freuds children-sexuality may be present, thats a _WHOLE_ different world. An chimpanzee can also throw a rock. That does not mean he can use a sniper rifle or understand the concept of military tactics, despite using a ranged weapon.

      And even children that _ARE_ old enough to consent are WAY too easily put into a situation in which the adult tricks them or takes advantage of them. And yes, that INCLUDES a 12-year old coming on to you. She is testing, probing, learning. That's not a "go ahead" for actually having sex with her. The problem is that each word or interaction from you is valued differently, because as an adult, you _CANNOT_ be an "equal" partner for a child when it comes to life experiences and authority. If you were, either you or the child have some issues. Don't get me wrong, i'm, for example, a great buddy for my niece and nephew, and their partner in many a things their mum wouldn't approve of, but in the _END_, responsibility and authority is still mine when dealing with them, and it's _MY_ job to step in when their youthful energy would take them too far. Thats a reason we don't leave our young to fend for themselves. We _RAISE_ them, we teach them, about life, about techniques and sciences they need(reading, writing, math, ...) and most importantly, about social norms and etiquette(say please and thank you, don't undress in public, ...).
      In that light, it is simply not possible in todays society and culture to "raise" a child in a way that it could consent while still a child, without making it an outsider from others, which by itself already has immense potential for psychological damage.

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      • Couman

        Capital letters don't actually make things truer you know.

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        • chewy

          Truer isn't an actual word you know.

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        • TerryVie

          but they allow to put emphasis on things that you could easily put emphasis on while speaking through pronouncing them.

          if you tell me how to do bold text or italics here to achieve the same effect, be my guest.

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          • Couman

            I was <b>wondering</b> about that. Let's [b]see[/b] if <i>HTML</i> or [i]BB code[/i] works.

            Guess not. Anyway I find caps really annoying, but I understand about the lack of formatting options. Using lots of formatting is crutch though. I admit having the same temptation myself, but I try to resist.

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            • TerryVie

              yeah, i totally understand. I gave up resisting though.
              Ultimately, i only use them when i am emotional about a point i try making, but, well, thats also when i a.: write something and b.: write long stuff.

              sorry if that disagrees with your aesthetic reading pleasures(or other peoples) but i TRY to at least use correct spelling and grammar(as far as i can...not a native speaker).

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      • sograceful

        lovely explanation:)

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      • duckman985

        Actually, that's not my thread. I've only had two accounts on here. Duckman984 and duckman985. I forgot the password for duckman984, so I created this one. I would have just gotten them to email it to me, but in a nice twist of fate, I also forgot the password to the email I used for this site.

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      • duckman985

        Not bad. I've heard this argument before, obviously (I've posted on other sites before, and usually I get banned, but sometimes people get to actually talk about it.), and while I still disagree with it on a fundamental level (You see, I've known about sexuality since I was four. One of my earliest memories was masturbation, so I can see how some children below six could have some understanding of sex. Perhaps I was just a strange child. I wasn't molested or anything, I discovered it on my own)

        Thank you for being reasonably logical in this. Most people just come back with "Wahhhhh! Children just can't do it and it's just wrong on so many levels" or "you sick piece of shit!" (with the assumption likely being made that I am molesting children, which I'm not.)

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        • sograceful

          I understand what you're saying here actually. However, though nearly any being can experience mere physical sexual pleasure, children still don't understand sexuality and the consequences of sex. Even rape victims can experience physical pleasure, but it doesn't mean they consent.

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          • duckman985

            True. I must admit that part is the case.

            But isn't it the case in rape that the victim is usually expressly denying consent to the activity, or is in some state such as unconsciousness that doesn't allow even the most basic of affirmations for sexual activity? A child is conscious. They have the ability to desire something. Suppose that they have learned that when someone touches them between their legs it feels good, and they desire this and express this desire to an adult, maybe their parents. Would that adult be wrong for giving them what they have asked for, since that particular activity isn't inherently physically dangerous?

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            • TerryVie

              and if i realize at a young age that i don't like clothes and prefer being nude, with no one to interfere.
              And that when i'm horny, i like to masturbate whereever i am and whatever i was doing at that moment, with no one to interfere?

              Right, i would run around naked all day long and masturbate right on the main shopping street. Then cops come and lock me up for the rest of my life.

              As i said, in different times, things may have been different, and much so, but in today's society, there are RULES. Most of them are in place because there is a MALEVOLENT result involved, or people get offended by it to a level their regular lives are disturbed.
              Breaking those rules results in consquences, and it's nothing different here.
              You are expected to raise your child within socially accepted norms. Within those, you are free to do as you please. If you go beyond them, you may break laws and pay the price.
              One of the reasons for those laws is to make sure the children have a chance at having a normal life.
              No matter if you raise them to be your incestous love dolls or take them out of school to life alone in the woods in a handmade makes them outsiders with a seriously different social norm that will never properly function in society.

              So yes, you can RAISE them in a way that it's a "normal" thing to THEM, and they can have fun with a basic idea of what sex is.
              But the result will be personalities that are distinctly different from what society expects or what is considered normal. Following this, they will either HOLD ON to the values they were taught, making them complete outcasts in a world that does not accept those views.
              OR they will accept that the construct of their personality is flawed, traumatizing them.

              In both cases, whoever made them into what they are is at fault and should be punished.

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            • sograceful

              To me, yes that is wrong. At that age their brains aren't nearly developed enough to comprehend what they're doing.

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        • TerryVie

          yep. i do understand where you come from, but as said, there's still a huge difference between the "simple consent" of "could have some understanding of sex" and the "informed consent" of a level of independent social interaction that is developed significantly later.

          as said, i am not even saying adult/child sexual interaction(worked for ancient greece as part of a tutoring system quite well) automatically equal traumata for children, but in the context of todays society, values and views, it LEADS to exactly that with a high enough probability to make any action in that direction reckless and not tolerable.

          as for only phantasizing, be my guest, as said, i did "ageplay" before and don't judge based on dirty minds, only based on actions.

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    • Exactly. A child cannot comprehend what sex is.

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    • Ono

      Yep, it ultimately comes down to this. Children aren't capable of making an informed consent. That's why society places a number of restrictions on the things they can do, not just sexual. Just because you think you wont hurt them, doesn't mean you wont.

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      • duckman985

        Well, I regard sexuality to be different from things like driving or drinking. Sex doesn't pose much of a danger as long as the adults are being responsible. Alcohol damages brain cells in children, driving is a dangerous activity that puts the larger public at risk as well as the child (children often lack coordination, which is needed to drive). But you see, sex is a fairly natural thing. I discovered masturbation at four, and many children play "doctor" with each other. So I just don't see much of a difference between a child playing "doctor" with another child or masturbating and a child doing either of those things with the assistance of an adult (provided the adult is responsible, and doesn't hurt/endanger the kid)

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        • Ono

          Just because you regard sexuality different to other things doesn't mean that it is. Let's be honest, you have a vested interest there.

          Two children sexually experimenting with each other is one thing, they both have about the same level of development, maturity and ability to assess risk. That's compeltely different when it's a child and an adult. A relationship a child has with an adult is different to one it has with another child. The adult is in a position of power, that the child doesn't have the capability to understand and respond to in a way another adult would. I can't accept any adult taking sexual advantage of someone in a position of power is an any way 'responsible', it's oxymoronic.

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          • duckman985

            I get what you're saying, and in fact it is true that I am a bit biased here, considering my sexuality.

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          • duckman985

            But, of course, does Bias immediately make me wrong? You're obviously against allowing child-adult sex and were raised to think that way. Don't you also have a cultural bias? It doesn't entail that you are inherently wrong on this topic, but it does mean that you view the facts through that lens, just as I may view the facts through my pedophile glasses.

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    • Aleks85

      What does that got to do with a person being attracted to children? It's not a choice.

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      • sograceful

        I'm sorry, it seems I haven't answered the question. I replied regarding how I feel about pedophiles on another similar poll, and I suppose I just assumed it was the same person. Anyways:

        I DO NOT MIND if someone is sexually attracted to children. This is because they do not have the choice. When I do have a problem, is when they act on their feelings, regardless of whether they think they have "consent" or not.

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        • Aleks85

          That's a child molester not a pedophile.

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          • sograceful

            Well excuse my mistake then.

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            • Aleks85

              That's ok, I'm just pointing out how they group the two together as if they are one in the same to try to vilify pedophiles.

              In fact, statistics I've read say most people who rape children aren't even pedophiles and don't do it for sex.

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    • duckman985

      Sick is in the eye of the beholder.

      Though I'm not entirely sure which part you're saying that about. If it's about my argument for removal of age of consent laws (which is pretty much all I advocate, but laws relating to rape and physical/emotional child abuse would still take care of the vast majority of cases of child rape and traumatic sexual abuse), then that's fine, I get that reaction a lot when I post my opinion on the topic.

      I have two things that aid my reasoning on this topic: my own experiences as a child (not via molestation, I discovered my sexuality at four) and the experiences of others who have claimed that they enjoyed the activity as children.

      As for the consequences portion of this, I assume you mean STD's, possible pregnancy around puberty, etc., right? Well, I guess I didn't outline it here, but I do have an answer to that. It's the adult's responsibility to make sure everything is safe. It's just like food, when a child is young it is the adult's responsibility to make sure what they are consuming won't kill them and that it is in fact good for them. Sexual pleasure is the same way, and so any adult that does engage in that sort of behavior has, in my view, several obligations they must meet:

      1. They must educate the child on sex before having it.
      2. They must be certain that the child is comfortable with what they are doing. Even if a child says yes, they might still be reluctant or unwilling on the inside, and often times that will show on the outside.
      3.The adult must be certain that they are STD free and that, if pregnancy is a risk, they use some form of protection.
      4.The adult should NEVER do anything to the child or ask of the child anything that results in physical pain of any sort. Children, for the most part, probably do not enjoy pain, and so are likely not willing.
      5. These things should NEVER be one sided in the adult's favor. An adult should never receive pleasure from a child without being willing to return the favor.
      6. It should be considered rape for an adult to force a child through threats of violence, threats of withholding affection or love, or demanding as a parent that the child engage in said sexual activity.
      7. If it is not the child's parents or legal guardians engaging in the sexual activity, then that adult must have both the parent's consent, the child's consent, and be supervised, as well as adhere to all of the above rules.

      Most of the above list is ethical, only 1,2,3,4,6, and 7 should have any applicability in the law, because the rest are kind of unable to be adequately enforced. If a child is uncomfortable with something, chances are they'll tell someone. STD tests can be on record, and it should be a felony to either impregnate or give a child any sort of disease. The fourth one would leave marks on the child which a doctor should be able to see (which is another thing, I think all children should have to have a checkup every month or every few months. Not just for catching abuse, but also for the overall health of the child). 6 and 7 can be reported at the time by the child (either at the time it happens or years later) or the child's parents.

      Admittedly, it is a bit impractical and hard to enforce, but I do think it is perhaps a decent code of ethics for such conduct. Of course, even our current law is hard to enforce. Despite what the government says, I am certain that there are probably at least 100 children having sex with an adult or adults all over the US, and probably thousands all over the world. At least this way we get to focus on the worst offenders: literal child rapists and those that inflict physical harm to children.

      If you were referring to my attraction itself, screw off. Nature is a strange thing. I certainly didn't ask for this. In fact, I've been fighting it for the past ten years, trying to get rid of my perverted thoughts. Within the past two years I've come to accept and even be proud of it. In fact, I was considering outing myself to those in my community, since the attraction itself isn't illegal.

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      • Proud of it? Really? Proud to be someone who could destroy a life and believe me, it does destroy lives.

        Children are ruined because of abuse, trust me on this one.

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        • duckman985

          Yeah, I'm proud of being a pedophile. Why should I be ashamed of what I was born to be?

          Yes, children are ruined because of actual abuse. Most pedophiles don't even do what you guys would consider abuse, most just have thoughts about it.

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          • Wrong. How would I know it ruins children, you go think about that for a moment, yeah?

            Aside from that, my cousin, two of my friends and another girl I knew was abused that way. So, no, they do, do what I KNOW to be abuse.

            Basically, as I thought, you are fucked in the head. Sorry but you are.

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          • Atussa

            As long as you don't act on these thoughts, you're not a bad person. For your own sake and for the sake of innocent children whose bodies no one as the right to use for their own pleasure, it would be best to talk to someone professional so you can get to the root of why you feel this and you can move on with your life and be happy.

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      • sograceful

        No, I don't mind the attraction at all. Everyone has a pre-disposed set of things that they're already sexually attracted to and I'm not going to fault you for having an attraction to children because you can't help it.

        However, I feel that your idea about eliminating age consent laws is somewhat silly. The laws are too subjective, it blurs the lines between OK and Not OK far far too much. Not all people have a perfect moral and ethical compass. Call me a pessimist but I don't trust that most people will even consider those rules.

        And you can't assume that "if a child is uncomfortable with something, chances are they'll tell someone." Actually, chances are they will NOT tell someone. Rape is a shameful thing for victims and something kids have a hard time understanding.

        And not only that, but most children, being young and inexperienced, don't know how what they're doing will affect their future. Maybe they are okay at it for the time, but in a few years have serious psychological damage and be extremely confused about their sexuality due to actions as a child.

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        • duckman985

          But isn't the majority of that psychological damage, when they are fine with it at the time, birthed from the shame this culture puts onto it? You see, I've talked to those that were harmed by it and those that, to this day, still claim to have enjoyed it as children. The one's who claimed to have enjoyed it were treated in the manner I've described in my arguments above, for the most part. The one's who claimed to have been ok with it at the time, but were later psychologically damaged by it were, mostly, discovered at an early age. The person that was doing it with them was caught. Now, according to the accounts I've heard often times the remaining family members act hysterical around the child. As a result that child begins to feel like they've done something wrong, and guilt sets in.

          I have to agree with your assessment of removing age of consent. That's always been a problem in this line of argument. I've yet to find a way of making it objective. The problem with the current law is that it does punish things that aren't always bad. Not every child suffers psychological harm from it, and the reason for punishing it is that psychological and physical harm (right?). So if a child isn't experiencing either it seems pointless to punish the adult for it. In other words I see it as too broad in its aim. Not to mention the age seems arbitrary. If 15 is the age of consent in an area, then what about a 14 year old who has sex with a fifteen year old? You can lower it or raise it any amount and you still run into the same problem. What difference does a year make in terms of consensual ability? If a year doesn't a make a difference, then, via Soritical reasoning, neither should another year, or another.

          What I'd like to see is a subjective law with this sort of thing, since it is a subjective matter. It should be looked at case by case, not just outright labeled. If the person is harmed in a measurable way, punish it. If there is no harm, don't. After all, the thing that is considered wrong in this equation is the harm.

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          • sograceful

            Well you do bring up some absolutely stimulating points. Yes, it is society that causes the root of the psychological damage. But in my mind, whether the root is their own head or society doesn't matter, it's still psychological damage and it gives them a skewed and distorted idea of sex for what could be their whole lives.

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    • Gelmurag

      Moral capacity is subjective, based on religion, culture, life experiences. It cannot be used to judge others.

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      • Jan_Zondernaam

        Some morals are THE SAME in ALL religions, cultures and walks of life: you just do NOT fuck children!

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        • Pseodonihm

          You should do a little research. Under Jewish law a child is old enough to be married at the age of three. Then it is encouraged for the husband to not have sex with his bride until the age of nine. At which time everything is fine. It is against the law for a man to have sex with his wife without her consent. That means under Jewish law it is not illegal, just frowned upon to have sex with your three year old bride, as long as you get her consent. Muslim law is very similar on this topic. These laws are still valid today, just not socially excepted. And don't think Christians and Catholics are all pure and innocent. Read the bible some time (for instance Numbers 31:1-18, Deuteronomy 20:10-14, Judges 21:7-11, Judges 21:20-23, and the most damning of all Exodus 21:7-10) or read the real history of the early religions sacred prostitutes. Almost all religions have a confirmed history of pedophilia.

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        • Gelmurag

          No it actually isn't. A group of people who use human sacrifice have different morals on the value of human life than other people. A tribe in a rainforest, has different morals on child-rearing than the rest of the world. A certain religion feels the need to treat women and children as slaves, does not have the same morals of other religions.

          I can say with absolute certainty that you are wrong.

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          • Jan_Zondernaam

            Child-fucking is just obviously WRONG, and virtually ALL cultures agree on that too. Now why would this be? You seem to use moral subjectivity as an excuse to be an opinionless drone. How do you even sleep at night, defending these pedophile bastards?

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            • Gelmurag

              "I've never done anything to a child sexually"
              "Keep it that way."

              Your own post where the OP says he hasn't done anything. Therefore I'm not defending a pedophile. I don't let the morals and views of a culture influence my answers, yet you call me an opinionless drone? You are the one based on moral context, so if anyone is a drone it is you.

              Without cracking open a book I can name three cultures that either until very recently it was ok to do things with kids, or it is still allowed: certain Chinese tribes (This is the hardest to remember) where at 10 the girl is married off to her usually 30+ year old husband, The Zo'E tribe, where males and females live apart for 200 days of the year, and the children are encouraged to do sexual things with the adults in order to help them grow up, and up until the late 1990's (early 2000's in some prefectures) the age of consent in Japan was 13, and incest isn't illegal.

              Throughout history there are many common occurrences of adults and children. Especially with the pre-Roman empire Greeks, and even the Roman empire. I find it hard to believe that all 5 examples given, share the same morals you do.

              Your opinion on this topic is that it is wrong to do things with children. Ok. That is your opinion. You come to that opinion based on *long list of things including morals/religion* But that wasn't what this OP was looking for. The OP was looking to find answers about thinking. Thoughts cannot be judged by morals. Only actions.

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  • the selfishness of pedophiles is amazing

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    • duckman985

      Selfishness? How so?

      Nice of you to demonize the approximately 600,000,000 of us on this planet, most of whom are completely innocent. Less than .17% of the population is sex offenders, and not all sex offenders are child molesters or child rapists. Many raped adults or pissed in an alley way and got caught by the police.

      Don't you dare fucking call me selfish. If you knew the real me, and saw the things I've done for my community you'd shut your stupid mouth.

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      • everything you do for the community is just a smoke screen and worthless

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  • Jan_Zondernaam

    "I've never done anything to a child sexually"

    Keep it that way.

    "I think that sex, as long as it is not doing physical harm and the child is willing (which, I think they are capable of being)to engage in it is not damaging and hence okay."

    Bullshit. You're just trying to rationalize your urges.

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    • duckman985

      And your trying to rationalize your opposition to that.

      Besides, even if I was just trying to rationalize my urges (as if they need it), would that entail me being wrong? Try refuting my arguments with logic instead of coming at me with "well, you're just biased because your a pedophile!".

      I do honestly think this way. And you know what, I have people that aren't pedophiles in agreement with me.

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      • Jan_Zondernaam

        You say you think children are capable of being willing to engage in sex, which is a blatant LIE. Sex just is NOT for children.

        And I don't hate you for your attraction to children, because it's not your fault you have this disease. I hate you for trying to excuse it as something acceptable. You have no honor whatsoever. Fuck you.

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        • duckman985

          Of course I'm going to try to. After all, it's like asking a gay man "do you think you should get to fuck other guys" The answer, whether wrong or right, is obvious. Most if not all are going to say yes.

          I do really believe that way? Why? I was like that when I was a kid. I masturbated from four on up. If I had had an adult woman or an adult man helping me with that I probably would have enjoyed it more.

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  • Gelmurag

    Its interesting you only give negative options.

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    • duckman985

      Well, seeing as most people hate me just for my attraction to children, it's the predominant answer.

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      • Gelmurag

        I think you are somewhat like me in how you view this entire topic. For me, its a matter of proper education, and free-will/choice. There is a stark difference between an 8 year old (boy/girl) learning about sex, and then coming to a parent and going "Can I try?" vs. the same child being forced/locked in a cage and abused.

        My years in school and being somewhat of a "listener" type have allowed me to be a sounding board for quite a few people. I've heard things as bad as a woman and her sister from 8-12 were locked in a dog cage and fed dog food while the family/neighbors had their way with them in the cage. To something as mild as "I realized that no one will ever care for me the way my dad does, and thats why I wanted him to be my first"

        Both of these cases were adults. The one locked in the cage was a bipolar depressed schizophrenic alcoholic. The other one had a very good self-image and was comfortable in her own skin. Growing up I had a neighbor boy tell me he and his family did things on occasion, but everything was optional. He asked if I'd join in, and I refused for the family, but did mess around with him. I was nervous about being naked in front of someone else (we were both in our teens, he was visiting his grandparents next door) but he just casually stripped and said "No need to be nervous, its whats inside that counts. I like the way you look just as you are."

        I'm not for or against anything you think. Every case is different, as every person is different. It has been my experience however that kids given the choice (I would assume the same applies to family nudism) that they grow up with less qualms about their image, and know physically who they are. However I am strongly opposed to not giving the choice, and forcing someone. I firmly believe that "no" means "now" not in 5 minutes, not in 20.

        Do I think your a bad person? No not really. No more than a nudist is. Your desire is no different than a father wanting his daughter. it sounds foreign in today's society but just do a porn search of "daddy and daughter" and find out how many thousands of videos show up. We all have some type of fetish. We all do something generally considered illegal. Some people do drugs. Some people like thinking about kids. Some people hurt animals. Some people resort to crime.(larsony, arson, murder) The meth head is truly more likely to harm a child than someone who genuinely is in love with the child.

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        • duckman985

          Thanks for being reasonable about it (and not just because you seem to be relatively close to my position on the subject. The fact that you aren't one of these raving lunatics that is afraid of what today's yellow journalism has shown them)

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          • Gelmurag

            The only gut-jerk reactions I have are based on my hypochondria. "Oh god that chest pain is a heart attack, not gas!" Those types of things.

            In terms of making decisions and judgements and yadda yadda, I always, ALWAYS try to listen to all sides, and then come at them from a cultural/religious/moral/societal/historical aspect. As long as your heart is behind your thoughts, I don't see an issue with it.

            But the second it goes from wanting to spend years loving the person, to "just getting my rocks off" well I have an issue with that one.

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  • Huehuehue

    I don't see anything wrong about fantasizing.
    I'm underage and dream of older men, don't see anything wrong with the other way around.

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  • Jan_Zondernaam

    You're selfish. You only care about your sick pleasure and not about children at all. If you did, you would realise you shouldn't try to justify your urges.

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    • duckman985

      Really now? I guess you didn't read that much, did you?

      First off, I've yet to have sex with a kid. Of course I want to, and of course I think there is nothing wrong with it, but so far I remain a virgin in that department.

      Secondly, why do my urges need justification? They are just urges. You don't get to live in the fantasy world where we don't exist, sorry to break it to you, buddy.

      Thirdly, I don't want to hurt children. I'm against it, much more than you can imagine. I'm not even ok with spanking. Honestly, if I got with a child they'd enjoy it, I'd make sure of that. I like to please the adult women I've been with, and if I were to get with a kid I'd do the same. You're probably imagining me holding them down and fucking them while they beg and plead with me to stop. I'm nothing like that. I would want a loving relationship with the child, like a father-daughter type thing, where the sexual stuff is just pretty much a hobby. To me it's not just about getting off, although that does sound fun, it's about the relationship. I actually do care about children on an emotional level too.

      What you imagine is what we in the pedophile community refer to as misopedos. They are like our 1% that don't really care about the children. They just use them and don't care if they are hurt. They are the type you hear about that torture children and rape them. Among our community they are despised, in part for what they do, but also because they make the rest of us look bad.

      I'm not out on the prowl for it, and honestly I think that those guys that hit up kids in chat rooms are rather creepy, considering what they want to do likely involves kidnapping them.

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  • Jan_Zondernaam

    Please castrate (or kill) yourself before you engage in something as low and without ANY honor whatsoever as child-fucking. Seriously.

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    • duckman985

      Please fuck yourself up the ass with a red hot poker. I'll never do either, and you know what, just on the off chance that someone ever tries to force either on me, they'd better be prepared for a fight, because I will kill anyone that tries to hurt me without any remorse or hesitation.

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      • Jan_Zondernaam

        You know, I can't help feeling SO superior to you (which virtually anyone here is also). You are lower than an atomic particle of a turd shat out by a rat. I wish you all the misery in life you can get, and always remember that you suck as a person. Children are SACRED!

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        • duckman985

          I wish you'd go die in a fire while I get blown by a hot schoolgirl, but that probably won't happen.

          Lower than the smallest atomic particle of a turd shat out by a rat, eh? Is that really the best you can come up with, seriously? You do realize there is no "smallest", it just keeps going smaller for infinity. Well, sir, I guess you're just stupid. How unfortunate for you. You do realize that you could be just like me and not even know it, right? I didn't realize it for a long time. It was when I was around 12 that I realized it due to getting offered head by a little girl (I didn't accept, I was too scared). For all you know you have the same predisposition I have and just haven't had it triggered yet.

          But you know what, I am better than you, a lot better than you. At least my only "problem" is something I was born with and can't control, and it's also something that isn't really all that horrible. At least I'm not stupid, hateful, and ignorant like you. I'd honestly rather have every sexual perversion known to mankind than to be you.

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  • Austalien

    Well I think a little girl 5yr to 10yr isn't developed yet so a adult cock entering her would be classed as a sadist act ofcourse she will be crying out in pain and bleeding >.<

    Your born with a brain wired that way and can't help it I get it, And they won't legalise child porn for your fetish so if you do act on it and are caught and go to prison the pychopaths with no conscience will castrate you and you'll be found with your dick in your mouth, That's what happens who would have though pychos had morals and scruples.

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    • duckman985

      Actually, sir, I am specifically against penetration. Why? Read my post again (or maybe it's in one of my responses to other people. . . .), I specifically mention that acts that cause physical pain of any sort to a child are immoral, even with their consent. I'm not pro-child injury or child-rape (at least, violent rape anyway. I don't believe in statutory rape laws)

      As for legalizing child porn: They'll have no choice eventually. It's like the drug war, but worse. With computers these days you can make endless copies of just about any content and send it to just about anyone in the world. I'm sure some people who watch child porn (I don't, simply because I am risk-averse and would prefer not to end up in prison.) are computer geniuses and know how to encrypt these things to the point where the police and the FBI aren't able to break in. It's simply impossible for the government to stop child porn possession, because there will always be a market for it. For every one person they catch there are probably hundreds or thousands of others fapping away. It's a world wide thing. Besides, on a fundamental level, such laws are wrong. They violate the spirit of free speech. It makes the assumption that the government has the right to censor things it doesn't like. If you won't accept censorship of movies, books, magazines, then you cannot logically accept the government telling people they aren't allowed to watch some other type of content just because you personally find it obscene.

      Besides, Child Porn possession laws (I don't advocate allowing production of it, simply because I think it violates the child's right to privacy, however, if a child were to make a tape when they were five or six and then, of their own free will, at the age of eighteen give permission for it's release, I'd have no problem with it)also seem to reverse cause and effect. Children aren't raped (even in ways I don't consider rape)because some motherfucker hundreds or thousands of miles away and at least hours or days after it's happened is fappping to images or videos of them having sex; they're getting raped because there are rapists out there. Not to mention, by making it illegal to possess the stuff you only push it underground, and so the children in the porn that are being really hurt might never be rescued. If you made it legal, you could find it with a google search, and so you could easily locate those children that are being abused by matching their faces to school records, or even by posting their face in a type of "Amber Alert" system so that those who know the child personally (family members, teachers, local townspeople) can report it to local law enforcement, making it easier to catch those who are producing the stuff.

      Remember, free speech protections don't matter when the speech is popular, well liked, or acceptable to mainstream society. Protections of one's right to freedom of speech are most important when the message is unpopular, obscene, or not accepted by society. This applies to child porn possession for the same reason that we don't say to people about porn "They can make it, but if you have it or watch it, you're going to jail".

      Not to mention the hypocrisy inherent in the system. So it's illegal for a citizen to view or possess child porn, but a law enforcement agency can possess it and, in order to know what it is, they must watch it. At trials for the stuff the entire courtroom is forced to watch the stuff, because it's evidence. If it's wrong for the pedophile to watch it then it should, logically, be wrong for the police, the jury, the judge, and the witnesses to watch it, or are they somehow magically above the law?

      Also, if I went to prison, I may not be as strong as some of the men who bench press daily, but I could certainly kick some ass if need be. Besides, I'd just lie about what my crime was anyway. Sex offenders that go in there and tell people what they did are morons.

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      • Austalien

        I see are you a rich traveller :P I am all for freedom and I get what your saying but I had to play devil's advocate of how the systems is set up.

        I know a lot of pedofiles would love a government job hold on I need research those tape again ;P

        The whole system is corrupt like the world sheeple all ways need something to hate so thus pedos

        And I wouldn't want to bring a kid into this sick depraved world, So people with children would go into over protective mode I seen it and it triggers my psychotic tendencies looking at you like you just did something bad just saying hello champ or whatever, I feel like mutalating that ugly yuppy cunts face, All I saying is you's are making it awkward out there.

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  • cookiesaregreat

    This is wrong on so many levels.

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    • duckman985

      What's wrong with it and on which levels is it wrong?

      I think it's right.

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  • Please just screw off. Okay?

    I'm inclined to say that bastards like you should be barred from this site. Personally, I'm just sick of hearing about this trash (and I'm definitely not the only one). Why are you even bothering with this? Do you really care what we think? Do you really think we care about YOU or your feelings?

    Ugh. Really, go away.

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    • duckman985

      No, how about you? I'm tired of being brushed off for who I am as a person. I'm tired of society not just hating on people like me, not just talking about killing us all, not just talking about having our testicles ripped off or chemically castrating us by force, not just forcing sterilization on us, and not just highlighting assholes like John Couey or these slimeball priests, but then, when we start to get angry about it and protest, people like you come in and either tell us to shut up, to quit whining, that we're sick and should go to an institution, or, in more extreme cases, harass us, try to get us jailed just for our thoughts, or threaten us with violence.

      I'm particularly angry about it because I do my best to be a good person. I help the homeless, I've volunteered at a homeless shelter that takes in homeless mothers and their children (And don't you dare even try to accuse me of molesting them, I was there in public), and I actually do care about children. If I didn't, would I even be talking about not hurting them? I love kids in a platonic manner as well, and I am tired of being labeled a psychopath or a monster for an innate sexual attraction that I can't control. Sure, my opinion may be disgusting to most, but at least I have the balls to have it.

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      • one public...those 2 words in your answer made me think about the private times when no one is watching. i dont think people want to hate on anybody but heaven help a pedo who harms their child (sex is harm not love to a child)

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        • duckman985

          And why shouldn't I say in public? Knowing I'm a pedophile, if I didn't say that or I said "I was alone with them" someone would probably accuse me of molesting them. See this is what I'm complaining about mostly: The assumption that just because I think this way means I will or have molested a child.

          And yes, heaven help anyone, not just a pedo, who harms a child.

          But I do disagree with your last statement on it being harm.

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          • i thought you would , maybe the first introduction to sex for a child might be an adult who puts his sexual organ above all else, he sees no harm in it after all

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            • duckman985

              I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here.

              I don't see it as ALWAYS harmful, not "never harmful". I think if a pedophile followed the ethical framework I posted on here for the activity they would be very unlikely to actually bring harm to the child. That's my opinion.

              Another thing, I wouldn't go after just any child. I'd have to know them first for a long time (and not just to "Groom" them as the media calls it, but because I think it's important for the relationship to be healthy. I know girls tend to become really attached to the first person they have sex with, and that first break-up hurts them. So, if it's someone they will always have a relationship of some sort with, that emotional scar doesn't have to happen.) I forgot to say it above, but one of the other important things that I think is needed is a preexisting platonic relationship. If it's just sex for the sake of sex with a kid I think it has a higher risk of harm. A parent or a family member, or a friend of the family who the kid spends a lot of time around could probably do it without harming the kid. Besides, if it's someone who loves the child anyway, they're more likely to be caring and loving in their way of doing it.

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      • ....Meh. Well said, I suppose. Still, I refuse to back down. Society's extreme aversion to pedos exists for a good reason.

        Btw, were you registered on this site before with a very similar username?

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        • duckman985

          Yep. Duckman984. I just forgot the password, and I'd have them email it to me, but I also lost the password to that account too (since I only used it once in a blue moon)

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  • Aleks85

    It's ok Pedophiles are people too. Just don't rape any kids and you're fine with me.

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    • duckman985

      Good. Glad to hear that.

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      • Aleks85

        So just out of curiosity do you prefer girls or boys or both?

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        • duckman985

          Girls, but I'm not entirely opposed to boys. I admit I have some bicuriousness, but it's not the same type of attraction as I have to females.

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    I'm not into children to have sex with but I would not turn down the opportunity of taking the child somewhere private and physically abuse her. Yes a fat little girl about 4 or 5 year-old under 4 feet 5 inches so no one would notice her much. I'd have a very bulky jacket on so I may be able to put her in my jacket and zip HER in with me. Don't care to much if she is comfortable put some duct tape on her mouth so she cannot scream and draw attention to me. Incealone with her i'd put HER over my knee and smack HER ass with a paddle. I'd backhand her a few times in the mouth and her head would be banged. I'd then lay HER face down on the bed laying on top of that fat ass and body and mark her ass with my belt buckle. She'd be pushed HARD for as long as i wanted to push on HER. Yes i fantasize about HURTING a fat little bitch.

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  • FeelsXDMan

    As a pedophile, I have a little bit different opinion than you. Pedophilia applies to 0-13 years old children - the letter number varies due to gender of the child (boys have the higher range as they enter pubery later) and because sometimes we just consider any child below 13 to be prepubescent. As someone who's aware of children psychics, I can tell you that decision-making is very poor and heavily emotionally based till age of 17-20, even around that some people aren't cappable of it. While the child can be sexually aroused and can enjoy the feeling, it can be manipulated by many things - eve your behaviour and showing your love to the child makes them more convinced and they'll enjoy it more regardless of how it actually feels. Psychology of children is very complicated and it's not good to play with it. Prepubescent children are most likely getting life-time issues if they experience something unpleasant - you can simply prove that on your memory. What did feel worse, when a teacher shouted at you at a primary school or at a high school? You most likely remember even details for primary, but can't even remember if it ever happened on high school. That's because children are more vulnerable to shock. Usually, parents don't tell a lot to their children when it comes to sex, at least not when they're like 10. Children barely know the risks, they only know how they feel, which is a very minor information. They need to know how it can end up, what diseases they might get, that they might get pregnant, in case of recording that they might end up available on the internet. There's really low amount of information that children are given and they don't have the ability to consider any dangers and results.

    Coming from this, I disagree with sexual relationship between an adult and a child. I however agree with actions that do not harm anyone for example thoughts or masturbation. I also partially agree with porn. Respsectively, the harm caused by the producion is irreversible, you can harm the child only by humiliating by showing their friends or sth. However, there are many people who were raped for CP production who as adults agreed their porn should be available beecause it can't cause a further harm to the child. In such a situation where the child gets older and sane, they should be able to decide how to treat the porn produced with them. Fact that many of CP watchers actually molested a child comes from CP being illegal. - If one is able to break a law that can put you to the jail, why would other law be a problem if the result is the same? We have no real stats on this and porn doesn't seem to be related to the amount of rapes, it's more like it's tracked better now and we reveal more than we did before any porn existed.

    Last point is for everyone who thinks all pedophiles should die. I am a person who loves children to the death. I would always protect one for the sake of their health or happiness. Any charity I participated in was some help to children and I spent hell a big portion of my money here. I can also claim that I know much more about parenting than most of parents I've known and I am asked frequently. Yet everything I know, do or feel is pointless because of society's ignorance of 'what we're born like' because of which people like me cannot have children, despite bringing up at least a single one might be my biggest wish.

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    • Eri03smith

      I'd love, love to talk with you! Please email me or kik me! Kik is eri03smith03

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  • Atussa

    As long as you don't act on these thoughts, you're not a bad person. For your own sake and for the sake of others, it would be best to talk to someone professional so you can get to the root of why you feel this and you can move on with your life and be happy.

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  • familyguy63

    I can understand why you would want a preteen maybe ! But 5yr old ?

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  • Michael, is that you????

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    • duckman985


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